Interracial photography

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by KnCA, Nov 2, 2007.

  1. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    Do you all think there is a need for interracial photography out there? As in that people would be interested in such art work?

    My thought is not about porn or overt erotica but more simple, artistic, *tame* photos.

    Maybe a black man's hand on a white woman's foot (with pretty polished toe nails). His hand on her stomach or her leg. Maybe her hand on his arm, shoulder, chest. Things like this.

    I notice how often women mention men's hands or their arms, shoulders, chest, abs.

    Men mention all sorts of parts too, other than the obvious.
  2. JasieS

    JasieS New Member

    I know you are prob mad at me but I'm going to answer you anyway :D

    I think that kind of artwork would be definitely appreciated and liked. I searched for IR art online for a long time trying to find something of the sort and didn't have much luck. I posted a question asking if anyone knew anything about such art and not too many people did. I've also had ideas about the mother and child artwork. I would love to see a white woman with an IR child. I would buy it, for sure.
  3. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    Not mad. Believe it or not...I didn't have any emotion going on about any of it.

    I forgot to put in the original of the things I'd like to ask is what people would really like to see. I'd love some ideas!

    And yes absolutely parents with children and even children together that are white and black. I know I have a tough time finding things even like greeting cards. It can be very tough to find things with black children let alone multiracial families. I'm also wanting to do children's books.

    It's funny actually I saw a photo at some event I was at a couple of years back. It was a black and white photo of a white mans chest and arms with a black new born baby sleeping in his arms. Ever since then I've thought about different photos (I tend to think more in terms of black men and white women with babies/children/etc). A black child or biracial child nursing at it's white mother's breast, etc. I've had people ask to use some photos of me and my daughter even. But I would prefer to do more non-identifying type of things. So it's more that it could be any of us - you know?

    Well I'm going to get my new camera this weekend. So any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
  4. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    I'd like to see more but there probably isn't a big market for it so it's not published as much as other photography.

    The kind I like most would be something that does show the sexual tension between a WW/BM but is not pornographic. Basically showing a naked couple together without full frontals but just a peek here and there.

    Or showing a handsome black men with his IR kid... there is this commercial out there which I love I think it's for a fabric softener. Handsome guy sleeps on the sofa and his son lays on top of him, so cute.
  5. natedogg2772

    natedogg2772 New Member

    Yeah, BM/WW artwork and photos are sorely needed. I'd like some of all the above. First start off with something tame, not sexual between a bm and a ww. Then progress to instense sexual images (not porn), then show the couple together with the ww being pregnant, than a variety of photos with the man and woman posing with their biracial child individually and as a family. That would be great.
  6. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    KnCA, this is a great topic for a thread and I'm glad you started it. I would absolutely love to see interracial photography based on the scenes you depicted.

    I had a couple of calendars from '99-'00 that show black and white photograhy of black people in very romantic and provocative scenes, it was very, very beautiful. It caught my attention because you rarely see black people portrayed in such a positive and loving light in the media. It was called Shades of Color. I've never seen it again. I would love to see black men and white women in the same spirit of Shades of Color.

    A close friend of mine is an incredible amateur photographer. Myself and other friends have done beautiful photo shoots for her. I would have loved to do a shoot with a ww, but she's relocated to Milwaukee now.

    I LOVE the idea.
  7. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    This may be off topic, and not wanted...but just throwing the idea out there.

    Could we not make our own calendar? We are all, of course, in some of the best positions to cross that barrier, and have subjects. If the calendar is really just for us - it wouldn't be hard to make. Photos can be shot so that they are anonymous...Just an idea???
    I mean, it's getting around that time of year. We could just have a download available on the site for a 13 page PDF - front cover and 12 months. That way, we could download it and share it all together?

    Don't know - just thinking.
    Besides, some people on here do have some great IR photos. We would probably have a collection of 12 between everyone? It wouldn't be hard to do...
  8. SharenoH8

    SharenoH8 Active Member

    Honorable idea but very hard to execute with regard to artwork, licensing, privacy etc etc

    I see an increase in the use of professional bm modesl with ww, eg with Tony Praver's bathing suites. Great photography. It makes the girl and the product even more enticing. Love this contrast.
    More here
  9. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    Yeah, i was thinking about that...but if it's just on here for anyone to download for free...? I don't know. I have downloaded calendars before with photos of people which probably have copywrite, but obviously don't.

    And I would imagine that, if you have a photo to submit, you just post it on a thread we could start. Then someone volunteers to put it together and make it available as a download somewhere. Anyway.

    It was just an idea! ;)
  10. ladeda

    ladeda New Member


    you are going to hate me for this but....

    when you say IR photography do you mean hetero photgraphy?

    because i mean
    there is robert maplethorpe(DO NOT LOOK it up if you arent used to it)
    in fact the guy made a whole show about his relationship
    to a black guy.
    that does count as IR
    but the perception is.....
    hetero right?

    and when you art, what do you mean?
    "pretty" pictures right?
  11. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    What a great idea!!! It doesnt even have to be a calendar. I would just love to see I/R pics wih men, women, and families. I dont know squat about photography but black and white pics seem to work best for I/R pics. So if anyone out there has knows anything about taking professional-grade pics, maybe they can start something up!

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