Immigration: Arizona strikes back

Discussion in 'In the News' started by archangel, Apr 24, 2010.

  1. chicity

    chicity New Member

    Yes, exactly.

    This is an example of something that should not be the case. More lawsuits need to occur, more protests, and more change. Things are a teensy bit better now, but a great deal more is needed.

    Still, it is a little bit better than the cop legally being allowed to defend himself in court simply by pointing to your hue. That sort of thing should never, ever be put back into law.
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    So to limit racial profiling how would you suggest identifying illegal immigrants in this country?
  3. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    i completely understand the context you were using in the comparison and i will admit that i had the same thought as's the rounding up that i was thinking about and not the slaughtering.

    again i agree. the freedom to walk down the street without being stopped should be a right all people should have.

    you have never, nor will you ever be an old bitch're just grand...!!! :smt049

    again, i agree.

    i find the thought of singling people out because of their nationality or race disgraceful and very disturbing and can't fathom why people would want to encourage it.
  4. Espy

    Espy New Member

    :smt023 Gotta agree with you on all of this too Bookie.

    Honestly I don't know what people are so concerned about, they'll get deported and be back next week. Seriously I grew up immersed in Mexican culture and I knew more illegals than I did citizens, and I'm here to tell you they know how to work the system. They know how to avoid the border patrol and immigration. They know where to go to get fake SS cards and green cards, and they are high quality forgeries too. I'd be willing to bet that a large proportion of the people who get asked for papers will have some sufficiently authentic looking ones to get by. Illegals have been coming from Mexico for decades, they know what they are doing. I have no issue with deporting them if they are here illegally. However, I do feel badly for their children, because it's not their fault Mom and Dad got here illegally, but more than likely they'll stay behind in the US with another family member anyway. They are a family focused culture and every illegal I knew had a contingency plan in place in the event they got picked up. Another family member here just took care of the kids until Mom and/or Dad returned. Like I said, they are very organized and they know how to work it. I don't really see Arizona's policy putting much of a dent in the illegal population of the state. Oh and both my sisters are half Mexican and I wouldn't have problem one with someone asking them to verify their citizenship.
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    To lippy, chi, and tarshi I read what you guys had to say and I understand where you're coming from. You guys are focused on the lawful citizens who would be targeted for crimes they haven't committed and that would basically suck but in the interests of natinal security and over all sustainability of the quality of life most of us have come to enjoy how would you address the problemof unlawful citizens (who aren't just a few tourist but millions of people using the welfare system paid for by American citizens) living in this country.
  6. porcelainsnowbird

    porcelainsnowbird Restricted

    Who was doing it before they arrived in such numbers? Actually, American citizens are being discriminated against and blocked from certain jobs. Plenty of people are willing to work in the restaurant/hospitality industry, construction etc. I saw an article some years ago about blacks fighting to improve safety/working conditions/benefits at a fish company in the south...only to be replaced by low wage earners eager to move them out. Whites would set them up in dormitory style housing and make all kinds of donations to keep them comfortable and pitted against the very people from the local area who invested all the effort to improve conditions before their arrival.


    Latino Immigrants Come to the U.S. with Negative Stereotypes of Black Americans, New Study Shows

    How Latino immigrants relate to blacks and whites -- and how those groups relate to Latinos -- has implications for the social and political dynamic of the South, says political scientist Paula McClain

    ***********f09905]Monday, July 10, 2006[/color]
    ***********f09905] [/color]
    Note to Editors:
    A copy of the study is available in the August issue of the Journal of Politics at ***********0000ff][/color]. Paula McClain can be reached for comment at (919) 660-4303 or

    Durham, N.C. -- Latinos bring negative stereotypes about black Americans to the U.S. when they immigrate and identify more with whites than blacks, according to a study of the changing political dynamics in the South.

    The research also found that living in the same neighborhoods with black Americans seems to reinforce, rather than reduce, the negative stereotypes Latino immigrants have of blacks, said Paula D. McClain, a Duke University political science professor who is the study’s lead author.
    McClain said the findings are significant because the South has the largest population of blacks in the U.S. and has been defined more than other regions along a black-white divide. How Latino immigrants relate to blacks and whites -- and how those groups relate to Latinos -- has implications for the social and political dynamic of the region, she said.

