I need help. European girls please reply............

Discussion in 'The International Perspective' started by TheBentBoner, Aug 21, 2008.

  1. Canelle

    Canelle New Member

    Lithuania is not russia. Moscow is in Russia, not in Lithuania. The capital of Lithuania is called Wilna.

    Furthermore did no one talk about going somewhere near Moscow.
    And nowadays women do not need their parents permission to be "taken", not in my part of europe. Thank you for reading.
  2. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    I think it's called Vilnius in English. And peope in Lithuania are very good-looking. I once dated a blond blue eyed Lithuanian guy (sigh)...
  3. Canelle

    Canelle New Member

    Oh, really? its Vilnius in german as well, so I thought it must be different in english. :lol:

    I have never been to Lithuania, but to Moscow i have been. And to Sibiria. ;-) I loved it.
  4. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    I've been to all three Baltic states: Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania. It's very beautiful, people are nice and cultured Europeans, a contrast to Russia. :( Although I believe I won't be wrong if I say that Russians are drunks and anti-Semites, Ukrainians are drunks and anti-Semites, the Polish are drunks and anti-Semites, and so are the Latvians, Estonians and Lithuanians.

    I read many articles about German tourists who hate Russian tourists at resorts. I can't blame the Germans at all. There is even a joke:
    At a hotel in Europe, Russian tourists are being rowdy and loud. The administration knocks on the door and says, "Could you please keep it down, your Swedish neighbors are complaining and they're saying they'll call the police." The Russians: OH YEAH? SO WHY DIDN'T THEY CALL THE POLICE AT POLTAVA? (The Poltava battle between Russia and Sweden took place in 1709.)
  5. Canelle

    Canelle New Member

    These antisemits are everywhere as stupidity is everywhere.

    Yes, I heard rumors about ????? ??????x misbehaving in hotels in Turkey and Greece.
    But german tourists at Mallorca or Menorca or wherever are worse. The men wear hotpants and will have beer for breakfast. :roll: :mrgreen:
  6. TheBentBoner

    TheBentBoner New Member

    do anyone know if it is dangerous for me to go to lithuania? she says there are good people there but they will look at me alot because it's rare to see a black person there. and from what she says, lithuanians don't like the russians because of some past war or conflict.
  7. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    If you want to deal with a Lithuanian, then learn about their culture and history, including why they don't like Russians.
  8. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    Yep.The whole time of him being there we've been doing that
  9. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    I visited Latvia as well.It was an exchange program in high school and I had 10 nice days there.Beautiful country and nice people
  10. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    Haha yea Mallorca.favorite vacation place for Germans.Lol.Malle
  11. Canelle

    Canelle New Member

    I don`t know.
    I would think that larger cities are "safer" as people have experienced different cultures etc. but I really dont know how many black people live in Lithuania. Are they used to seeing a black person? Will they stare?
  12. TheBentBoner

    TheBentBoner New Member

    she said they aren't used to seeing a black person and they would stare. but i think it wont be a threatening stare, more like a curiousity stare. even she said she never seen a black person in real life only from my pic, tv, or internet. its a good thing that she is not racist, but i think most eastern euro countries are very nationalistic.
  13. Canelle

    Canelle New Member

    Yes they are.

    Even though the motivation of the starring would be due to curiosity it could feel uncomfortable, you know?
    If you are always the center of attention it is quite strenuous.

    I felt slightly offended when in small towns in southeast asia people would point at me and stare and try to touch my skin, even though I knew there was no offence intended. But after a long day with a lot of heat I just didnt want to be touched by strangers who didnt ask before.
    But you will have great experiences as well, as easteuropean people are well known or their hospitality and for good cooking skills. And you will finally meet the girl. ;-)
  14. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    I had visited Estonia once to meet a friend. Great country.

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