Please sign and share this petition to demand a resignation from this police chief who believes that “If you can’t prevent rape, you might as well enjoy it.” It is really scary when you rely on law enforcement to serve and protect, except that this police chief in India believes, if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em! This India Police Chief made an appalling statement regarding rape victims, saying “If you can’t prevent rape, you might as well enjoy it.” Police Chief Sinha was at an illegal sports betting regarding the legalization of gambling. His justification is that if gambling could not be stopped, at least gain revenue by legalizing it. His comments about rape are in the same context. The rape remarks came after a fatal rape of a 23-year old woman on a bus in New Delhi. This attack caused nationwide outrage and forced the government to change rape laws and create fast-track courts for rape cases. New laws introduced after the attack make stalking, voyeurism and sexual harassment a crime. They also provide for the death penalty for repeat offenders or for rape attacks that lead to the victim’s death. Police Chief Sinha claims his remarks that “if you can’t prevent rape, you might as well enjoy it” were taken out of context but activists clearly heard his statement and are pushing for his resignation. It is claimed that the comments were offensive to women everywhere, saying that “It is sickening that a man who is in charge of several rape investigations should use such an analogy.” Ms. Karat of the Communist Party of India also states that “He should be prosecuted for degrading and insulting women.” This guy certainly does not sound like a protector and should be relieved of his duties. Please sign and share this petition to demand a resignation from this police chief who believes that “If you can’t prevent rape, you might as well enjoy it.”
In what possible way could that be taken out of context? What a miserable, shitty excuse for a human being.
India has created its own demographic nightmare through selective abortion and female infanticide. The millions of females that should've been born over the last two generations has left millions of Indian men without potential mates. Since India is a poor country, most of those men cannot afford to travel abroad to seek girlfriends or wives. Furthermore, the women outside of India aren't exactly clamoring for the men there either. A rape epidemic shouldn't be seen as a natural consequence, but it is a consequence nonetheless.
I think that has less to do with a lack of women so and more to do with a lack of respect for women. Even if the gender ratio was 1:1 it wouldn't matter as long as some of the men in India see sex with a woman as something that they are entitled to anytime, anywhere. The only way to break that mentality is punish rape and other sexual offenses as harshly as possible. Here in Georgia a rape conviction carries 25 years in prison at a minimum.
That's awesome. I think in CA it's like a min of 3 years, max of 8 years for rape. It's sad that an offender can get just three years for an attack that will live with the victim, in one way or another, for life. Just doesn't seem fair, but that's just me. It's nice to see some states sending a serious message to rapists.
Harsher punishment is probably not the best way to prevent these types of crimes. Penalty enhancements deter petty crimes and crimes of profit. But crimes of passion and emotions such as aggravated assault, murder, and rape. Don't significantly dwindle because of harsher punishments. The reason is simple. Most crimes of passion aren't done using the rational parts of the brain. So criminals who commit these types of crimes aren't thinking their actions through. So consequences play no role in their choices. To reduce sexual assaults in countries like India, they need massive educational campaigns. The men of those places need to learn to see their females as equal human beings. They need to learn compassion and empathy. Please note that I'm only talking about the prevention of future criminal acts. When I say harsher penalties aren't the answer. As for criminals already convicted of rape, they should be prosecuted at the fullest extent of the law.