Interracial couples EVERYWHERE!!

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by BlackMasterJay, May 4, 2008.

  1. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    Seriously, i get a dig out of reading this shit for comical reasons. Coz i just don't believe God can make people to be this foolish.
  2. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    Drew, I mean drow.

    You seem to be very familiar with their views.
  3. u2orjustme

    u2orjustme New Member

    And that's the key word right there. racist site is basically a place for people to come and talk about how they live in fear. One lady actually said she hated to go out. Are you kidding me? Here's a person afraid to go out into the world because of things that don't concern her one bit. If they didn't spend so much time in fear of the world they might actually learn to enjoy life. It's a terrible thing to live in fear. I can't even imagine the misery these people live in. And the worst part is that it's a misery they have created for themselves in response to something that has been going on since the beginning of time.

    A vast majority of those posters appear to come from very sheltered upbrinings. This leads to close-mindedness, which goes hand and hand with ignorance, which goes hand and hand with brutality. They need to wake up.

    A poster said they were worried about extinction. Actually, I'm all for extinction! The extinction of their mindset. The sooner the world is rid of it the better. Let the people who aren't ready to jump in a lake every time they see the races enjoy themselves together roam the planet. :D
  4. drow

    drow New Member

    It is drow. :) I know of VNNF but I don't watch that site. I pretty much just watch SF to see what drivel they are spouting about today.
  5. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    Looking at racist site's website is just like watching Fox News, you know everything that's being said is complete and total bullshit, but you look at it for the sole purpose of getting a quick laugh.
  6. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member


    My apologies for the mis-print. :)

    And yes, I'd say you're pretty accurate about most of the things you said about White Nationals. But to play Devil's advocate, wouldn't you say that in terms of sheer numbers, it seems the population of Whites are actually shrinking, if compared to their numbers from only 50 years ago? And would this, if being a fact, also be cause for alarm amongst their race?

    Not to mention, if their numbers are truly shrinking, then where will that leave any of us, who may prefer White Women, them becoming such a rarety, and all. Let's say 50 years from now everyone is mixed, well, wouldn't that suck, because maybe some of us want our women white, with no cut. We'de be assed out.
  7. drow

    drow New Member

    You said it! They kill me when they speak about blacks as a whole being a race of worthless people to put it nicely. A lot of them love to use statistics "proving" that blacks commit the most crimes, ect, ect. Many will swear up and down that they actually live in an area where black violence occurs every day! I find that hard to believe.

    It's funny how I live in an area where the demographic is about 30-35% black and there are NO crimes being committed where I live. If "most" blacks are so violent no matter where they reside, why are there no crimes being committed in my community? Shouldn't some black guy be beating the crap out of a white person everyday for having the gall to walk down the street? I mean - "statistically" speaking, my community shouldn't be exempt right? I think most of them are full of crap and lying about their so-called experiences.

    It's not surprising though, when trying to spread such negativity one needs to demonize the opposition and get the propaganda machine in full gear. As I said before however, there are SOME that aren't complete asses. Just the other day, I saw one of their members post a thread condemning the average SF member for the ridiculous rhetoric spread by most of the members and a good number of them agreed with him that the negativity and often flat out lies were not what they are supposed to be about. They are SUPPOSED to be about wanting to preserve the race and culture and have nothing to do with racism, which I personally wouldn't have a problem with if they so wished AS LONG AS they don't try and force everyone to their way of thinking. Not ALL whites would be interested in such a thing and they would need to accept that!

    I would be the last person to tell someone that they can't do what the hell they want to do in this country so if they want to separate, hasta. Just don't tell ME where to go when this isn't really even your land to begin with!
  8. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    It's all about guilt....people know when they've gotten away with something for a long time. At some point you tend to feel that you are due a little comeuppance. You know it's going to just want to delay that moment of truth for as long as possible.
  9. drow

    drow New Member

    Sorry it took me so long to respond. After I typed my response I found out soon after that the internet was down in the area that I work in some strange reason... I had to wait till I got home to post! So then -

    It IS true that their numbers are shrinking and as such is causing alarm amongst some. Within 20-30 yrs. whites just might find themselves the minority in the states! So what do you do? On the one hand we would need to ask ourselves if everyone eventually "looking the same" would necessarily be a BAD thing for the world? There would certainly be no "racial" strife or conflicts based on race although I'm sure we would find SOMETHING to continue to separate each other by.

