Interracial couples EVERYWHERE!!

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by BlackMasterJay, May 4, 2008.

  1. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    I understand, but why judge me for excersizing my right to free speech. this is a forum, designed exactly for that.
    Well get ready to see your own race tie up the boxing gloves dearest, because you all are going to be new minority, and I can't see this fact going over so well with many of you whites.
    Try to tell them that! They think they are better than us, and often will become offended if this fact is mentioned.

    Finally, we agree on something! A common accord shall not be rendered impossible afterall. :)

    No buts! Until you've been, you really do not have any idea from where I have drawn my conclusions.
    We're straying apart once again.. :cry: and I'm beginning to pull my hair out again. I can care less who took what from who, way back in the day, long before any of us were around, but I was born here, I am a citizen, that makes me a legal U.S. citizen. They don't call border jumpers "ILLEGAL ALIENS" for nothing. What right do they have, yeah, to clog our schools, and emergency rooms, not to mention for all the lettuce, and grapes they may pick for cheap wages, the fact is, they cost us more in taxes in order to pay for their children, health care, and any, and all other social programs. Basically, they drain the system, more than contribute to it. How many hospitals have had to close, because it couldn't handle the influx of "ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT" emergency patients.
    Well, you don't give your people enough credit. They only want it back, now because it is no longer a turd world. You can thank western civilazation for that accomplishment.

    Could have fooled the hell outta me dear.

    It a pleasure chatting with you.

  2. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Wow! :shock:

    ...kinda sounds like the stuff racist white people said about blacks.
  3. drow

    drow New Member

  4. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    Sure have heard of MS-13, Mara Salvatrucha. A very brutal gang indeed. There was a recent documentary shown about that particular organization. This very lethal sect is tied to the Mexican mafia, they randomly kill Blacks, and in certain parts of L.A. any Black that happens to accidentally stray into their "turf" will be met with any kind of violence, up to, and including death. Just last year, a 12 year old Black girl was brutally raped, beaten, and murdered by this group, meanwhile, a very promising teen Black star football athlete was shot dead, while minding his own business, waiting for a bus to go to school. What used to be Black areas, are now Brown, and these thugs are pushing us out by force, with violence that is similar to pre Civil Rights racism. We just got the White man off our asses, now this?
  5. malikom

    malikom Banned

    I dont really like latinos either(well,mexicans and certain south americans in particular) .Ive lived out in L.A too,their culture is very irritating.
    Now i know why the mayor of new orleans said what he said about keeping new orleans a "chocolate" city and refusing mexican immigrants to go there and start rebuilding.Pretty soon after they start rebuilding,they will eventually see how nice some of it is and move there.

    Pretty soon ull start seeing taco trucks all throughout the streets in the French quarter,and that horrible,annoying mexican music drowning out the rich Jazz and Blues music.

    ahhhh what a nightmare

    Blacks in L.A need to get their heads out of their asses and realize that they are being taken over.Historical black neighborhoods are being taken over and more and more gangs are starting to green light Blacks.Wont be surprised if a race war erupts in L.A.Instead of unting to take out the bigger problem whom is a threat to all blacks in l.a (chicano gangmembers) the crips and bloods have their heads too far up their asses to realize that unless they unite,they are going to be taken out.There is simply way too many mexicans.

    I remember the last time i went to Leimert Park, park in L.A(historical black neighborhood.Its one of the only low crime areas in L.A where the majority of people live are Black due to them being middle class;but anyway,i remember it being a vibrant neighborhood with jazz music playing and guys playing congos.Dudes were playing old school r&b.Soul food restaurants were everywhere,it was just wonderful.Last time i went there,however,i saw many mexicans there with their horrible music playing and taco trucks crowding the streets.
    Its still primarily african american,but nonetheless it seems as if they are taking over.
  6. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    Brother, I don't drink, but if we ever get to meet, I'm buying you a beer! :D

    I don't disagree with you on any of it, but only add that once upon a time it felt good to be able to hang out on "The Shaw", and only see people who looked like you, damn, did I feel at home, but now I'm heart broken, because it just ain't the same. You got whole areas east of the 110 that you see nothing but mexicans as far as the eyes can see, and pity a brotha for even being in those hoods, but here it is, we can't even have Crenshaw anymore. These mestizos are taking the last bastian of black history right from under us. :evil:

    My folks still have property in Ladera Heights, a very upscale West L.A. black neighborhood, also "The Wood", the Latinos are moving more west, and I can't take seeing it anymore. Maybe I'll come back to N.O. too.
  7. maiseycat

    maiseycat New Member

    I could hang in L.A. I actually would love to go to New Mexico. It's supposed to be really pretty (and largely Latino), and I've never been west of Chicago before.

