Interracial couples EVERYWHERE!!

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by BlackMasterJay, May 4, 2008.

  1. ladeda

    ladeda New Member

    The thread isnt sickening, its YOU that I find sickening. Try shutting the fuck up for a second before you keep spouting off your reactionary opinion. You arent looking at the bigger picture and it shows.
  2. maiseycat

    maiseycat New Member

    Amen to that. What I can't stand is black people who don't think they can be racist just because they're a minority. They go around calling white people rednecks and putting down Latinos (which get this straight: "Mexican" is not synonomous with "Latin American" There are more countries down there besides Mexico in which immigrants are coming from. Black racists will put down everyone under the sun, but if someone calls them the n-word, they have convulsions. I think it's funny though - it doesn't affect me because when people of that nature put others down. It really just clues me in to the fact that they have personal problems and insecurities. Then, I just feel sorry for them and if I'm feeling gracious, attempt to educate.

    It's bad when a so-called redneck has to give the oh-so-wise Californian lessons on basic geography and human geography. Let us review: :arrow: Ohio is a midwestern state. :arrow: "Latin American" is not synonomous with "Mexican." It's funny in a way, people freaking out over "Mexicans taking over Los Angelos." :lol: Have they not gotten the memo in CA: L.A. is notoriously nastee and slummy. There is nothing there to take over but gang neighborhoods and crack houses. You don't have to have even been there to know that.

    This is what all of us rednecks want, ya know - ya'll Mexicans and blacks taking each other out. If you didn't catch on, I was attempting to make a funny. That seems to be how it works around here...
  3. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    Too bad!

    Either get used to it, or leave! Simple as that. Unless you're a mod, and have the ability to ban me, then STFU!

    Sorry spoiled brat, but I ain't yo mama, and you can't get your way, not here that is. :lol:

    I'm not here to please you, or anyone else, so the more you want me to shut up, the more I'll wanna talk. That's why it's called a F-O-R-U-M! :roll:
  4. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    You have shown me the error of my ways, and in turn, I was man enough to acknowledge that, and apologize to you. If that has fallen upon deaf ears, then I guess there really is not much more I could do about that. But then it is no longer on me, but you that may need to search inwardly, and learn how to forgive others for their mistakes, and imperfections.

  5. maiseycat

    maiseycat New Member

    I accept your apology. I just hope you will learn from all this - discrimination based on race or color can target anyone, even white people. All it does it contribute to more bitterness and division. I can understand your frustration with your living situation. I hope it improves, or you find a way to deal with it.
  6. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    Thanks for accepting my apologies.

    And yes, I know that one is never too old, or too wise to learn something new. For what it's worth, I have always enjoyed reading your posts. IMO, you have been a real asset to this forum. So please know, my heart dropped when I realized you were offended, because that really was the last thing I meant to do.

    Even though we may not always agree on every issue, it does not mean I intend to upset you. One thing I guess having sisters has taught me, and that is, to always pick my battles wisely, and know when to avoid them altogether. This is one of those times, so I'm sure to thank them later. :)

    Ok Princess! :)

    - Rene
  7. Summit

    Summit New Member

    Rinnaye, go off to racist site and change within your "arguments" ,mexican for black, then marvel at the similarities.

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