    On the OTHER hand, people are mighty proud of their heritage and where they come from and I will be the last person to argue against that which is why I think that if anyone wants to separate themselves from everyone else, they should have that right. I only have a problem with the delivery many WNs employ.

    As far as the white woman becoming an eventual rarity in terms of interracial relationships? Either way, it can't be helped. We will eventually either become a largely mono-racial society, the white people will all separate and you wouldn't be getting with the women anyway or the only white women remaining would be the ones wanting to remain with white men.
  10. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Now that the human genome has been fully mapped and the gene that causes the anomaly of white skin has been identified. It is possible to at least speculate that sometime in the future, people could literally "design" what features their offspring have in terms of appearance, regardless of the parents features. Such genetic screening is already possible in terms of eliminating certain diseases and longevity.
  11. maiseycat

    maiseycat New Member

    Actually, the white population has seen a jump in the past couple of years. It used to be growing at a rate of 2.1%, barely enough to replace the population, but it jumped up to 2.3% in 2006 which is considered to be a substantial rise. The black population actually decreased during this time. I don't know if it has to do with fear; maybe the realization that whites are going to be a minority is sinking in. I brought this up on another message board, and was told no way, people don't think like that. But, living in a rural midwestern town, trust me, there are people out there that are really concerned about it. The mother of Lamb and Lynx, those teen white nationalist singers, said that she almost wished she'd stayed with her ex because she could have 2 more kids with blonde hair/blue eyes.

    I personally don't care what happens with the population in 50 or even 30 years. I wish the whole human population would go down. I honestly have doubts that there will be a planet by 2050 anyway, the way the Earth's population is expected to double; natural resources are limited as it is. Hottest summer on record last year, 2nd year in a row. Don't want to get into a debate over global warming and such, save to say I believe concerns over racial groups' population changes is the least of our problems. Latin Americans are going to overtake us all in the U.S. - that's just how it is. Doesn't affect me either way, except I want to learn more Spanish if I move back to an urban area since bilingual candidates are more and more in demand every day.
  12. u2orjustme

    u2orjustme New Member

    Reminds me of an old Twilight Zone episode called Number 23 Looks Just Like You. Only in the episode, people were actually born with 'normal' features and then, when they became of age, they had to choose between two 'templates' of how they wanted to look. All men and women had identical facial features and body types, only identified by a name tag. Not normally a scary episode until i read the above post. :wink:
  13. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    This would be a good thing! In other words, more White Women. :)

    Gee how optimistic, guess I'll go and start digging our graves.

    Let's hope you're wrong about this.

    They only want to turn your kids into a pinata, that's all. Not much of an affect there. :roll:
  14. maiseycat

    maiseycat New Member

    WOW, Rinnaye - racist much (about your comments on Latin Americans)?
    Latinos on average have 3 children, while the rest of the races in the U.S. don't come near that. The rate of immigration into the U.S. from LA countries remains steady, and no one is going to do anything about it because if you think the economy is bad now, imagine how bad it would be if even a 1/3 of illegal immigrants were deported. We would be paying $20 for a bag of oranges. Not many Americans understand the economics side of it. Yes, it's only a matter of time before LA's become the majority in the U.S. If you don't like it, too bad.

    Much of the southwestern U.S. belonged to Mexico at one time. After the Mexican-American War, Mexican-Americans got jipped big time. They were forced from their homes, they had made treaties that protected Indians, and those were thrown out, the remaining Indians either ran off or killed. There is much disdain for white people by Latin Americans in that area of the country, and I can understand that. I honestly don't feel any sympathy for whites or blacks for that matter who feel invaded - we put a label on all LA immigrants when who does this country belong to in the first place? Does it belong to a certain race, a socioeconomic group?
  15. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Just because their racist doesnt mean they are not or cant be intelligent.

