I Still Like My White Women White

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by LoneDawg, Oct 22, 2007.

  1. LoneDawg

    LoneDawg New Member

    Greetings all...new member/poster here.

    I've noticed a trend, one that is rather disturbing to me. My attraction to white women is based on several things, none of them being just how Black they can be and or act. Now I understand that some white women's culture of reference is indeed of the Black culture, and I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about the ones who for some reason seem to think that exaggerating and elongating words and syllables is the way to approach me (or other Black men). So, the question is, how many white women who are attracted to Black men are still white and how many Black men still like white women white? Personally, I love the differences between myself and the white women I date. We have to force ourselves to end conversations because we have so many things to share. BTW, red hair, green eyes...that's wassup!
  2. Frozen Veins

    Frozen Veins New Member


    Welcome to the boards.

    I feel where you are coming from. I myself am attracted to white women that act like themselves instead of trying to impress me with how much rap they listen to. But I also like the "hood" type white women too regardless anyway. Meh.

    The same here, but I think I am just a green eyed fan anyway.
  3. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    LoneDawg, I agree with you. It's one thing to appreciate and admire a culture or aspects of a culture, it's another to falsely emulate a culture you are not part of. I too prefer the "typcal white woman" if you will...the ones who are white and still realize it. I'm attracted to who they are, not what they attempt to be. People like that do a disservice to interracial relations imho.
  4. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    :lol: Well you ask how many white women that are attracted to black men are still white. I'm pretty sure they all would still be white.

    I get what you are saying. We've had lots of conversations on here about the fact that how one speaks does not make them black or white.

    Personally...I don't care for anyone trying to be something they aren't.
  5. JasieS

    JasieS New Member

    I'm definitely still white although, my favorite rappers are UGK, 8ball and MJG. I can't stand to see a white girl trying to "act black". It sounds completely retarded. Unless you were born and raised in the hood and been around nothing but black people all of your life, you don't naturally sound like that.
  6. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    Ladies, I hope I didn't offend you. My point is some people try way too hard to fit into a mold that they don't fit into and it looks really silly. Granted, you have those who have been immersed in the urban culture their whole lives and they don't know anything else. However, they come off genuine, you can tell the difference. I'm referring to the ones who revert back to "plain jane" white when they're around other white people, but they're ultra urban when they get in the streets. Sorry for the archaic references.

    Now you can be vanilla white and stilll have the same music preferences as me, that's transparent. Admiration and immitation is two different things. Now I'm pretty much pure street, but in high school I was digging a lot of the alternative chicks and we got along famously. It was simply real, no posing.

    ...but Jasie and KnCA can get it! :lol:

  7. natedogg2772

    natedogg2772 New Member

    Good points. The bottom line is to be real. Be whoever you were when you grew up. Fakers will be found out and exposed. I grew up in an upper-middle class neighborhood which was predominately white so I can't front like I know what it was like "in the hood". I've have no problem with white women being "white" because I'v known ww like that my whole life and I love them just the way they are!

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