In Response To The Trolls

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by karmacoma., Aug 3, 2008.

  1. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

  2. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    Who comes to a message board to inquire about HIV????

    That's a troll...

    Now about my reply...

    America was ONCE a great country.

    Now if you agree that America's downfall is because of two factors, one being that the population generally doesn't pay attention to anything the Government, at the local, state or federal level does and the other factor that the Government KNOWS you don't give two shits about what happens, then I think you would agree there is a PROBLEM and it crosses all social, economic and racial gaps, lines and divides.

    Now being this is social forum and one of the main topics is relationships, dating and marriage, don't you think this line of thinking effect how one person dates, views the dating pool and effect requirements and litmus testing aka how many hoops you have to jump through?

    America's "weird" culture puts time limits on activities and certain behaviors. Because we are the leaders in "Western Culture" Americans automatically ASSUME we have the IDEAL rules package for acceptable living in Western Culture.

    By that token, that means -

    If you're not educated your a looser

    If you work were they don't provide health care and work for slave wages, your a looser, its your fault, nobody else's, pull yourself up by your boot straps, yadda, yadda, yadda, pretty much the typical "Reich Wing", Neo Conservative LINE of thinking.

    If you live at home anytime after age 18, your considered a looser. Now any African-Americans that come up with his mindset, your a victim of ASSUMULATION. What Doctor Julia Hare said at the State of Black American Conference in 2007 calls "The Illusion of INCLUSION"

    Unbeknown to many here it seems, among many Asian-American households and many Latin-American households its common for their children to remain at home (especially Latin Women) beyond age 25 in most cases. I mentioned before my Homie Ob who is 34, drives a '03 Mercedes Benz E500, dropped out of college several years ago and lives at home with his mother and the Asian women he dates, don't mind, don't care and its not an issue.

    The eldest daughter of my neighbor across the street, drives an '05 BMW 330i Coupe, works locally and still lived there until recently. Their eldest son, I believe who is 28-29, works for DHL and he still lives at home...

    Me, having lived at home (again) since 2000 (I lived in Landcaster, CA and North Hollywood, CA before that, with my EX and WITHOUT as well) only seem this is an ISSUE with American women. American WHITE WOMEN in fact. But I have also found many women that FIND IT ACCEPTABLE if there is a GOAL to what I am doing and when asked, I explain in FULL DETAIL. The only thing stopping me is being able to afford the monthly mortgage payment, all the insurance I would need (especially in California), twice a year property taxes and all the utilities.

    I do not, I repeat DO NOT have a problem treating women with respect, presenting myself as a person with self respect and confidence in myself. I attract women, mostly women I am not interested in dating, many pushing their late 30's and early 40's, almost ALL with children from previous relationships.

    If dating in America is a GAME, then I don't like the rules and I pushed for a set of rule changes.

    America remains the best place with the best selection of women bar none, its a given, everybody knows that (that's based SOLEY ON LOOKS).

    I don't like the fact that more often than not I am dealing with, um previously owned merchandise (divorced) with matching baggage (kids), armed with the belief that the failure of their relationship was 100% their ex-husband's/boyfriend's fault and not taking ANY responsibility for what happen. I have YET to meet a woman that had said "yes, I pushed my husband/boyfriend away and caused the end of our relationship" Its almost always "That nigga cheated on me (yes American White Women use that kind of language, you shocked?)" "He's a sperm donor and doesn't pay child support" "He beat the living shit out of me...", IE its ALWAYS THE MAN'S FAULT. Nevermind that American women spend hundreds of HOURS trying to find FAULT in their relationships, spreading details of private moments with their friends, taking advice from SINGLE friends or better yet other women with FAILING relationships.

    Nevermind taking to heart what Oprah says, what her guess say and take it as gospel, and run with it.

    Here's my favorite...

    SOME American women believe in things that to THEM are a factor in choosing a companion but overall have NO BEARING on how they'll be treated by a man.

    After all of that, Karama would come out and say, there's no need to go to other countries, countries that don't have a 80% divorce rate, countries that embrace Western Culture but don't let it DOMINATE their lives, usually better educated because upper education cost very LITTLE or NOTHING. In Germany it doesn't cost you ANYTHING to become a DOCTOR for example. Countries that have mandatory by the EU you get 4 weeks PAID vacation. People with an ACTUAL World View because you go 200km or less your in another country with a different lanuage, different traditions and different cultures. Where racism in America makes no sense to them at all and it purifies this though process.

    What I need is a woman from Europe, Eastern Europe, South America or even Canada. America is a country is trouble, its been that way for awhile, I try and chance it with my vote with speaking to people in passing, casual conversation, etc. But too many people are comfortable with the STATUS QUE and that includes dating and relationships in America. So until the dynamics change, I'm just not INTERESTED.

    You don't miss me and don't care, so why would you put up such a fight to say I am wrong or crazy or some other bullshit?

    SG said I should just quit, maybe I should..
  3. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    You're not wrong or crazy in fact you make valid points in a lot of your posts. Sorry to say your post wasn't provocative, we've heard it all before. My thing is just do your thing and quit bitching about it. If you actually got a European woman and bitched to her about American chicks like you do here, she'd think there was something wrong with you trust me. 'Cause it's the man's fault everywhere you go, yes, even Europe. If you don't want to be judged for living at home here's a thought, don't blast it on the damn internet.

    The real question is why do you feel the need to defend your position to a bunch of internet strangers?
  4. shyandsweet

    shyandsweet New Member

    DJ- sometimes it's not so much what you have to say- it's the way you say things. Just for future reference with any women- your attitude is very offensive. You ALMOST NEVER say anything positive. Your posts usually reek of negativity. You are always slamming american ww-yet you are on this forum posting. If you were a little more kind, a little more fun, perhaps you could get an american woman that you like. There are lots of great american women just looking for a nice, intelligent, man that is not self-absorbed. I am not trying to be mean, just trying to offer a little help. You want to come on here and berate all ww in america, and when someone offers you a little advice or a different opinion you act beligerant like a five year old. You can post a differing opinion, just don't be quite so rude, and a positive attitude will effect all areas of your life.

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