I need some serious advice folks...

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by SirNice, Oct 28, 2011.

  1. SirNice

    SirNice New Member

    Maybe you don't know how hospitals generally work...they are usually assigned to to a floor or a certain set of floors so they work in certain areas...as a physician I work in every area of the hospital from the er to ice to the floors...
  2. SirNice

    SirNice New Member

    I never claimed to be a "playa".....my objective is not to fuck every available woman....I am not obsessed with anyone, thinking about something you dont know is not an obession...I am not losing sleep nor have I changed anything that I normally do besides post on this site...which I did to see if there is anything that I might be missing....and so far nothing...I have thought about everything posted above previously...
  3. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    On your "How to Approach Women in Public" Post:

    Excellent, excellent, excellent find, TreePixie!!! This is why I scream at men who try to talk to me in darkened parking lots - I don't care if they call me a psycho bitch. I will use all manner of rudeness/threats/public embarrassment to get a man away from me if he approaches me suddenly out of nowhere (in an isolated place) or seems to be pursuing/stalking me (only if he has spoken directly to me). Thank you for this!

    I would rep you, but stupid rep system says I must spread some around first.:smt013 lol
  4. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    Yes have worked in three in Accting./Finance area.

    That is why I pointed out to the drama peeps here that you are going where you normally go and she is going where she normally doesn't.

    Which makes me wonder how they are getting you are stalking her if you are going about your business? :rolleyes:
  5. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    You're welcome. A lot of time men are put off by what they see as rude behavior, but they aren't taking into account the risk appreciation issue that many women deal with *all* the time, even in spite of being aware of the fact that over 70% of rapes are committed by men known to the victim.
  6. 11eleven11

    11eleven11 New Member

    She's agreeing with you, not me there.

    Not really sure how I'm "drama-queening"(or anyone else actually), but even if she were stalking him while telling him no, this is still a bad thing(it wouldn't exactly be healthy for her to be doing that) and he still needs to try and stop thinking of her and move on.

    edit: didn't say he was stalking her, I think it's unhealthy for him to assume she was there to see him when she has said otherwise and he'd be better off not obsessing over where she is and just ignore it.
  7. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    I think it goes basically back to what we call "women's intuition" which is closely linked to animal instinct. It's that which we use to protect our young, but often dismiss when it comes to protecting ourselves, especially as single women who many times have been trained in society to "be polite", so we ignore the warning flares that go off in our minds. They are very subtle but must be listened to - the person who is being inappropriate may not always be harmful, maybe only socially inept, but he must learn by constant rejection (hopefully). We try to be polite, because that's what society wants from "good little girls" - but in some instances, this is what gets women killed or hurt (when maybe their instincts told them as an animalistic survivalist creature to tell the guy to fuck off before he got within "personal space distance", or after he wouldn't take "no" for an answer the first time (such as an offer to help carry her groceries into her apartment), and run for their lives instead).

    If a man ignores my wishes and pushes further, I ALWAYS know that he has another agenda, and does not care about me. He is either selfish, clueless, and/or dangerous. I want NONE of the above.
  8. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    One thing I do know about hospitals is that your locations can change. When my friend picks up shifts for other people because someone called in, etc., she's in places she doesn't usually work. To go around assuming that she's making herself appear in places she wouldn't normally go to see someone is really a long shot.

    And really it's kind of disturbing that he knows her schedule so well, especially after not speaking to her for awhile, that he can determine where she should and should not be. How does he know she didn't switch her schedule/floor, etc? He doesn't.

    We're getting on him because he won't let it go. That is making the alarm bells go off for most of us.
  9. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    Keep in mind from what I understand that he's said, she's a social worker - she could legitimately be on any floor in the hospital.
  10. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    In a big hospital you have your areas. There are usually multiple social workers and the way they divide is by floors or departments. At least everywhere I worked. We coordinated with Social Services and I have an idea of what they are doing in a hospital setting.

    I think he is noticing her pattern isn't what it was and he said he had worked there three years so that would be long enough to get a good sample of her patterns.

    Is it hard to believe that maybe she is interested but reluctant at this point for whatever reason. He may be right that he is seeing more of her. Unless she makes a move though, nothing will change. He hasn't approached her again and wisdom says he should let her make the moves since she blew him off with the boyfriend thing.

    Sirnice has been on this board for while. Most of you who are saying this weren't around when he was around more before. Trust me he isn't a creeper.:smt023
  11. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Whether he is or isn't a creeper, he should stop trying to analyze it & just let it go. I'm not saying he is, but some things can come across as creepy to some women regardless of what a man's intentions are.

    There's not much telling what's going on in her mind, & he's likely to never know. It could range anywhere from being surprised he approached her & not knowing how to react, to being uncomfortable with an awkward situation, to being creeped out by it for whatever reason or any number of other reasons. There's also a good chance it wasn't even an issue she had with him. If they only know each other at work & the extent of their interactions is at the small-talk level, he shouldn't take it so personally. Like several of us have mentioned, whatever awkwardness there is between them may pass with time, so it's not worth stressing over.
  12. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    Point definitely taken, JordanC.
  13. SirNice

    SirNice New Member

    Bc I worked there for three years.. I know all the social workers floors...she didn't have a change in assignment, the social of those other floors where there like they have been for 3 years...you guys are focusing in on the wrong things...I guess really it is not possible to get some insight here as you guys really don't know what is going on...u guys are bent on prove one is a stalker or obsessed ,or don't know how to handle rejection...those assumptions probably work well for the average Joe, but truly I am no average Joe...women occupy less than 1 percent of my energy,while important one woman in the grand scheme of things doesn't alter me one bit
  14. satyr

    satyr New Member

    What percentage of energy does it take to keep defending yourself in this thread?

  15. nurse1980

    nurse1980 New Member

    SirNice, you stated that you are a physician. Is it possible that this is the problem? I only suggest this because I have seen many co-workers become completely twitterpated when a certain physician makes rounds on our floor, and others place him on such a high pedestal-they are intimidated and cant even have conversation with him. Perhaps this is her problem, now that she knows you have an interest? Or maybe she views you as "a supervisor" or "her superior" (depending on the attitude of the staff, and how physicians are viewed at your hospital). IE: the hospital I work at is fairly traditional---lets face it--the docs run the place-however, im from a small town in Alberta, lol. (and I do realize that this is not always the case, IE nursing and other professions striving for autonomy within their work environment). Just some suggestions from a workplace perspective :)
  16. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

  17. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Maybe if people hadn't made him out to be a creep or a stalker, he wouldn't have felt the need to keep defending himself. He just wanted feedback on why the woman reacted so strongly to what seemed like professional and appropriate behavior on his part.

    I think this thread unraveled. Cut it off now and move on.
  18. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Dawg, you's a stalker.
  19. SirNice

    SirNice New Member

    I estimate about 0.00000075%...I can post on here ,watch a documentary about Isreal formation, pack, and write blue prints about a dog breeding business, and scratch my balls all at once??? And now what u have to say???
  20. SirNice

    SirNice New Member

    Thanks for your input...but I don't think this is the case because she seemed not to be intimidated previously...but I know what you mean, but since I am one of the younger docs the nurses are usually cool with and plus I am very down to earth and low key

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