    “Given the increasing number of Latino immigrants in the South and the possibility that over time their numbers might rival or even surpass black Americans in the region, if large portions of Latino immigrants maintain negative attitudes of black Americans, where will this leave blacks?” the researchers wrote. “Will blacks find that they must not only make demands on whites for continued progress, but also mount a fight on another front against Latinos?”

    In an interview, McClain added: “We’re actually pretty depressed about a lot of our findings.”

    The findings will be published in the August issue of the Journal of Politics, which is already available online (***********0000ff][/color]). The study was funded by the Ford Foundation.

    The study’s co-authors are Niambi M. Carter, Victoria M. DeFrancesco Soto and Monique L. Lyle of Duke; Jeffrey D. Grynaviski of the University of Chicago; Shayla C. Nunnally of the University of Connecticut; Thomas J. Scotto of West Virginia University; J. Alan Kendrick of St. Augustine's College; and Gerald F. Lackey and Kendra Davenport Cotton of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

    The findings are based on a 2003 survey, conducted in English and Spanish, of 500 Durham, N.C., residents, including 160 whites, 151 blacks and 167 Latinos. Durham was chosen for the pilot study because North Carolina has the fastest-growing Latino population in the country, and because Durham’s black population includes residents at all socioeconomic levels.

    The goal was to understand how Latino immigration -- a population largely new to the South in the past decade -- affects group dynamics in the South, which has historically been defined by the relationship between blacks and whites. The survey focused on a range of social and political activities and attitudes, including stereotypes each group holds about the other two.

    Researchers found that 58.9 percent of Latino immigrants -- most Latinos in Durham are from Mexico -- feel that few or almost no blacks are hard-working. About one-third, or 32.5 percent, of Latino immigrants reported they feel few or almost no blacks are easy to get along with. More than half of the Latino immigrants, or 56.9 percent, feel that few or almost no blacks could be trusted.

    Within the Latino immigrant population, researchers found, more-educated Latinos have significantly fewer negative stereotypes, and men have significantly more negative stereotypes.

    “One might think that the cause of the Latinos’ negative opinions about blacks is the transmission of prejudice from Southern whites, but our data do not support this notion,” the researchers wrote.

    White residents in Durham actually have a more positive view of blacks, leading researchers to conclude that Latinos’ negative views were not adopted from whites.

    In the survey, only 9.3 percent of whites surveyed indicate that few blacks are hard-working; only 8.4 percent believe few or almost no blacks are easy to get along with; and only 9.6 percent feel that few or almost no blacks can be trusted.

    The researchers also noted that if whites were the primary influence on Latinos’ stereotypes, Latinos would become more prejudiced the longer they are in the U.S.; the findings do not support that notion. The researchers also investigated whether Latinos might be reciprocating the prejudice they sense from blacks; again, the survey did not support this theory.

    The survey showed that blacks view Latinos much more favorably than Latinos view blacks. About 72 percent of blacks feel most or almost all Latinos are hard-working, and 42.8 percent say most or almost all Latinos are easy to get along with. About one-third, or 32.6 percent, of blacks feel few or no Latinos could be trusted.


    The researchers concluded that Latino immigrants may bring their feelings about the racial hierarchies in their own countries with them to the U.S. The researchers noted that previous studies on race and Latin America, especially Mexico, identify blacks as “representing the bottom rungs of society.”

    The study also looked at the racial group with whom Latino immigrants most identify. More than 78 percent feel they have the most in common with whites, and 52.8 percent said they have the least in common with blacks.

    Whites do not feel the same connection to Latino immigrants. Nearly half of whites -- 47.5 percent -- reported they have the least in common with Latinos. Just 22.2 percent of whites see themselves as having the most in common with Latinos, while 45.9 percent say they have the most in common with blacks.

    Among blacks, respondents are split -- 49.6 percent say blacks have the most in common with Latinos, while 45.5 percent say they have the most in common with whites.

