Does anyone hear know the best (read:cheapest) site for international flights (germany, specifically)?
i flew to japan in 2004, and found my ticket on i got roundtrip for a little over $700, which is unheard of - most asian flights run about $1000 on the low end. i looked everywhere for tickets too, and priceline was my best bet...try it. also, a good friend of mine used to fly back and forth to ireland, and i believe she used priceline too. what's in germany? :smt001
hot blondes j/k I think he has associates in Germany. I try to remember little details about consistent posters here...something I do... (I work for the CIA, afterall J/K) anyway I wanted to go to Tokyo or London, along with Paris ( my aunt went to paris back in 2002). I always wanted to travel outside of the states, I just needed to get over my little fear of flying. If you go to germany jelly, let us know how it went brudda
Stick with your city or another city to Frankfurt. When are you going to Germany? In the Summer it would be very expensive since the dollar is going down.
Since you live in Florida find the air routes the Germans use. You live in a state where most Germans go on vacation. For example Orlando to Frankfurt or other German cities.
Playboy check ATI I have used their services with no issues... Their prices are the equivalent to Intl prices of 3-5 years ago; they are so cheap. Initially I thought the site was suspect for fraud, they don't give much info on the flight and you don't know the carrier initially. It's only after you up the cheddar will they filter the details to you. You can then directly contact the airline and verify you indeed have seats on that flight. They are legit...
CIA, huh?...haha 8) i totally share in your fear of flying! my flight to japan, was the first time i had ever flown too - what was i thinking? :wink: i didn't get to go to tokyo, but i would love to go back and visit there. i spent a month in okinawa - it was amaaaa-za-zing!! and if you like the beach, the water is crystal clear with white sand - gorgeous. we snorkled in the east china sea...a beautiful experience! i would like to travel more outside the states, too....but for now i think i'll hang out here on the motherland, visiting places i can access w/out having to board a plane. :lol:
Everyones right about flying into Frankfurt, thats going to be the cheapest rates you'll find going to Germany (Munich might be cheap to fly into as well). I flew there last April and took the train around from there. Went to Amsterdam, Paris, and back to Frankfurt to fly home. You can get a rail pass which is only available for purchase from the states and it's really cheap, gives you full access for the block of days you choose throughout Europe. So depending on Which major city you choose as long as it's kinda close to where your going might be a better deal than a direct flight there. Also Belgium is reall close and very cheap to fly to. Frankfurt is a lot of fun if you go there look up the Australian Bar & Grill, it's where all the American Ball players on the Euro league team there and all the brothas in the Army go to hook up with German girls, and it's basically a hip hop club downstairs. All kinds of fine ass German girls with corn rows, just check it out you'll love it! But stay away from the barbecued kangaroo :lol: oh and if your with any girls have 'em go into the bathroom and read the wall :wink: