
Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Morning Star, Jul 5, 2011.

  1. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    She's interested and like what the site has to offer. But she's rarely on here since she's working as a manager.

  2. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    what did she say about it
  3. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    She didn't say much about it actually. If she did, chances, she would probably advertise the site a bit as part of her outreach for interracial relationships. You can ask her personally about how she feels about the site.

  4. Romelo

    Romelo Member

    I don't really know much about this site, I just viewed the first page but what's that Kreayshawn girl doing on there? :rolleyes:
  5. AlanaIDBG

    AlanaIDBG New Member


    Hey guys! @Goodlove I love this site! Its one of the only good threads out here as far as REAL topics pertaining to interracial relationships! I found this site while doing some research for one of my blogs and then got introduced through @bigBrotha. Imdatingablackguy is a basic interracial site that talks alot about important subjects that are still very much alive today! Also some IR celeb news! I am currently posting face pictures of myself since I have had soooo many requests for them! I just uploaded one a few minutes ago which is the real ALANA! =D me in the flesh! I will soon start doing video blogs alot like the podcasts ive done so far just live video of me doing it =D also I have IDBG tv coming which will be a section with real footage of everyday people talking about IR dating! I recently added the "let me find out" section which is basically my rumors section! And a he can get it section where every week I feature a new FINE black celeb male "who can get it" =D Anyway thanks for all the support guys! I will be slowing down at my day job so I will deff. try to be on here chatting with you all! Again thanks for all the support and plese continue to check me out! Xoxox Tootles!
  6. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    LOL - I'm sure someone already pointed this out, but as the latecomer to this thread, allow me to point out that the choice of troubled IR couples in the banner photos is suspect. Is it real? Also looks like they have some hilarious posts up as well.
  7. AlanaIDBG

    AlanaIDBG New Member

    I do have some hilarious posts up! =D yes the banner is real! Ive been supe busy and havent had time to change up the photos! But now that u just roasted me on it I will make time today! LOL
  8. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

  9. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    cool. nice meeting you.
  10. AlanaIDBG

    AlanaIDBG New Member

    Video Casts

    HEy guys! So I have decided to start doing my video blogs! Ill have my first one up by Friday and I was hoping you all could give me some great subjects/topics that I can blog about! Thanks for all your love!

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