    Never underestimate the "enemy."
  16. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    Far be it from me to get in a pissin match with you sweetie, for I do enjoy reading your posts, and respect much, if not all that you have to say. Call me a little protective, over racist any day, as I am in L.A. Mexico as we speak. And from where I am, it's all about the future of my kids, the Mexican mafia has all but green lighted the murders of ALL BLACKS, be it thugs, or average joes, and even kids as young as 6 years old will be targeted, so yeah, I do have a right to dislike them, and their racist ways against us here in L.A. It's probably not too bad in Ohio, but that's ok, for now, I don't have the luxury of living that far from these 3rd worlders, who want to push us out, even if by force.

    I'm willing to pay the extra bucks for that bag of oranges, or for safer neighborhoods, and better schools. It's about a better environment for my kids. That my dear, is priceless. I take it you don't have any???

    This comment really bothers me. :?

    Not my fault!

    You said it, "that area of the country". Easy to excuse it from "that area of the country". Ohio is it?

    No sympathy? They have none for you either, but it's not about sympathy, it's about safety, education, and sharing this country. They don't want to share, they want to take it over, and eliminate any remnants of our civilazation in the process, and replace it with that 3rd world, hanging clothes out the window, kookaracha music playing, tortilla truck rolling, backwards culture we are currently dealing with today. You should be on a White woman/Hispanic man website, they'de love your pro immigrant drivel.

    Respectively Princess,
  17. maiseycat

    maiseycat New Member

    Wow, I have no words. :? As a black man (that's what I'm assuming you are), don't you think fueling racism between blacks and Hispanics is kind of a bad idea? When I lived in Columbus (OH), I was in a primarily black and Hispanic area (in fact, in the whole 2 years I was there, I saw 3 other white people in Kroger and I was in the store once a week). I never noticed or heard of any rift between the groups. In fact, Latino/black dating was fairly common there. If you're dealing with so many racial problems where you are, why don't you move?
  18. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    100%, but why do other's (Whites) think because we are Black, we shouldn't have a right to feel a certain way, with regards to racial issues. You're quite arrogant to imply that I, "as a Black Man" shouldn't have, or express these particular opinions.
    Juss keep that chikin, n watamellin comin boss, an I'll keeps my mouth shut. :x

    Don't you think capitalizing Hispanics, and not capitalizing Blacks is fueling racism, and a bad idea? Nobody's perfect, and we all may do things, that other's may not like, or agree with.

    That's there sweetie, but have you EVER been to L.A.? They may behave differently there, because they are not in the majority yet. Wait till they are, and get back to me, good luck with that. :wink:

    Why should I leave my home, because of them, heck it wouldn't do any good anyways, notwithstanding all of your estimates that they will be everywhere anyways, it's only a matter of time, right? :roll:

    I think you're really cool maiseycat, and I appreciate your opinion(s). You seem to be very logical, and obviously intelligent. There seems to be just a few points we may not quite see eye to eye on, but still, I would not hope our quaint little dialogue will not amount up to much more than us only becoming a little better understanding about eachother's views.

  19. maiseycat

    maiseycat New Member

    I don't think anyone should have or express those opinions. As a black man, though, you're a minority, and I think it's particularly sad when minority groups fight. Many if not most Latinos have some black blood in them whether they choose to acknowledge it or not.

    Hispanic is technically not a race (though it is treated as such by the U.S. a lot of the time), but an ethnicity/location indicator (means originating or having roots from Spain). Hispanics can be white or black. The majority are mestizo or a mix of several races - black, white, and indigenous. I don't capitalize multiracial/mestizo, just like I don't capitalize white or black.

    I have not been to L.A., but the fact that it's Los Angelos should tell you something. If you don't like Latinos, not the best place to be. I don't care if you were born there, or it's your home. California belonged to Spain and then Mexico before whites from the east came and took it over. I seriously don't know, being a white person myself, see why it is any big surprise to anyone, but esp. whites, that Mexicans are taking that land back.

    I'm actually not pro or anti immigration. That would be like being anti-pizza. I could rally against people eating pizza because I hate pizza. It would be futile because people will keep on eating pizza long as it's something they want, even if there is a law against it. No one is going to stop illegal immigration. Politicians will talk a big game to appeal to people's prejudices, but the facts are, illegal immigration is a big + to our economy, esp. now when it is ailing.
    I feel the same. :)
  20. pup

    pup New Member

    as a white guy I will say those folks are idiots. Love between races will get us places. I am all for the WF BM unions

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