    I think you're confusing socioeconomic status with race a lil bit. I live a couple hours north of West Virginia. It is 95% white in the northern areas, like some Children of the Corn crap white. I have dark hair, dark eyes, petite, and get very tan in the summer. Appalachia has a large amount of Scots Irish people - red hair, freckles galore. I felt more comfortable at my old hood in Columbus than I ever would down there. At least with a tan I could blend in - I often got mistaken for Latina (there is a thread in the ladies room discussing this). On the same token, I don't think I'd like to be obviously white living in a Latino/black neighborhood. My apt. complex did have maybe a 1/3 white people, but up the street where I did my shopping, it was predominately black with a growing number of Latinos. I remember seeing a blonde white woman in Kroger, and I was like :shock: :shock: :shock: Other people were looking at her like what are you doing here? But, I never experienced any racial motivated crime or problems or anything. I don't doubt that there is disdain for whites and blacks among some Latinos, but I'm just saying, I haven't experienced it. I apparently have the power to go "faux Latino" so maybe I'll be ok.

    I looked at some jobs in WV because I didn't really like Columbus, but that is too stark of a contrast. I suppose you think that WV would be the ideal area to live, no Latin Americans, but it's the poorest state in the nation. They have their fair share of crime, too. It's run down, pretty sad. The town I live in now is pretty similar, blue-collar very white. I actually am taking my education off my resume because it is more of a deterrent than a help in the kind of jobs that are offered around here. I'm probably going to end up going back to the city. Crime and poverty aren't color specific. I would prefer an area that has people with a mix of backgrounds. Columbus is quite diverse, about 1/2 black, 1/2 white with a growing number of Latinos and Asians, but unfortunately, it seems to be quite divided by race. I ended up being in a "white flight" neighborhood, and I had no idea that even happened anymore. When my grandma had lived in that apt. complex 15 years ago, it was about 50/50 black/white. I liked that idea, a lot 8) as that breakdown sounds like ideal grounds for IR dating. It seems though that groups are becoming more segregated at least in cities here, and I don't like that trend. :( I wish we could all find a way to make it work.
  8. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Exactly,people dont know how it is untill they go there.
    Whats funny,is that Blacks even influence alot of those racist chicano gangmembers.They say "fuck niggers" and stuff like that,but then bump Tupac in their dirty honda civics and old school ice cube.
    I also hate when mexicans(latinos) try to mix our culture within theirs.Like music and etc.I dont really blame them because their music is horriblllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
    They swear that their women dont like Black guys in L.A either,which is bullshit,because you go to any highschool/college in l.a,and you will see a bunch of mexican girls with black dudes and bunch of them have dudes like Chris brown,T.I,Bow wow on their folders. :lol: Ive even seen those hardcore cholas admitting to being attracted to black dudes :lol:
  9. maiseycat

    maiseycat New Member

    Malikom, I was just curious about what soul food is. I've heard that term a lot, but never knew what it meant. In the black neigborhoods (or I guess black and Latino neighborhoods now) in L.A., are there many ww/bm couples, or are there just not white people there at all? I was curious because in my old hood, I expected to see at least some IR couples with white people, but I mostly only saw them in the mostly white burbs of the city or the downtown.
  10. drow

    drow New Member

  11. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    2 bdr apt. $2100. a mo. I should know, I'm a landlord, Gas $4.00 a gal. & finally, not many high paying jobs, so ya still think you can hang here in L.A.?

    You see, everybody get's to have their high percentage racial makeups per area, but we blacks are racist wrong for wanting the same.
    Sounds like very attractive features! :) But a picture is worth a thousand words. A photo in the Pics thread should suffice any curiosity about this.

    Why not, is this your prejudice coming out now? Shame shame.
    Guess moving there is out of the question for me... :(

    No latinos, and poor blacks, that would make me a king.

    So much for the king, and his castle idea. :?

    "Blue collar, very white", in the south. Code for red necks.

    Why is that???

