I'd do a Jew

Discussion in 'Celebrity WW/BM Couples' started by Obsidian71, Oct 15, 2007.

  1. Obsidian71

    Obsidian71 New Member

    Sarah Silverman is gonna deliver my lil beige Black Jew.


  2. GrecoJones84

    GrecoJones84 Active Member

    Not funny not hot. Pass...
  3. Obsidian71

    Obsidian71 New Member

    True her humor is a bit...off and no one is going to confuse her for a pinup model but chics with black hair do it for me for some reason.
  4. kenny_g

    kenny_g New Member

    I kind of give her props and then Im like oh snap wha did she just do.

    Like for instince she had god as a black man on her show, rare for alot of white people to do but comforting........But she had sex with him :shock:
  5. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    Actually, i've always thought she was hot in a very weird way. Because generally, girls who are comedians for some odd reason do not turn me on. But she does. I think she likes black dudes too for you "curious" people out there (although she's dating Jimmy Kimmel).
  6. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    In some clothes she is hot indeed. However,there are some jewish women who are more hotter than her and some have the trunk.
  7. Obsidian71

    Obsidian71 New Member

    Hell yeah. Seinfelds ex Soshana is hot like lava. She needs to give me a beige baby too but something about Silverman just exudes "freaky" to me. I want pull her hair and show her some schvartzer love.

    Me and Kimmel may have to box over her for real.
  8. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    Daphne Rosen

  9. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Sarah Silverman is a freak, you can see it in her eyes. Her mouth is dirty and she loves to be vulgar.

    Sarah has a weird sex appeal to her. It makes you wanna get nasty.
  10. Frozen Veins

    Frozen Veins New Member

    She looks like the women my dad cheated on my mom with..........

  11. JD

    JD New Member

    I'd hit it...there is something sexy about her. I think it's b/c I have a thing for women who are somewhat nerdy, unconventional and comical. Go ahead, call me weird :)
  12. JD

    JD New Member

  13. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

  14. Technine

    Technine New Member

    When I was growing up in New York, all I dated were Jewish girls, Hot Hot Hot :)
  15. heartdesire

    heartdesire New Member

    I dated a Jewish girl. My ex is way better than Silverman.
  16. fearless

    fearless New Member

    Jewish women are VERY racist, bro. But they are not racist based on skin color or features. 98% of them will only date Jewish men, and I would say 99.9999% of them will only marry Jewish women. They are the worst type of racists too-they will pretend to be your friend, but their religion teaches them to think that non-Jews are subhuman, inferior, and slaves.

    I would also argue a larger percentage of WW who are Jewish are racist (in terms of dating preferences) than non-Jewish WW.
  17. Obsidian71

    Obsidian71 New Member

    I feel you. Jews stick together to the point of overt discrimination and they are some of the first people to scream about anti-semitism at the drop of a hat.
  18. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    That's not true

    Jewish men almost NEVER marry Jewish women nowadays

    They'd hop over a Jewish woman for a blond like a kangaroo :lol:

    Just check who rich Jews marry..it's almost NEVER another Jew..

    Les Moonves just married an Asian..and he's not alone BY FAR

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