The Presidential Inauguration is quickly approaching. I’m in DC and with the number of people arriving transportation will become a nightmare. In your opinion do you think the inauguration will go by smoothly or will there be an incident (fighting in the crowd, some sort of craziness, etc.)? I think I’ll just stay in my apartment.
Aww, don't just stay in your apartment. I know getting into the District is going to be a nightmare but you live in DC! Take a walk and see some of that craziness for yourself. And if nothing else, even if the Park Service won't be doing an official count of people in attendance, you can still be counted as a small part of history. You won't ever get an opportunity like this again.
If you want to avoid the craziness that could possibly ensue, you can always switch places with me! I'd love to be in DC for the inauguration, craziness or not!