The notion that poor third world citizens who have a problem finding food and decent jobs will find thousands of dollars to get to South Africa is moronic. I'm done sir good day.
Do you even know how much they pay those "coyetes" to help them across the border?, it's definitely more than a ticket to zimbabwe would cost, Mexicans who try their chances in the US are obviously not starving, they usually sell everything they have like houses, cars etc, they could afford a flight to zimbabwe, but what would be the point?, South Africa has its own problems, it wouldn't be worth it, South Africa is definitely worse than Mexico, my comment was directed at someone who said something about violence, so I said if they're looking for violence they should try South Africa.
Actually they don't. The majority leave families in Mexico and send money back to them because the exchange rate is so favorable. This is the temporary residence and Mexico is 'home'. They go back to Mexico on a fairly regular basis, and then return to the US to earn more money to send back to Mexico. Many don't ever intend to reside here permanently, they just work here to get ahead financially, intending to return to Mexico to 'retire'. They don't view the US as the promise land, nor do they dislike Mexico, they just can't earn the type of money there that they can here. It's a financial move, nothing more.
I know about the South Africa/Zimbabwe border. Its one of the most porous in Africa.The Zimbabweans have cut so many holes in the fences that the border guards cant keep up. The White farmers in that region actually take advantage of the situation.They employ the Zimbabweans and pay them peanuts. This breeds the xenophobia that is prevalent in South Africa. South African blacks hate Zimbabweans now.
Killed? more like tortured I love my brothers in South Africa but what they are doing is despicable, it's genocide, they're torturing, raping and murdering anything they can find on those farms (even little girls and elderly people) VERY DISTURBING, do not watch it if you're about to go to bed, I did once and I had a terrible nightmare. I just hope that doesn't jeopardize the world cup ...
The protesters are getting absolutely ridiculous now. They are now wanting for illegals to NOT even get deported. They are wanting complete amnesty for the illegals (basically rewarding these folks for breaking the law) HUH???:smt017
The U.S. is really naive in dealing with these people. In Mexico - illegal immigrants are arrested as felons and fined $400. In the U.S. - we issue them green cards, give them welfare, free public schooling and health care, count them in the census, and allow them to protest and destroy property - what a double standard. It shouldnt even be a Repub/Democrat issue. Its about whats right and whats wrong. These illegals are taking advantage of the system and they need to follow the law. Both political parties (Dems and Repubs) are too scared and paranoid on taking a serious stand againist illegal immigration. They want the hispanic vote so bad. Just pathetic.
need I remind you that it was a republican power that made this law. The republicans need the hispanic vote less than the dems.
I don't know about that. Didn't the fact that Dubya spoke Spanish helped to get him elected? I think both sides need the Hispanic vote equally.
I hate to say this, but that's idiotic. Every single good thing that has ever happened in this country, including the right for Black Men and White Women to marry, came from liberals. Tea Party anti-immigration Faux-watching redneck idiots think that waving flags and racial epithets will motivate some politician to throw all the illegal aliens out of this country, and we'll all get jobs. That is simply not going to ever happen. We do not have the resources to find the overwhelming majority of illegal aliens in this country. We didn't have those resources even when we had a budget surplus. Getting rid of illegal aliens would not give American citizens jobs. If cheap labor can't be found here, our companies have proven many times that they are happy to look overseas. Getting rid of scabs feels satisfying, but does not solve the problem. The scab is not the problem, it is a symptom not the disease. But the same people who are angriest at illegal aliens are the most hesitant to impose regulations and punishments upon the businesses that sacrifice the American worker at every opportunity. Likewise, those most eager to discuss the crime coming in from Mexican drug gangs are the least likely to support legalization of marijuana, even tho nearly all drug experts in this country agree that if marijuana could legally be grown in this country that the presence of Mexican drug gangs in this country would dry up immediately. Republicans have been talking about illegal aliens for years. They've done nothing to slow the progress of illegal aliens into this country. They were here under Bush, and they're here now. There is nothing they can do, and certainly nothing they want to do. What they do instead is work up anti-immigration rhetoric, so that people feel positive emotions about White republicans, and negative emotions about Democrats and Hispanics. Because racism sells almost better than sex. They periodically pass draconian laws that hurt individual Hispanic families, destroy Hispanic communities and endanger Hispanic children, and that all makes White people feel good, but the numbers of illegal aliens has not gone down. It's gone up. The reality is this: they are here, and they are staying. Moreover they are the most successful, organized, motivated activists in the country right now. Liberals wish they could bring those kinds of crowds to a protest. The numbers you see at pro-immigrant rallies dwarf even the most super successful liberal rallies of recent rallies, and make the Tea Party look like an actual tea party. Politically savy people are allying with them for greater leverage for themselves.
First I would like to point out that I said that liberals are ruining the country not that they have ruined it. I'm talking present tense. For example the healthcare bill which only entitles us to insurance if we have pre existing outside of it the bill is totally in favor of big business by requiring all Americans over 26 to have insurance and if they don't they get a 300 dollar fine or more. The 787 billion dollar bailout to banks and corporation that continue to lay off workers and foreclose on homes. You would think that they woulnt be able to keep the toxic assests and get free money. Both shitty liberal agendas btw. As far as the people who are illegal I wish we could either execute them or put them in concentration camps and I aware about how harsh it sounds but something has to give. We have to make the idea of coming here illegally so scarey that they'll have to fix the problems of their country. I know it sounds like I'm unfeeling but from what I've been reading the cost of having them here illegally isn't beneficial to us at all. Yeah they do jobs we don't want to do but do have any idea how many illegals cause crimes and never have to answer for it. Not to mention the cost of educating their kids. Its unreasonable period. I want opportunities for Americans first and only fuck everyone else.
In what universe is that liberals fault? You think liberals supported that version of the bill? In fact, most liberals opposed the bill until the last minute, and then only supported in as better than nothing. Dennis Kucinich is a solid example of the liberal interpretation of the bill. Again, that has absolutely nothing to do with liberals. Conservatives are pro corporate welfare, liberals are against it. No. In fact, the bailouts started under Bush. Stop watching Fox. It's not that it sounds harsh, it's that it sounds impractical and ineffective. Capital punishment doesn't work as a deterrent to our own citizens, why would it work for others? What you're talking about sounds emotionally satisfying, but it's never worked anywhere, and it doesn't work here. Risk-taking people who break laws don't expect to be caught. It's part of their psychology as risk takers. So stricter laws tend to fail as deterrents, because they only punish people who have been caught. One of their biggest problems is that they lack a government designed around an idealism of pursuing increasing equality and fairness. No, the US has never offered true equality, but it has been progressively (albeit slowly) working toward that goal since its inception. You would sacrifice that, lower our own system to that of a third world nation, to prevent others from wanting what we have. Then give the means to be here legally. Because there's no getting rid of them. Anyone who tells you differently is trying to manipulate you. We can talk of reducing the number of them coming in, but those that are here now aren't going anywhere. Getting rid of illegal aliens won't give Americans opportunities. Nor will it work.
Chi we are on complete opposite sides on this one so we gotta agree to disagree. You lean way tooo far left for my taste.
They aren't importing. They're setting up farms on our public lands. And bringing their drug wars with them. From the Wall Street Journal: