I agree. there needs to be control. this should have been done years ago. the borders could be handled by the national gaurds easily but no one wants to do that because the mexicans do work we dont want to do. so we collect welfare and unemployment and blame them. it is our fault in two folds.
Speak for yourself homie its definitely bot the fault of the citizens all we can do is lobby to our reprensentatives corporations are the ones who benefit most from this.
When I see Mexicans do a lot of work in some areas I like to know are Blacks that lazy or they just hire them because they can't rat on their employers who treat them bad? I like to hear from Mexicans who work very hard to get citizenship instead of getting it illegally. When Reagan gave them amnesty in 86 what did Mexicans do? Nothing.
german:smt006right here on my father's side...the reference that i made to nazi germany came in response to having to show your papers...prove who you are...in germany every person had to prove who they were...the jews and the non jews...if you remember, the nazis branded the jews...gave them a number...a tattoo... this law that arizona passed puts every person that even remotely resembles someone of hispanic, mexican, latino heritage in a position to be questioned...racially profiled...prove their citizenship i might be german but with a good tan in the summer i can be mistaken for a latino any day of the week and twice on sunday... lippy's cosmetic prediction is that sunscreen, hair dye and skin lightening creams sales skyrocket....this group will morph into white culture there are many legals in this country...should they be profiled by the police...is it fair what the state of arizona is about to do...do you have any grasp on what this law will mean to the legal immigrants...i am just blown away by the lack of compassion...
SMDH Comparing this to the Holocaust is an absolute slap in the face to those that died in that genocide. Lets not go there. Arizona is doing NOTHING wrong. They arent banning immigration, they are inforcing a stop to illegal immigration. Illegals reportingly cost the state of Arizona 2 Billion dollars and there are close to 400,000 of them (hell, thats just an estimate):smt107 And there are millions of Americans that are out of work and I know damn well they would be fine doing landscaping and construction and other types of manual labor etc etc. Some of these companies are gonna get in big time trouble for encouraging this crap too.
I don't know why the state said anything about what they are doing because as far as I know police have always had the right to ask a citizen for their id any time they felt necessary. There isn't a lack of compassion at all but I do think we have paid for mexico's mistakes far longer than we should have to. As someone pointed out before Mexico has enough business and resources to make a man the richest person in the world but they don't take care of their own people why should that fall on our backs? When they start putting them in interment camps then I'll see the Nazi correlation but for now they want proof they should be here. If cops don't ask how do you propose they find out?
I wonder how happy lipstick would be if an illegal crashed into her car and he had no insurance. I highly doubt you would be all lovey dovey about illegals running rampit then. Folks bringing the race card into this and other weak forms of PC defense need to stop before they look even more foolish. As I said before (and many taxpaying US citizens in Arizona agree on), the illegals should be upset with how incompetent Mexico is. The illegals need to come to grips with whats fair and also what is reality. They had a good run and took advantage of Arizona bending over for their everyneed, now the party is about to come to an end
No offense but I really hope you never go into politics. lol Seriously enough with the comparisons to Nazi Germany. Its retarded and a slap in the face to those folks that suffered in that period of time. There is nothing wrong with having illegals having to show some form of identification. If I was in a foriegn country, you bet your ass I would have my drivers license AND my passport with me at all times. The whole racial profiling thing is being blown waaaaay out of proportion.
you are a black man correct? the usa prison system is full of black men...cops don't know if you have drugs in your car...or if you were the black man that just robbed the liquor store down the street...you are off from work today so you don't have on a suit and tie...you just happen to like hip/hop and have it up a few notches on your car stereo...i guess if the police stop you it's okay right? you fit the description of the person they are looking for...nothing more than a black man...that's who the police are looking for...a black man...how does that make you feel? this happens every day to black men...but somehow if we can get the police to start profiling hispanic, latinos and mexicans it's now okay? are you kidding me?
you are missing the point...if you are in a foreign country you are probably there visiting...these people aren't visiting...they came here to live...work etc...they have homes...jobs...kids in school... your comparison is the one that is retarded...vacation travel vs. living??
I'm with everyone else who finds it sick to be comparing this to Nazi Germany. Give me a break. The Nazis were rounding up Jews to slaughter them and wipe them off the face of the planet. We're making illegals go back to their home country. There's a HUGE difference. HUGE. Stop with the Nazi Germany comparisons. They aren't even in the same ballpark with what Arizona is proposing.
do you people READ? the only comparison to NAZI germany was in the "round up" and "identification" WOW...take much out of context...no one here is saying that AZ is going to slaughter people...but they are infact, looking to do a "roundup" ...i thought i had an active imagination personally i think we might be surprised how american jews feel about imigration...i sincerely doubt they are rejoicing as a group of people are being targeted
it's already happened...my car was brand new...didn't even have the plates yet...hit and run...he for sure didn't have insurance... i had a black man break into my house right after i bought it...all kinds of damage both to the structure of the house and inside...things stolen i paid for both out of my own pocket...didn't change how i feel about black men and it didn't change how i feel about mexicans is that all you've got?
If I legitmately fit the description then they are within their rights to stop me. I'm not saying they deserve it because they're mexican its because they're here illegally. How else will the authorities find out that they are illegal if they don't stop people. What's your solution?
I'm actually referring to LIVING as well and doing it LEGALLY. Yeah, the state I live in (Arizona) is flat out ran by Neo Nazis. I cant believe they want to uphold the law...what facist pigs!!!!!:smt042 I follow politics in my state. I have read the 16 page bill (I'm assuming you havent since all the ignorant and misinformed things you are spewing is absurd and laughable at best). Folks in this state have had enough with picking up the tab. I refuse to let naysayers try to guilt trip myself and other taxpayers in this state.