In love with a racist?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by kenny_g, Sep 26, 2009.

  1. KimboSlice

    KimboSlice New Member

    Do you think we as blacks do enough to dispel their "racist" notions about us?

    In government, you have blacks in every position there is from the president on down to a civil servant. In the military, same thing, from Generals on down to infantry soldier. In sports, we only make up 13% of the population but dominate some of the professional leaques. Some professional teams have over 60% of there players being black. In academia, same thing. You have black professors at some Ivy Leaques schools. That situation near Cambridge recently that involved a black professor being mistreated by the police was a Harvard professor. The entertainment industry start with Oprah and work your way down. I can go on and on but I think you get my point. Blacks have represented themselves well in just about everything this country has to offer. If a racist person can't see that, its on him/her. There will be nothing you would be able to tell them that would change their way of thinking.

    How did President Obama overcome enough "racism" to become President of this country?

    I don't think Obama overcame racism, I think there were many different factors, one being he was very quailified for the job and STOOD OUT as being the better candidate. He also followed President George Bush. Under his watch, this country went into one of the worst economic recession since the great Depression of the '30. ANYBODY would be better than another Bush clone like McCaine was thought to be.

    And if most all blacks followed the path of an Obama, do you think that would help to "convert" at least a few "racists"?

    Actually no, it would make it worse. Many Jewish people follow the path of Obama with education being the thing they stress the most. Strong community and family ties but you notice many racists hate them worse than they do blacks.

    Or is our overall urban behavior giving the "racists" more ammo to justify their "racism" against us.

    No more ammo than the urban behavior of other groups. The Italians brought over their urban behavior in the early 1900's and built it into an ongoing crime organization, the Mafia. The Irish had their urban behavior in New York during the mid-1800's. There was a movie done about this called GANGS OF NEW YORK with Leo Dicapreo (sp).

    My basic point is EVERYBODY is human. The same negative characteristics you point out in one race is just as active and live in another. Be honest, how many times have you heard republicans rant about family values only to find out they had some skeletons in the closet of their own. Would talk for YEARS against gay relationships only to have a member of their family or be in a gay relationship of their own.

    EVERYBODY is human. That racist person may have some serious dirt in HIS family but will point the finger at yours in a heartbeat.
  2. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    Great Comeback!

    Your answers will almost suffice my questions, BUT!
    Check Again!!!

    Even if you combine all of those great black accomplishments, it still just barely comes to a fraction of positive contribution we as a people have acheived, when compared against all of the widespread miscreancy, and havoc that we as a whole have contributed to the American social landscape. Yes, it is true, we blacks do account for only 13% of the population, but also do appear to be overrepresented in the jails, unemployment, and lack of higher education, not to mention, our overrepresentation in poverty. Our overall effect upon the American landscape is perhaps lackluster at best, if the majority of our 13% of people are in a dysfunctional way of being. Wouldn't you say?


    A true "racist", like say the ones who lived in the spirit of Pre-Civil Rights, or perhaps like those who lived in the Colonial/Slavery era would never even have had an Obama within an earshot of such a consideration. No!


    Respect is always earned! So I believe a majority black assimilation would have went a long way to help convert many of the "racists", because many of today's "racists" are upset that we blacks are not pulling our weight. They have their proof of it, when you look at our current state of enormous dysfunction as a people overall. No one could say, of our 13% population, 12% of it is making a positive contribution. Every other group you've mentioned has shown a majority assimilation into Western Culture. Have we? There's the difference! The Jews' situation is truly a horse of a different color, and a red herring topic at best, but I'll sum it up like this. They are believed to have killed Christ, (A very bad jacket to have on). Also, they are hated today mainly because of their power, and influence in the world. Which is believed to only benefit them, (Jews). Ever heard of the Illuminati? Or The Protocals Of The Elders Of Zion? Look it up.

    Once Again. Most have learned the art of assimilation, and did work to gain acceptance into the western culture. Have we? Or did we instead learn how to play the Post Civil Rights victim.

    Yes, BUT!

    At what percentages are they good versus bad, and at what percentages are we good, versus bad? It's the cumulation of disparity that people look at, and judge others by.
    I'll give you that.

    We finally agree!
  3. tonytony

    tonytony New Member

    Great post.

    I personally cannot stand black men/women who lower themselves to please a racist who still looks down on them, for those sort of black people their are deeper issues of self esteem and a need to be liked by everyone that is quite comical but sad to see at the same time.
  4. KimboSlice

    KimboSlice New Member

    Even if you combine all of those great black accomplishments, it still just barely comes to a fraction of positive contribution we as a people have acheived, when compared against all of the widespread miscreancy, and havoc that we as a whole have contributed to the American social landscape. Yes, it is true, we blacks do account for only 13% of the population, but also do appear to be overrepresented in the jails, unemployment, and lack of higher education, not to mention, our overrepresentation in poverty. Our overall effect upon the American landscape is perhaps lackluster at best, if the majority of our 13% of people are in a dysfunctional way of being. Wouldn't you say?

    You CAN NOT be serious. Some of what you write are the EXACT same things that a "racist" would say and believe. Hmmmm.... :smt104

    CANDICE DELONG was a special agent in the FBI for 20 years. She was one of the original agents that started profiling criminal behavior in the FBI's BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE UNIT. She wrote a book about her experience titled SPECIAL AGENT. There is a very popular television program that comes on and is based on her book, CRIMINAL MINDS.

    You can go to google and type in CANDICE DELONG and her profile will come up. Based on her book, there are many, many profiles that the black man doesn't even fall into. A large majority of criminal activity is almost exclusively white male .... serial rapist, serial killer, white collar crimes, child molestation, child abduction, lone sniper, random bombings, etc., etc., etc. This is from a person who was with the FBI for 20 years and went after some of the most sinister criminals you could ever imagine.

    When there was a sniper killing innocent people in Washington D.C., the reason it took them so long to catch him was because he was black. You don't have a history in this country of black men randomly killing people as a sniper so EVERYONE was looking for a white man.

    Also, for every one white male criminal that is caught, there are many who go through life and are NEVER caught. The only reason some of them are even captured is because they may have a guilt of conscience and turn themselves in or family members turn them in.

    BTK ( Bind, Torture, Kill ) was the initials a white serial killer gave himself after killing his victums. He killed people for over 30 years. The only reason he was even caught was because he turned himself in. He was considered a "pillar of the community" and was never even considered a suspect by the local police.

    The Unibomber was maiming and killing people for over 16 years. Even the FBI didn't even have a clue as to who he was. It was the Unibomber's own brother who turned him in.

    I can go on and on but you get the point.

    Many white women are very smart. A lot of them understand white men better than anyone. They KNOW many of the things said about other groups are lies that are started by some of the most racist people on earth. That no matter what positive thing is done by a group there will be those who will put a negative spin to it. This is what draws some of us black men to white women. A lot of them DON'T buy into the political nonsense.

    Many people can see a racist person and his motives from a mile away. Just like one coming onto a message board and pretending to be black inorder to spew some of his racist agenda. They are easy to spot.
  5. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Racist people need love, too!!
  6. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    Come on dude!

    Just because I hardly share your views, does NOT mean I'm not black. Get real! We blacks should not be expected to all think the same way, in order to prove our blackness.

    Yes, I AM a critical thinking black man. Think Bill Cosby! Why? Because we as a race are failing miserably, and I can't stand to see it. I came up less than fortunate myself. Sold Crack in the 80's, after being kicked out of the house for being an out of control, angry, and aggressive teen. Was once a Rolling 60's crip, and a H.S. dropout at age 17. By the time I was 20, I was about as socially unacceptable as anyone could be. However, at some point, I realized that I was going to end up either in jail, along with my other homies, or worse, dead. Yeah, that was me, but even in the midst of all my troubles, I realized I could do better, and so I used my 20's to turn it all around. So if you think I'm going to give other blacks a pass, then sorry, I can't, because if I can turn it completely around, then what makes you think I don't feel we all can.

    You name me 5 predominantly black cities in America that is a beacon of first world success, and I'll capitulate to you. Show me stats that prove we blacks are respected for our overall acheivement of overcoming our historic, yet unfortunate circumstances after slavery, and I'll bow down to you. Make me believe that we blacks aren't seen as America's general societal miscreant, because we all are just so upstanding citizens, and I'll call you daddy. Prove to me that we are not the leaders in children being born out of wedlock, and you'll be worshipped! We blacks have been in America for a long time, and after Civil Rights we're given a golden opportunity with affirmative action, and heavy lobbying by our Leaders, to eventually bring about an effective, and almost level playing field, but what have we done with that opportunity? Not hardly as much as we should have. Where are all the accolades of our race being "the model minority"? Or are you yourself still afraid to walk alone at night in certain highly black populated urban neighborhoods?

    To hell with your examples of white dysfunction, because overall, we are living in an America which was designed, and executed by whites, who made it the country that many would practically die to live in. Can we say we've built the same? I think NOT!

    You, youngsta, can NOT question anyone's blackness, because they don't share your narrow visioned opinions. It shows your naivete.

    Have A Nice Day!
  7. kenny_g

    kenny_g New Member

    Convert them? I always see it like this... No means no.
    They say no, Im done.
  8. KimboSlice

    KimboSlice New Member

    Well, well, I must have pissed in your cereal or something. I guess I hit a nerve with you huh???

