Immigration: Arizona strikes back

Discussion in 'In the News' started by archangel, Apr 24, 2010.

  1. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    The government is owned by Corporate America.

    That's why nothing will be done about the illegals.
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You know what good point
  3. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    The mexicans are harrassing the shit out of Blacks on the streets and the job and housing market.
  4. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    I live in Arizona and I see first hand what a problem ILLEGAL immigration is firsthand. There are tons of crime in and around the border. When these illegals are deported back to Mexico, they just come right back over.

    Its time Arizona takes care of itself since the lazy politicians in DC wont do shit about it (I hope other Southwest states follow as well).

    And comparing this bill to the Nazi rules is completely ludacris. If I was in another country, I would be required to have my passport and drivers license on me at all times. So it shouldnt be out of the question for legal immigrants to have some form of proof that they are legal.

    If these illegals should be mad at anyone it should be Mexico.
  5. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure what the answer is. I saw a video on I think MSNBC a few days before this was passed. And they had the rancher on who had the land next to the rancher that was killed. He said their had been hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants over just his land alone since he had owned it. That number blew my mind. So yes it' a huge problem.

    I also know, being that my best friend is Venezuelan and is often treated like she is an illegal immigrant, there is lots of room for abuse.
  6. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Thank you.
  7. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    let's not forget that the jews were all branded like cattle with a number as well...what just happened in arizona is history repeating itself just in a different way...

    yes, we have a problem with illegals in the usa...i live in colorado so i know people here feel it to...but there are many ways to feel it...have any of you even considered how much money the illegals are making and pumping into our economy...i don't see many illegals out of you know why? because they are willing to work no matter what even if it means making less money...they will work until times get better...when people start canceling their lawn service because they can't quite afford it...the illegals will lower the price to keep you as a customer...there will always be two ways to look at's up to you to decide if your glass is half empty or half full...

    i agree with the other ladies: chi, tarshi & fly...
  8. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Lips- you make a good point, but....
    Noone is saying illegals dont work hard for lower price. They do. You got to be fair and call a spade for spade.
    Noone is also saying illegals dont pump money to the economy. I am not an Economist or an accountant, so I do not know how much money they're pumping in our system, maybe GG or Andrae can educate me on this. But what I know is they do send billions of dollars back to their country. That is loss to our economy.
    In terms of paying tax, I am sure some do pay but not all of them. Even if they do pay, their benefit out weighs much more than their cost, vice versa for tax paying good ole' US citizens.
    1. When they get sick and go to county or even private hospital ER and stay in for few days- $ 100,000 dollars
    2. When their kid get free education, making the public system crowded and taking spots from citizen kids-$100,000, some even go public universities
    3. Free housing-$100000
    4. Prison system-$100000
    5. Crimes- when law enforcement agencies spending millions on man power to hunt down the illegal criminal.
    6. Providing their kids bilingual teachers
    7. Paying translators- $$$$$$$ at hospital, job placement, county offices
    8. Also forcing our society to be bilingual.

    Need I say more?
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2010
  9. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Compare mexico to the nazis because they round up illegals and deport the shit out of them.
  10. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Not to mention the billions they send out of the country.

    We are importing 1920's style racism and sexism from across the border.

    Mexicans hate Black people with a passion that would make a southern redneck blush.
  11. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    They should be mad at mexico is right.

    But they don't have those kinda nuts.

    They don't have balls until they cross the border.
  12. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    i think that you make good points but it is a trade off...for every argument there is a counter argument...i am a tax payer and i would rather be supporting the family down the street than a war...we as a people (when i say this i mean americans of all race, religion and background) rush to the aid/defense of many other countries in time of need...

    what i see perpetuating in this thread is that it is okay to be against a whole group of people...i never thought it was okay to group all blacks together...i still don't think it is okay to group all bw together or all bm...what i see and hear in alot of these threads are angry black men feeding off of each other...i wonder if that will ever change...does it make you feel better or satisfy you more that another group of people will be racially profiled and violated just as long as it isn't you

    need i say more?
  13. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Save the angry BM crap...This is our future we are talking about.

    What I see is a delusional WW in a hurry to give away the only country she has to a people that would have NO PROBLEM DEPORTING HER ASS if the shoe were on the other foot.

    Mexicans are against Blacks.

    They call us "chango" and "Mayate" they gun us down and ally themselves with Neo-nazis.

    Mexico is against ANYBODY that is in their country illegally.

    WHAT ABOUT THAT???????????????????????
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Personally I'm not aware of the exact cost to having illegals here but I think its clearly obvious to anyone who can look at the cost benefit of having them here. Yes their cheap labor allow us to produce goods and services at lower costs but that coincides more with the profit of a company more so than the pricing for a consumer because they can't price outside of what inflation and demand allows them to. So even if they were to stop using cheaping labor they wouldn't price things at triple the price because no one would be able to afford it but it might effect long term growth and expansion. I agree with you that the costs of having illegal immigrants far outweighs the benefits not to mention its a slap in the face to people like my family who came here the legal way. No one is saying that mexicans shouldn't be here because let's face it they are the hardest working class of people in this country, but is it too much to ask them to be here legally. Something else id like to add when people are here illegally there is no accountability for any crimes they might do like cause car accidents and leaving the scene because here in NY many of them drive without insurance and cause problems without accountability.
  15. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    well maybe they should start by taking back california since that was originally part of mexico...

    and the black call them ??? it's a two way street ??

    blacks are against mexicans??? it's a two way street ??

    a delusional ww...please, i know better than anyone that whites will no longer be the majority but in fact the minority in this country...i don't own the country to give it want to know who owns this country...hmmmm, china...the saudi's
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Lippy as far as I've read with the exception of Flame none of us have a problem with illegals because they're Mexicans but because them them being here illegally is a major cost to us the tax payers. I agree with you id rather help people then send young men and women off to war but I want to help people within our borders who are here legally. There are many Americans without adequate housing or food. Can we fix the people that are here first or at the very least make it bareable before taking on the problems of others. Just like they tell you on an airplane when the plane is going down make sure you put your face mast on first because you can't help anyone if you're not ok first.
  17. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Why not give back the Louisiana territory to the French while you're in such a hurry to give shit back.

    Blacks could NEVER get away with killing mexicans the way they do us...without a PEEP from the media.

    It is NOT a two-way street.
  18. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    so it was better when all the gangs were black and they just killed each other...ooooh, i see where you are going with it makes perfect sense:smt085
  19. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member


    This is not a race issue.

    It is a LABOR issure.

    A healthcare issue.

    A standard of living issue.

    Why should we pick-up the tab for Mexico's wealthy???????????????????
  20. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Lips- As Andrae and Flame pointed out, it is not a race issue it is economic and legal issue.
    I have no problem with Mexicans, I know lots of them as friend/acquaintance. I know their culture very well and can speak their language to certain degree, and get along with them, that is not the problem.
    When someone is speaking of illegals, it is not only Mexico. Mexico might be the majority but there are even Europeans who are in this country illegally.

    Also give them back Cali comment, well in that case let us give them back Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and Colorado too. Heck why dont we just return the country back to my native ppl and everybdoy else get the fuck out. You see where I am going with this, it is not possible to rtn cali back to them. It has been long ago. The best thing to do is have them come here legally and Mexico should be able to provide for their citizens as well.
    About Iraq war- I agree with you, yes let us get the fuck out of there, we are wasting young lives and resources there and in return we getting ppl to hate us and more unnecessary immigration to this country.

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