Interracial couple attacked by racists in Washington

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by 4north1side2, Dec 7, 2015.

  1. z

    z Well-Known Member

  2. bilbo

    bilbo Active Member

    All you dudes are fucking dumb.

    Yeah work on physically intimidating other men when you live in an industrial society where status is determined by resources, not the size of your muscles.

    Get your shit in order and you never have to worry about dealing with violent situations or your woman leaving you.

    I bet my left nut that "brotherfromengland" is a white supremacist trying to goad you dumb motherfuckers into thinking that the pathway to respect is violence.
  3. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    The last vid is "geo-blocked" -- can't view it in the states. I presume you're saying that I wouldn't handle things the way I propose? Ok. :cool:

    In the meanwhile, you keep pushing that over-macho, "take on three guys if you have the right training" bullshit.

    Me, I'd advise not doing something as stupid as "squaring off" against three strangers on the side of a highway.
  4. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    Yep. ^ This right here.

    Nah -- probably just a kid caught up in macho fantasies. Needs a father figure to sit him down & talk him through such things.

    Unfortunately, bm are leaving the younger generations to come up with their own values, so we get a mixture of hollywood dreaming and macho posturing.
  5. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Disagree, the woman had more heart than dude simple as that. Nothing against him, not everyone is built the same way. Some people fight, some people freeze up, and some people run, some people try to de escalate the situation.

    To be honest, I can't fight for shit but my poker face when it comes to such situations is top notch lol. I'm really not about that life.
  6. missshyness

    missshyness Active Member


    Lets see a racist punk take on this, see how brave they are
  7. MilkandCoffee

    MilkandCoffee Well-Known Member

    Thing is, all the combat training isnt gonna do you any good when your advesary is holding a piece.

    Guns are becoming more and more common in the states.

    Everyone has one. No one's afraid to use one.

    These racist mofos relish the day they can use theirs on a BM. All they have to do is claim self-defense and Presto! They'ree living la vida loca like zmmerman.

    All I can say is becareful how you act around these fools. All you have to do is raise your voice one pitch too lound, walk up to them one inch too close, or look at them one second too long and you'll wind up as another #blm case.
  8. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    The only bitch I saw was the punk that hit the woman.

    Northside and Brotherfromengland.....stop seeing the world through Youtube videos and MMA.
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2015
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Well the black was suppose to be superman didn't you get the memo lol
  10. KWillo

    KWillo Active Member

    Reading this makes me feel proud.You must have read my mind because I believe in these things ever since as a teen.
  11. KWillo

    KWillo Active Member

    Makes sense now watching it.
  12. MilkandCoffee

    MilkandCoffee Well-Known Member


    You can't go around calling everyone pussy as an anonymous poster, that's internet 10,1 you aint impressing no one like that.
    You have your own mind, think for yourself. The World will go nowhere if everyone blindly lived by their father's "wisdom". And I hope you have enough sentience to understand a man has more worth than those 3 qualities.

    I said more common, nothing about my post implies your statement. I know the UK has much stricter gun laws than the US but that "macho" shit you keep talking will get you left in a body bag in the US. Fight all you want, just remember, all your opponent needs is distance and a trigger ready finger to make all that machismo splatter across the pavement

    And that's a bad thing.. why? If any person manages to swim through life without ever putting their dukes up I'd be proud as hell too. Call them a "pussy" if you want, but if you have to be a "pussy" to avoid neanderthal-ish violence then being a "pussy" doesn't seem so bad.

    That outdated thinking doesn't work anymore. Real men wear whatever they want only women care about that color coded nonsense. The 2nd part needs more elaboration before I respond. Real men live to fight another day, don't run from a fight you started but all other cases are a whole different story. Fighting needlessly doesn't make you a man and choosing not to get physical over someone calling you out doesn't make you any less of a man either. Plenty of men wind up surviving time cause they chose to stay and fight over pettiness instead of leave when the option was available. Now tell me, is it worth all that "manliness" if you're stuck behind bars grooming Jerome's chest hairs? All cause you wanted to fight over some dumb shit in an effort to retain that fictitious man card.
    Easier said than done, you don't always have the choice to pick a fight or not evident by this video. Not like the black guy asked to be ganged up on. No one here's talking big (except you throwing around "pussy" at anyone who disagrees with your statements).
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Sounds like a dude who has never seen heat in his life or known anyone who's caught a hot one.
    Mofos watch way too many movies. That's how you end up in a bag with that slow singing and flower bringing.
  14. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    anyway, wise men don't let their adversary pick the time and circumstances of the fight.

    These guys act like they'd drop everything to scrap with a drunken hiv-infected bum right after they'd found out they won the lottery and have a baby on the way.

    Walk away, unless you can't. And if you're living in an atmosphere in which you're think violence is likely, there are better solutions than unarmed fighting skills, which I won't get into out here in public...

    Props to the guy who brought up the trend of non-black guys feeling free to test. Most black dudes are irritatingly slow to spot societal trends, and have way too much respect for society's taboo on black men comparing notes on the racial shit they go through. Gelded motherfuckers. In the meanwhile, the wolves share info all the time on how to fuck with you...

    keep in mind though, that people get along differently from place to place. Our friends in the media "universalize" the racial shit for their own agenda, but every place has a different culture with different cultural trends, and people get along differently in those various places.

    In some places, people don't mix much. In others they do. In some places the patterns of mixing & the patterns of enmity are different than in others. Sometimes the strife is "universalized" thanks to our good friends in the media, other times it's just local. Times and places are different.

    ...So while I don't knock your generalization about your city (it's important to share it, to help other black men calibrate :!:) -- it's not like you'll necessarily find the same problems in other cities. Just sayin'. Stuff like that is important to point out, 'cause if you're serious about solving the problem, it's important to get an accurate handle on it. Does that make any sense?

    Anyways, skip the macho bullshit and walk away if you can. If you were armed, wouldn't you do your damnest to de-escalate and walk away? Well, same deal with yer fancy kara-te. Just try to walk away.
  15. KWillo

    KWillo Active Member

    I don't even know you but I like you already. Lol.Trust me, I grew up with family full of fighters so fighting always came natural for me.MMA has been around the early 90's.Most of these White boys and other non-Black (whom wanna be White) boys didn't get into MMA until the UFC bought out other promotions (such as Pride, Strikeforce and the WEC)and started overhyping their white fighters.The best fighter still in the UFC is John Bones Jones.
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Lol dudes who try as hard as you do are usually soft like puppy shit.
    Keep e thuggin homie
  17. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    I haven't needed to fight in a long time but I can't disagree with this point.

    Doing any of those activities well can release dopamine.
  18. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    the 3 basic f's of a man

  19. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

  20. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Tell me about it.

    And when the cops show up...guess who's going to jail.

    That's a rhetorical question that we ALL know the answer to.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2015

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