    Based on what you've written in your post, if you are black, you have a very negative view about yourself. If there is one thing that some white women like about black men is their self confidence. You don't have to take my word for it. Go to some of those threads that are on this board about why white women love black men and they have stated that themselves, over and over again. Now, if YOU, as a black man, were to believe and say those things around many white women, a lot of them wouldn't want to have anything to do with you. Because no woman, black or white, wants a self pity man. A man who puts down himself and his own race better than anything they ever heard. ANY woman would get tired of hearing that after a while, even your own mother.

    Black people only make up 13% of the American population. That means 87% is non-black. If we, and I'm still assuming you're black, are considered AMERICA'S GENERAL SOCIETAL MISCREANT, as you put it, then why would so many vote to put a person like that to run the country?? Obama got the majority vote, even if every black person in America voted for him that would not have given him a majority vote. A large percentage of those 87% that are non-black voted for him. Why would you put a SOCIETAL MISREANT to run a country like the United States?? A country where people are dying to get into??? My answer to that is there are a lot of non-blacks in this country who DON'T look at blacks as being MISREANTS as you put it. I'd even go to say that quite a few don't.

    It isn't your opinion on certain matters that make me assume you're not black, it is the logic that you use. Your whole logic and reasoning is based on statistics and data and what they do or don't tell you. As a black man in this country, one thing you learn that is important more than anything else is a strong belief in yourself. To believe in yourself long after everyone else have left you. Long after stats has told you otherwise. Obama is a prime example of that. NOBODY, black or white, male or female, would have though he would become president when he was campaigning. He stayed in the race long after many people told him he should. If nobody else did, Obama believed in Obama. It is THAT self confidence that a black man has to have to be successful in this country that makes him attractive to many people. NOT this very negative attitude about blacks that you have in your posts.

    No, I can't see a white women wanting to get with a black man with such negative self hatred. I just can't see it. At least not a smart white woman.
  9. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member


    After a couple sentences, I didn't even finish reading your garbage. You're so completely off base in your thinking in general, that I have to believe you are most likely just playing games at this point. From the direction of where I believe your diatribe was heading, it seems you didn't, or couldn't even supply just a miniscule piece of evidence of proof to your interpretation of the facts, (not a link of refutation anywhere), and you could only come back with your accusations of who, or what you think I'm all about. What an epic fail of an attempt to slide by my demand of presentation of facts, and what a sad attempt to reverse, and deflect away from said disputed facts, and onto me. Bad psychology, simply foolish! I can see I'm obviously dealing with an immature, non reasonable, un-debatable, unable to properly refute any position, nor able to prove his points, young man Coward! LOL! So with that, I declare it game over, I win, you lose. How I do with the ladies should be obvious. See me in the Avi? Where you at? Once Again, I win, you lose. You're a "HIDING" Coward! Which, by the way, is what the ladies really hate. How do I know this? Well, let's just say, you should see my rep points soar, and the other accolades I've received as a result of trying to deal with you. I should almost thank you! BTW, Your signature alone, wreaks of desperation. Is that what YOU have to do to get a woman? ROFLMBAO! :smt081 You should learn from daddy, baby boy! But instead, you JUST crapped out. Case closed!

    Stay in school! Education is fundamental! And one day, if you are able to survive that perilous adventure of being young, black, and urban, because you do know that the statistics say, your group is least likely to reach age 30, due to being cut down by gun violence, and or contracting HIV, but you don't want to hear that, right? The truth hurts, and is just too scary for ya, huh. However, if you do manage to make it out of your 20's, then hopefully the wisdom that comes with maturity will have begun to set in by then.

    Ok Pumpkin?


    Good luck with that! :roll:

  10. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Rinnaye, I would be concerned to walk alone in ANY neighborhood where poverty is the norm regardless of race. Poverty is a far more reliable predictor of crime/violence than race.

    Like with any group of people, how well/how much they are able to achieve, how well they are perceived, starts with politics. It is still not very long ago (1965) that Black people were not allowed to vote in this country, thus could not establish a firm base from which to grow educational, political, and economic stability. As a people we have made tremendous strides that you and others have listed in prior posts, while building such stability and yes changing the negative perceptions about Black people.

    While African Americans still have the highest number of out-of-wedlock children, that number has been DECLINING the past 13 years while other races have been INCREASING, a VERY positive trend for African Americans.

    Here are five majority Black cities that have a lot of positive momentum despite the poor economy.

    Miami Gardens, Florida 80% African American

    Birmingham Alabama, 73%

    Atlanta 61%

    Richmond Virginia 57%

    Harrisburg Pennsylvania 55%

    We have accomplished a lot and will accomplish a lot more, we cannot allow OTHERS to define us and our contributions. Of course there are real problems in our communities that need to be addressed, but there will always be those who are quick to cling to such historical based negative stereotypes about Black people. Waiting for others to acknowledge Black people as the model minority is a fools errand. Outside of Native Americans, no group has had to overcome as many historical and present day hurdles as African Americans, we have and continue to make tremendous strides despite such obstacles which in SOME cases have created very large societal problems for African Americans.
  11. Gunman

    Gunman Member

    In college I dated a mixed race girl who identified herself as black, she had dated white guys in the past and got along with my white friends, but was always bitching about blackmen who date white women. It was not that she did not like white women on a personal level, she just got caught up in the hype of white women taking all the good blackmen. I did not think of her as a racist (she was half white) and stayed with her for a while.

