Interracial dating in Chicago

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by Torque, Jul 28, 2010.

  1. Cannondale

    Cannondale Active Member

    Igrew up I'm chi. Lived on the south side. The only white people I interacted with were my school teachers, the police, and firemen. No white neighbors. Matter of fact, the 1st time I interacted with white people on a personal level was when I went away to college...

    Chi was VERY racist and VERY segregated. Not to mention violent. (Still is actually.) There were some neighborhood we couldn't go to (Bridgeport) and even now there are some areas where you'll only see 1 group of people...

    *I think it's better now, but a person would have to work a little harder to date interracially.

    Hyde Park seemed to have a nice mix of folks though. *
  2. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    I swear I've heard your story almost verbatim a number of times from friends, acquaintances & strangers.
  3. AnMDBCartoon

    AnMDBCartoon New Member

    This one, I an NOT surprised about.

    Not at ALL! The only thing's ONLY #3? And not #1?

    But it's CLOSE!

    'Nuff Said!!!!

  4. Anten7

    Anten7 New Member

    I love the Red Head Martini Lounge (Piano Bar) in Chicago
  5. AnMDBCartoon

    AnMDBCartoon New Member

  6. Anten7

    Anten7 New Member

    It's dishy - but any amount of pretentiousness is soon washed away after an entire bottle of Vodka. I've seen some folks let it all hang out...
  7. AnMDBCartoon

    AnMDBCartoon New Member

    So true, true...

  8. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Wow, that's sick.

    Glad to hear you're in a place more suitable to your interests.
  9. Anten7

    Anten7 New Member

    I know some parts of Federal Avenue can get interesting.
  10. AnMDBCartoon

    AnMDBCartoon New Member

    Yeah, you might even be tuning in to (At 13:00 & 22:00 EST 18:00daily)...

    I *still* tune in (At 18:00 & 03:00 [this one's taped on VCR by us] GMT) to see what goes on back home.....thanx to OUR installing a satellite dish some time back.

    We even get (on a slightly weaker basis) some stuff from Eastern Europe, as well..)..

  11. Frederick

    Frederick Well-Known Member

    Touching on this again. If you don't want to move or travel to me a woman, maybe you should just go after a different type of WW. You mentioned big breasted women. I've noticed busty women of all races generally tend to go for white guys and not brothers. You'd probably have much better luck going after a stereotypical "thick" girl with a big ass than one with some big ole titties. May not be what you prefer, but it is what it is.

    Just a thought.
  12. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Funny, the number of 'busty' women on WWBM seem to contradict your statement.
  13. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    uuhhh oohhh checking aint cha espy ?
  14. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Nah, just pointing out the obvious. Anyone who has been to the body pics thread ought to know this already. We actually have a lot of really 'busty' women on WWBM, and rather obviously they are into BM.
  15. Frederick

    Frederick Well-Known Member

    1. I'm talking about what I see in REAL LIFE not this message board.

    2. I'm not talking fat/bbw type women who have big breasts by virtue of the fact that their entire bodies are huge. Of course, there's no shortage of women like that going after brothers.

    You never see big breasted trimmer figure women going for black men. It just doesn't happen very often because those are the types that the white boys go crazy for. Brothers usually can't compete for those types unless they got serious cash. I stick by my advice to the guy that started this thread. He's going to have much better luck with the girls with big asses than the type of chick that he came in talking about.
  16. chicity

    chicity New Member

    Maybe it's just that you're fat. Maybe that pretty, thin waisted, big breasted chick just doesn't want to date you. Maybe you just have to accept the fact that they may have a preference for non fat dudes.

    Ordinary Black Men date large breasted, trim Women, all the damned time. I can look out of my window, literally this very minute, and see a Black Man who is, again at this very minute, getting a number from a thin Black Woman with Double D cups.

    Being a Black Man does not make you less likely to be able to get Big Breasted Women. But possibly being you does.

    Black Men who are serious about relationships just go and get themselves some confidence. So my advice to you is to go watch a couple episodes of the ThePlayerSupremeshow on YouTube, and don't disrespect him. Because he has a habit of calling out weirdos, and you are definitely on the weirdo fucking track. He'll tell you straight up: Weirdos have a problem getting Women of any type. Deal with whatever issues you are having and stop dragging all of Black Manhood down.
  17. chicity

    chicity New Member

    You know what? Fuck that. Frederick's a White guy.

    There is not a Black Man in the entire universe as insecure as that.

    He's just some asshole who hates Black Men, and the White Women they date. He's hung up on the fat thing because he's trying to feel better about White Women dating Black Men, so it comforts him to imagine they are all unattractive.

    Look at his history of posts. His entire time here, he's done nothing but hate.

    Go back to your sheet, little white boy. Maybe it'll let you cuddle, because no Woman ever will.

    Now you can see, Black Men: why you get so much action from White Women. Because who the fuck in her right mind would want that?

  18. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Co sign the crap out of your post:)
    ... I see the same here in LA - I was down at LA live the other day and dayum - BM w trim big boobied women all over the place.
    I dont know why some people need to sell BM, as a r, so short based on their own limited experience, when clearly, both bm and ww on here has already proven that wrong.
    Or maybe none of us exists in real life......
  19. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    You love LA, don't you? [​IMG]
  20. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    hells to the yess...
    Dont you?

    Oh, waith love LA or LA???
    Same answr.

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