If you could have a secret camera in any room of the world

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Be-you-tiful86, Jul 24, 2009.

  1. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    If you could have a secret camera in any room of the world which room would that be?

    I think it would have been interesting to see the conference in which they discussed the Sprite commercial that's been posted on the boards here a few days ago.Lol. But that's in the past

    On a serious note though..the CIA main office would be an interesting location to place that cam.

    And in some handsome men's bedrooms.Lol :p
  2. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Whichever room Battlecat, T.C., Warren G, Cold187um, E-A-Ski, Dr. Dre produce tracks in.

    Or Masashi Kishimoto's room to see the process of how he makes his manga, and to see how long it takes.
  3. Rissalovesblack

    Rissalovesblack New Member

    I agree with these two :),
    especially the CIA main office, that'd be kinda interesting. Or maybe some place where they talk about the US's major secrets they don't want getting out to citizens ;)
  4. Sonny Dragon

    Sonny Dragon Well-Known Member

    My camera would be in your bedroom. Or GirlieGirl's. Or Kuntrygirl's. I'd have one in Thick's and Lipstick's bedrooms. But I'll be with Francie.
  5. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    This one. ^
  6. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    None, spying for personal pleasure would creep me out. I cant even be in someone home while they are out without feeling like I am invading their privacy. And spying for information is just a huge disaster in my mind. Can you imagine having all the nations secrets and not being able to do anything about it? I choose blissful ignorance. :cool:
  7. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    LOL! you cheater!

    About me, I'd have it in our prime minister's room, so ppl who still don't believe it could see how disgusting he is!
    Then, I'd have a look at some hot guys' room :D
  8. tford

    tford New Member

    Denise Milani's bedroom.
  9. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    My own. I'm the only person in the world who I can't see. It would be interesting noting what weird quirks I have and then changing all the things I don't like. I have little care to see or know what anyone else is up to.
  10. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    I would like to have a camera in my eyes.. Then I could show you, how I see you..
  11. LA

    LA Well-Known Member


    I'd like to see how someone sees me.
  12. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    :smt112sonny you have no idea what your viewing pleasure might be...
  13. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    Oh girl, that's why I love you! You always make me think :)
  14. GirlieGirl74

    GirlieGirl74 Well-Known Member

    My guess would be that you would prefer for all of us to just be in the same bedroom. ;)
  15. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    lipstick could show you:smt002

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