    I think that there is a difference between people who just hate races other than their own and someone who is jealous and afraid of dating competition.
  12. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    Precisely, unlike some people I'm not going to break out a shoeshine kit because you're offended by the fact that I am African-American.

  13. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    Your efforts to produce some of the facts I asked, should be commended!

    I shall hope that you, and I would be able to have a reasonable discussion on this topic, as I believe we both are mature, and rational individuals.
    We share the same concern, but it's so many of our areas which are mostly in poverty. Not saying there isn't MANY white areas that aren't in poverty, but in terms of percentages, we are mainly in that state of economic blight. So by default, who would want to walk alone in most black areas, given so many are poverty ridden? Based on your "Poverty is a far more reliable predictor"... statement, we almost by default, will be proned to be more violent, if that is a correct analogy.

    This is where I might be inclined to say, excuses, excuses. We've had some pretty heavy lobbying going on in the last 44 years or so, which has led to a almost level playing field as far as affirmative action, and quotas are concerned. IMO, we didn't, and still have not taken enough advantage of the privileges which were bestowed upon us..
    I Agree, but forgive me for not wanting to take the foot off of the gas of black advancement just yet.

    I'll feel much better when we aren't leading the pack in this social category.

    Link Didn't work!

    I've been there, and actually, I would have named this as ONE. It does Seem to be Promising indeed!

    Been here too, and definitely would have named this as an example as well.

    . The concern I have with this is, There was no mention as to WHO is doing the changing, or WHO is in control. I mean, is it 57% black population, with a minority white government? Because if that's the case, then WE still haven't made the contribution.

    . Same As Above!

    We have made strides, never denied that much, but my contention is, we haven't done anywhere close to what we should be doing. Too many of us are still on the sidelines. I live in an immigrant bordered state, and one of the things that makes me so critical is, I see all the Latinos who may only be 1st, 2nd, or 3rd generation in the United States, and these people are hard working, and a great many have carved out their piece of the American Dream by now. Mind you, they weren't even citizens, yet they pass up so many of us. Is that by luck?

    Don't get me wrong, Loki, although you may think I'm NOT pro black, the fact is, I am, even more so than most, or why else would I be so critical about our race, and it's acheivements. I'm just not an excuse maker, but am disgusted with our overall current state of performance. That's the difference! There is only one way to get respect in life, and you must earn it. Question? Would you rather be given a thing, or work for it? Because if it is given to you, then whoever did the giving, might feel you are indebted to them, but if you work for the thing, and earn it, then it becomes yours outright, and you owe no one nothing. I don't want the white man feeling like we owe them much of nothing. We are men, and should be building nations, and economies just like them. I don't see enough of us working for ours. I'm a numbers man, which means, if the majority of us pushed on the door, they can't keep us all out. Quite naturally we may be met with resistance, but you can't tell me, that if most of us pushed on the door of prosperity, then by shear numbers alone, more of us would be through that door. But true, some of us indeed are.
  14. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    You mean some people like YO MAMA! :)
  15. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    My take is that you and I are in agreement with where we need to go as a people, I feel that am somewhat more optimistic about the current efforts and progress that we are making. There will always be those who engage in poor decision making that further negative stereotypes of Black people as a whole. What I believe you and I can agree on is that it will take more positive, engaged, well qualified, leading by example, and encouraging, role models on the national level (Obama, Potier, Cosby, Patrick, ect.) and on the local level, I include myself and hopefully you as well in this category, to make sure that we continue down the right path.
  16. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    You're a good man Loki.

    And yes, we do agree.

  17. KimboSlice

    KimboSlice New Member

    .... and to think this guy called me the immature one :roll:
  18. KimboSlice

    KimboSlice New Member

    Even though you gave this guy some statistical evidence, it won't prove anything. You'll be wasting your time. This is a bmww board, getting into a debate with someone about the achievement of blacks is EXACTLY what some people want. I've been on many boards where those racist site folks would corrupt those boards with these kinds of discussions. It won't matter what facts you give.

    Black or white, let this person believe what they want to believe and move on. Nothing you point out to them on this board will change their views.
  19. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    Oh, but I also called you much more as well.

    Coward for one, and Desperate for another. Etc, Etc.

    YOU still never proved YOUR case, instead a REAL MAN had to plead it for you. Nice work on HIS behalf.

    Now run along kid.

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