Interracial marriage statistics between BM & WW????????

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by malikom, Jan 15, 2008.

  1. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Anybody know of an article,site,etc that has recent interracial marriage statistics?All i can find are statistics from the 90's,although i dont think that much has changed since then.I understand that most ww & bm in IR relationships are not married.
  2. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Here's a copy of some stuff I wrote in another post. It's about UK though, but I'm sure US have some sort of national statistic agency where you can find similar statistics:

    Most people in a relationship (regardless on whether is IR or not) are not married. Nothing disturbing about that. (Just think for yourself: How many women have you had a relationship with. And how many of them have you been married to?) The reason they make statistics about married couples only, is because they're registered, and hence easier to count.
  3. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Yeah im looking for some recent american statistics.All ic an find is stuff from the 90's.
  4. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    As I said, if US has a national statistics agency- and they probably have- you'll find it there. Don't starts searching for "IR statistics", but find the agency first...
  5. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    All US Census info is available online -

    Specific data is in PDF format.

    All kinds of interesting data....
  6. phillysoffercal

    phillysoffercal New Member

    If the majority of people were black the statistics would be different. There are simpley more white partners to choose from. Doesn't really prove the overall preferences of black people.
  7. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    It does say something about how socially accepted it is though.

    There's a reason why 50% of British born blacks marry ww, while this is not true for American born blacks.... white people are the majority in both countries. Even more in UK than US, so according to your logic, more bm would marry ww in the US...
  8. dossou

    dossou Member

    HeyRonja it's been a longtime I don't here from you anymore :) ?
  9. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Britain has had a black population for a long time but the vast majority of blacks living there now are 1st, 2nd and maybe 3rd generation at most. Most American blacks are at least 7th or 8th generation....and often more like 9th or 10th generation Americans....that would make one think that U.S. blacks would be "assimilated" more and that we would marry more frequently with whites...but it hasn't really happened yet.

    Considering that only fifty years ago...(during the lifetime of most of our parents) black men in the U.S. could be murdered if there was the slightest suspicion that he even THOUGHT about a WW the wrong is understandable...that some apprehension will always be there....maybe in a very small way....but it will exist below the surface.
  10. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

  11. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Yeah,america is pretty messed up socially.Dudes are better off going to europe and getting a european chick than a american white girl for numerous of reasons
  12. Darryl1954

    Darryl1954 New Member

    After viewing the pictures at both of the websites above, I have to ask the obvious question; "What does that have to do with the Men and Women at this site, who are obviously wanting to connect with each other"? We clearly are NOT living "100 years ago". Were the pictures posted for shock value? :twisted:
  13. natedogg2772

    natedogg2772 New Member

  14. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    To that I have to say..... :roll:

    No....they were posted to make a point about why perhaps blacks in the U.S. are more apprehensive about dating opposed to the UK or in other uncle was around Emmett Till's age when Till was we aren't THAT far can't run away from your past to get to the must confront your past first.

    Connect to that.. 8)
  15. Darryl1954

    Darryl1954 New Member


    If one is afraid of the women at this site, why keep returning? If one is afraid of getting "lynched", again why keep returning to this site. Are the ladies here lynching anyone? We clearly aren't living in the UK, but even if we were, if one is afraid of the women here, why keep returning? For those individuals who feel "apprehensive", about relating to the Ladies at this site...there are other sites for you to frequent, why keep making "whiney" posts about people who make YOU feel apprehension? :lol: Just go to a different site where you don't feel threatened, and leave those of us who enjoy the company of those visiting here, the ability to continue enjoying each others company.

    As for running away from one's past, I didn't get lynched, and neither did you, or anyone else posting here. I respectfully submit, that the comments above sound like the "bitchy-whining", some of the Ladies here have complained about. It seems reasonable to think that people who are in fact trying to CONNECT with each other, DON'T whine and find fault with the very people they claim to be interested in. To anyone posting here, who is afraid of meeting the fate of Emmett Till, as a result of posting here, there is a very workable solution...leave. Exiting does not make you a coward. It just shows a perceived need on your part toward self preservation. However continuing to return, only to make complaints, & whiney posts, serves to perpetuate the already negative, immature, spineless, less than masculine, image (some) Black males seem doggedly determined to perpetuate! And, the reality is, THEY may infact be like that. The Men here I suspect, CHOOSE to be here with the Women, want to CONNECT with the Women, and therefore do return for that purpose.

    CONFRONTING THE PAST...In the past, whiney complaints have been made about people who neither visit, nor care about WHITEWOMENBLACKMEN.COM. For those who don't enjoy this site, please feel free not to muck it up for those of us who DO!

    Is that CONNECTION enough? :wink: 8)
  16. snowbunni87

    snowbunni87 New Member

    ... Preach it.

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