Webmaster, here is the other science article I promised you. http://www.ibm.com/ibm/ideasfromibm/us/roadrunner/20080609/index.shtml?ca=agus_ao...3/22/2009 If this site does not come up for you I will try to retrieve it again for you. Webmaster, I'm a nut for what is possible for network computing. What the United States need to do is upgrade our national computer internetwork capacity well beyond the zettabyte realm with the eye on creating future supercomputers that will be a billion times faster than the petaflop roadrunner supercomputer that this article address. I'm convinced for business, industrial, scientific research and a host of other applications, the supercomputer will be the greatest tool for national competitiveness since the steam engine that propelled us into the industrial revolution. Webmaster, i welcome your thoughts on this subject please. I will be doing a research paper on this for my class in computer-integrated manuufacturing and I would appreciate any inputs you can give men. This thread will be my last for this site. Thanks
Sorry for some of my misspellings in the previous post, "manufacturing" and "me". I should have proofed read before sending.
Thought this would be of interest to those who are into the new engines of the Information Age: http://royal.pingdom.com/2009/06/11/10-of-the-coolest-and-most-powerful-supercomputers-of-all-time/ Our world will someday be dominated and controlled by the supercomputer God. I must find a way to stay human.
'Ever wonder about all of those movies that have been put out over the last ten years with the "rise of the machines" theme?
diamondlife, I'm doing a research paper on how supercomputers can aid in medical research. Do you have any tips on websites I can go for further research in that area?
diamondlife, this is great. Thank you. Raw data crunching at such tremendous speeds in the future will aloow researchers and scientists to make breakthroughs in combating diseases. Imagine cures for cancer, AIDS and other diseases in our lifetime with the help of these machines. As I was reading yesterday that is IBM's number one goal. When the next supercomputer they are building arrives next year it is hope that it will get us closer to that goal. Sequoia will be 20 petaflops in speed (it will be able to do as many calculations as all the people on this planet with a calculators would do in 24 hours for 320 years in one hour). In the next 30 years we will be closer to building machines with the power of the human mind. A brain simulator ultracomputer is being built by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Project Agency by the Department of Defense) and it too will aid in medical research as a spinoff as well as being a tool for national defense. Diamondlife, a big spinoff on this kind of research will be in software. I have some information I will share with you on simulation and modeling that will create the new economy. i will soon send you info on this one. Again, thanks.