If you only had one day...

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by TheChosenOne, Jul 24, 2008.

  1. jellybird

    jellybird New Member


    (...this smiley has been getting alot of work lately.)
  2. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    ...OH WAIT. I might be able to jack up this old crappy phone mic thing I used to have. hrm.

    hehe. What instant messengers do you use, jelly?! :twisted:
  3. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Sure! Everyone come to Chicago and I'll plan a party! :D

    Chicago's a pretty central location, so it's perfect! Weeeeeeee!!! :wink:

    :lol: :lol:
  4. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

    The other night was Petty's night and tonight looks like Jelly Night! :)
  5. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    LOL! I was just going to say that. Jelly is sure getting the love on this site lately! :D
  6. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Sometimes us conservative types just need a push in the right direction. :wink:

    As for that list....hmmm...there are many people on here that I'd like a day with for various reasons. So many people intrigue me and I'd like to see what they're like in their "real" lives. You are one of those people. :D
  7. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    You are the designated bartender then! :D
  8. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Thanks ladies. :smt026
  9. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    well, it's a start!...lol

    and i love chicago! i should come see my family, and then i'd have an excuse to visit you, bookie, lol!

  10. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

    And now that I know you are 6'3" Jelly, it is a WHOLE new ballgame :twisted:
  11. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Heck yeah! Get your booty up here! :lol:
  12. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    you'll split my ticket price? lol

  13. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Thanks, bookie. Even after I put the green kool-aid and sweet potato pie on you, I bet hanging out with you would be cool. I love the way you never seem to get rattled around here even when the sh*t starts to hit the fan. I guess thats why you're a mod.
  14. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE Chicago.

    I used to go to the Blues Festival every year. It is such agreat city. So many great music clubs.

    Bookworm...is the Golden Sardine still open?

    I used to go to Buddy Guys all the time and the Checkerboard club. My ex used to play with Junior Wells and James Brown.

    I would so be up for a Chicago get together!
  15. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member


    that makes two of us who are up for a chi-town get-together! :lol:

    road trip? :lol: :lol: :lol:
  16. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Yeah, Im 6'3''. If you look waaay back at some of my earlier posts, I give a full description of myself...or if you can twist the arm of a few of the ladies here, they might be able to tell you what I look like...or even give you a pic. :oops:
  17. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Now, let's not start talking crazy....

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    If I could girl, I totally would!! :D
  18. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

    OK Ladies.......

    Whoever has a picture of Jelly....Cough it up!

    And Road Trip....Hell Yeah!
  19. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member


    hey, vanilla...as he told me, he looks like "the average black guy", lol!

    sorry, jelly, you know i gotta razz you about that one. :wink:
  20. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    <----seen pic. muahahaha! 8)

    and i'm totally down with the road trip.....let's do it!! :D

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