Discussion in 'How To Meet White Women and Black Men' started by greatguy, May 14, 2007.

  1. AdventurSum

    AdventurSum New Member

    wow, this thread was pretty pathetic to read. lol you have to take a couple things into consideration when looking at the dating scene in the district. first recognize that DC is a highly transient city, meaning a lot of people who live and work here are not from here and probably won't be here for more than 5-7 years. so when you're in the hotbeds of the city (K street corridor, U street corridor, adams morgan, cleveland park, friendship heights, chinatown, etc) the outgoing population isn't actually representing the people of the area. especially if you're hitting the posh establishments herein.

    the other big thing is even though DC is a decent size (not the biggest city on the east coast but it does alright. lol) most of the people who flow through the city actually live in the burbs. so if you want to meet cool heads in the area, you have to be willing to venture out from time to time.

    and also, different sections of the city are more conducive to certain tastes and lifestyles than others. so don't look for a sweet, quiet librarian type when you're out getting plastered in adams morgan eating a big slice at 3am while drunkards fight in the middle of the street. LoL!!

    so here's a few things to work with...
    18th street corridor (between M and south of dupont) - this area is chill for the 20-something. quite a few bars, on various social levels.

    U street - this area has actually cleaned up a bit from what it used to be. (i liked it better in the old days. lol) but it still has some cool spots, they just think they're a little better than they actually are now just because there are a bunch of overpriced condos in the area now.

    Georgetown - yea, first response everyone gives on this one is something that deals with arrogant snotbags. well, it is DC, so yes they are there. lol but it's also cool area to meet up with folk and kick it. just make sure you're not squeezing your last 20 if you try to party out there, cause you wont make it 15 minutes.

    i have a bunch more, but i feel like i'm rambling. maybe i'll start a new thread with a bunch of specific spots if anyone actually cares to know... but this should start you off solid for now.

    here's another thing to carry in your pocket as your parlay through the city... DC is rampant with stds and hiv, so do your research before you get live on it. and always party safe, wrap it up.

    happy hunting. :smt039
  2. blacgrl

    blacgrl Banned

    I think that is just the American standard to prefer white period.
  3. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Brothers in high places or big checks attract some WW. Plus if they live in PG County.
  4. 2legit

    2legit Active Member

    I have been to DC virginia area once in 1994 been there for roughly a week I didn't go out much it looked kind of exciting place if you know your way around.
  5. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    I would actually like to know what things would be like for BM who are attracted to WW specifically if they're enrolled in Georgetown and George Washington. I can't find this information anywhere else, and I think you know a lot more than I do about DC even though I live near your area.
  6. artbunker

    artbunker New Member

    I use to live in DC for about 19 years. I saw it some on the high school level and college level. But you gotta remember this also DC is about power and status as well. You gotta have a certain education, go to certain schools and almost hang in certain circles to get accepted or advance and in most cases dating between blacks and whites is there but not really because of culture and status conflicts once folks enter the work force.

    Im not saying its not there on a professional level. It is but its not there as much because of the status issues. That being said, you also have to remember if your going to D.C. once again you got highly educated folks of all backgrounds competing for that status, money and power. So those who are doing well in D.C. will mostly have that education and ambition in common with each other. So on some level you will see those couples that are B&W but from what I seen growing up till 1995 the city is really about status almost more than how much money you make or how well you could provide or character traits.

    Once again , things might have changed a lot in 17 years. But like I said before when their younger I see black and white IR dating a lot more than once folks are in their mid 20's and 30's .
  7. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    I love in this area...and I don't see any GREAT number of interracial couples. In fact just the opposite. (with regards to blacks and whites) Howard County is a TOTALLY different story. I was actually blown away by how many IR couples I see its really common place. But of lot of you use your own limited small world personal experienced as foundations of fact...

    ...which is silly.
  8. 11eleven11

    11eleven11 New Member

    Never been to DC but seeing 4/5 interracial couples on a night out doesn't seem a lot to me? Friday/Saturday night in my city, you'd probably see at least that and I live in an extremely white-dominated area(from the 2001 census results: of 118210 people, 115901 are white-98%). Even with your very closed definition of interracial(bm/ww), it doesn't seem like a lot?
  9. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    No big deal. I see black women and white men in accelerating numbers everywhere. The black man needs a break to be free and spread his wings and oats as well.
  10. Trey1540

    Trey1540 New Member

    I lived in DC my whole life and I'm here to tell there are not many bm/ww couples in the city. Now NVA is a completely story. You'll see plenty of bm/ww or bm/lw couples.
  11. NoIdea

    NoIdea New Member

    What areas in NVA do you recommend?
  12. Trey1540

    Trey1540 New Member

    It depends on what you looking for. If you want a white girl you want something Arlington, Alexandria, Springfield, and Reston. It's plenty of other places as well but these are the areas where I get a lot play and I see a lot of black dudes with white and Latina women. You also got places like Silver Spring, Hyattsville, Wheaton, G-burg, Waldorf, Clinton, etc. White girls in these areas mostly middle class so they go to school with a lot of black dudes. So you see a lot of them who either dated or currently dating a black man. White girls in DC don't live or come from the same neighborhoods as the black males in DC. Most of the white girls in the city are either in college or living Georgetown Dupont Circle. They won't be able to relate to a dude from Southside or Northside.
  13. NoIdea

    NoIdea New Member

    Thanks for the advice. I'll check out either Arlington or Alexandria next weekend.
  14. Trey1540

    Trey1540 New Member

    No problem brother and I hope you find what you looking for. But to be honest with you bagging a white girl out here isn't hard at all. All you have to do is approach him.
  15. Max Mosley

    Max Mosley Well-Known Member

    White chicks living in the DC city limits are usually rural outsiders from various parts of the country to who stay in the city after they graduate. Usually liberal, non profit org working yoga class regulars.
  16. LemonDC

    LemonDC New Member

    Its not that many bm/ww couples in DC. And I've lived here my entire life. Granted I'm pretty well off, it seems as if meeting WW isn't as easy as WM make it sound, unless your a friend of a friend or work buddy. There are a few "hidden spots" in the area that I've found a fair amount of success socially, "Krazy Ottos" in Crofton (20 minutes outside of DC) & Annandale, VA's bar area. I'm a U street regular but will try Local as well as the other recommendations.

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