    The study did find that several factors do reduce stereotypes. For instance, when Latinos have a sense of “linked fate” with other Latinos -- or the sense that what happens to other Latinos affects them -- they tend to have fewer stereotypes against blacks.

    “The finding that these negative attitudes are modulated by a sense of linked fate suggests possibilities for the formation of connections to black Americans in the absence of the presence of an extant American Latino community,” the researchers wrote.

    The researchers also noted that education and some types of social interaction with blacks can reduce negative stereotypes among Latinos. However, one type of social interaction -- living in the same neighborhood – “pushes them farther away from blacks and closer to whites,” the study said.

    “These new Latino immigrants may behave in ways similar to the Chinese in Mississippi in the mid-19th century, and the Cubans in Miami in the mid-20th century -- identification with whites, distancing themselves from blacks, and feeling no responsibility to rectify the continuing inequalities of black Americans,” the researchers wrote.

    McClain noted that more research needs to be done to fully understand these findings. Her research team plans to expand the study to determine whether the Durham findings mirror Latino-black relations in other Southern cities. In addition to re-surveying Durham residents, her group plans to study Memphis, Tenn.; Greensboro, N.C.; Greenville, S.C.; and Dalton, Ga. She recently received a grant from the Russell Sage Foundation to survey three of the cities and will seek funding from other sources to fund the remaining two cities.

    While the topic requires additional research, McClain said the initial findings indicate that community leaders in cities with burgeoning Latino immigrant populations must begin thinking through how the different groups get along.

    “Black and Latino leaders need to recognize that there is a tremendous potential for conflict and that Latino immigrant attitudes toward black Americans may be a part of that,” she said. “There is also a potential for a backlash against Latino immigrants from black Americans.”
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Wow more studies that everyone hates black people. What else is new?
  8. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Excellent point as usual, Espy.
    Now that the mother of the logical board has spoken, I am out of this bitch. I'ma chase me a WW on the other thread, LoL
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I'm with you fam. Exit stage left even
  10. porcelainsnowbird

    porcelainsnowbird Restricted

    Did you have a heavy heart when the chairman on the Republican party in New Mexico stated hispanics consider themselves above blacks because they came here as conquerors and blacks as slaves?
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Point to psb for that one. Good one.
  12. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Nobody crying crocodile tears over your black ass either like they are the would-be illegals in this thread. 'Nuff said.
  13. Espy

    Espy New Member

    So you think white people have better experiences than black people do with Mexican people?
  14. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    not a heavy heart...pure outrage...he is a republican idiot!!

    how is that a good one? what was accomplished...i would be careful who you get in bed with around here andrae..psb is not your friend....she reminds me of my son's cat...hazel does this really cute head nuzzling thing to our dog...acting like she likes the dog...come here doggie...the dog falls for it soon as simone gets close enough to hazel...she swats her on the nose with her claws out...consider yourself warned...
  15. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Oh I think there are plenty of people around here who wouldn't swat Andrae on the nose in bed... just saying. ;)
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I like how psb pointed out that you and others keep pulling the "your black you should be on their side" card. When clearly its been proven in many studies they could give a fuck less about us. Just like everyone else they feel they're better than black people. Of course I'm generalizing because the comment was generalized.
    Btw I noticed how you ignored my question to you and Chi
  17. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    Karma, FlamingH, 'Drae, Books, all make valid points. Lipstick made a cupleLiving in AZ, I see this first hand. The experiences I had with Mexicans have been positive, so I'm not anti-Mexican, just come in this country the right way. Yes, there are Mexicans/Hispanics who hate us more than a Klansman.
  18. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Hmm... well I'd have to say mine weren't pleasant but I can't speak to what anyone else's experience have been. I personally find their culture unpleasant and offensive, which of course doesn't mean all Mexican people are that way, but the one's I knew shared a deplorable number of commonalities, particularly the men.
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    That has more to do with whites being their usual employers. Of course there's a difference in how they interact with us in comparison to blacks just like how there's a difference in how we interact with whites in comparison to latinos
  20. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    I still find it hilarious that folks are getting all bent out of shape over the fact that citizens of Arizona want the law to be unheld. What a concept huh?

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