I would love to hear your thoughts on this one people. Btw I think they appropriately used a WM/AW couple since thats the biggest group of interracial couples I just don't see why they aren't as taboo. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100526/ap_on_go_ca_st_pe/us_interracial_marriage
I made a thread talking about the same article. I did not take the time to see you had made a thread also. I believe we about made them at the sametime.
Interesting article. It stated that the mixed race population will be a majority by the middle of this century. What a difference in cultural paradigm that will be. Imagine the social and cultural dynamics such a society will bring to the world.
Yeah really. then we will have some other type of race relations problem popping off. LOL. You know "you really light-skinned black people make me sick. " You latino-white people make me sick. oh how about this...."you latino-asian people make me sick...yall always whining about not having any burrito-sushi at Mcdonalds and want to march in protest !!!!" LOL. In all seriousness Im looking forward to the day that mixed races of all types will be the majority ...like mixed race is 80% of america and 75% of the world.
I guess the old assumption that only white people can be racists will go out the window finally. Don't bet on it. Too much money in the race pimp industry.
yahate or CNN? CNN dropped this one yesterday... Interracial marriages at an all-time high, study says http://www.cnn.com/2010/LIVING/06/04/pew.interracial.marriage/index.html