    I love diversity too, or else why would I be here, but I hate hostility, and when it's too many of one kind of people, and not enough of another, then problems may arise. Given the ignorance, lack of education, and lack of knowledge amongst many ethnic groups, racial crime may be more likely to occur, imo.
  12. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Soul food is african american food.Southern food/barbecue basically.And yes there are alot of Bm/WW couples where there are alot of white people in L.A.There are even more couples when you go up north towards the bay area
  13. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    They bitin on us so hard, they call eachother ni%%a now. :?

    That new crap they call music, is raggaeton. Sounds like shit. But obviously influenced by hip hop, and raggae.

    Even worse, date one of them latinas, and see how well that goes over with the hoolians. Baaad fer yer health.
  14. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    Man let's keep it gangsta.

    Neck bones, pigs feet, collard greens, and chittlins n sheeit.
    ...and don't forget the sweet potato pie for dessert.
  15. maiseycat

    maiseycat New Member

    Rinnaye, I hope you're not calling me a redneck, especially if you're going to attempt to bring all this prejudice that I apparently have out. Don't throw rocks if you live in glass houses. Redneck is a racist, hateful term. I'm proud of where I'm from, lack of jobs and all. I hope you're not insinuating you're better than me because you live in L.A. of all places. You can keep your $2100/month apartments. Sounds like you're getting majorly screwed, with all the crime you talk about. You can live in a Columbus slum for $450. Ohio is not in the south, BTW.

    I wouldn't want to be an obviously white person living in a black/Latino neighborhood for the same reason that you wouldn't want to live in a white neighborhood. People don't like to stand out, or at least I don't. But, I'm not a people person in general and don't get most of them think, so I may be different in that respect. Actually, the more people I meet, the less I want anything to do with people in general (of all colors) On that note, a lot of your comments are quite rude - I don't know why you're trying to pick apart my statements, but I have no further interest in going back and forth with you. I'm truly sorry about your prejudiced views about both Latinos and Appalachian whites. I hope you'll keep them to yourself for your own sake, esp. if you want to become king of the castle in West Virginia. :roll: Gooood luck with that one....
  16. malikom

    malikom Banned

    lol reggaeton IS horrible.I agree about the thing on dating latinas.
    Whats odd,is that some latinas get mad when they see a good looking black dude with a white women.I know this was discussed on here before...
  17. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    Well, let me begin by saying, I apologize for what seemed to be an insult to you. It was NOT my intention to do that. I was only trying to make a funny, but appearently that backfired. So again, please accept my sincerest apologies. I am not racist, but I am about preservation. Honestly, believe it, or not, I am a people person, to know me, anyone would tell you, I like to make others laugh, and my racial views are not ever present, for it is my philosophy to treat others, the way I'd like to be treated, and to deal with each, and every individual on a case by case basis, and not based on their racial composition. So once again Ms. maiseycat, please accept my sincerest apologies, and know that I am not, or was I intending to insult you dear.

  18. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    OMG, I didn't see that thread, but certainly would have chimed in on that one had I did. Yeah, I flew my then girlfriend here, and while walking in downtown L.A. we noticed how the latina women would just give us the ugliest stares, you would have thought these women were black. It was a trip, because I'm thinking this pairing had nothing to do with them. It was so bad, I wanted to ask her what was her problem.
  19. ladeda

    ladeda New Member

    humans never cease to amaze me. this thread went from talking about how evil it is for the white man to have negative feelings toward the black man. But now, somehow the thread flipped around and the new topic is the black man having negative feelings towards the brown man.

    Fuck your preservation.
    They(mexicans/blacks/whatever group) arent taking over anything, there is no master plan, no meetings and no pie charts. That whole sentiment has always created a reaction in me; "they are taking over our areas!" I am sure there is a black version of WHITE FLIGHT that hasnt been named yet.

    This thread is sickening and I hate hate hate it when people get on their racist soapbox. Shit is fucked up, we can admit that but to put it all on one culture, to say that your culture is better than theirs, says a lot about the narrow minded nature of some people. It shows that you lack imagination and that you choose to focus on one small aspect of AMERICAN LIFE.
  20. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    Oh, and all this drivel you just wrote, is somehow supposed to make you any better than anyone else around here. You just demonstrated the ability to build your own soap box of which to stand upon, and shout to the masses. So you're no better than anyone else on here buddy. If this thread is that sickening to you, then don't add to it, simple as that. So fuck your statements, and don't participate in a thread you obviously have no interest in. This is only a message board, if you can't handle the opinions of others, without having a self proclaimed REACTION, then maybe you should rethink your ability to deal with us amazing humans. :roll:

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