I think he could left this alone. Peter king sounds like a very angry man. The man passed on its over.
So much for the "big tent." PS: Jackson was found not guilty and the kid who accused him later recanted.
The kid didn't. That was some bogus blog. If it was authentic it would have been posted all over mainstream media. He was innocent anyway, like you said he was found not guilty. I wish people would stop bringing it up, that really pissed me off at the memorial when that women brought it up. He was innocent, leave it alone.
But FLY, we live in a country that practices-the presumption of innocence (innocent until proven guilty) tho.
Yes, and there is a difference between finding someone not guilty and finding someone factually innocent. There have been people who were found not guilty who continued their court battle for a finding of factual innocence. There is a difference.
I got no beef with the Juice or with Mjac in regard to their legal battles. I have a harder time with finding someone guilty when they are innocent, while the rest of society only seems to have a problem when it is reversed. I wasnt condeming him when I first commented, just correcting what I felt was a misstatement in regard to the legal battles. :smt077
Some Republicans walked out when the resolution on Micheal Jackson was proposed. King used the Jack Johnson excuse to say he was not a racist. If he was in 1910 his attitude would as the same as today toward Jackson since Johnson was controversial as well.