I need help. European girls please reply............

Discussion in 'The International Perspective' started by TheBentBoner, Aug 21, 2008.

  1. TheBentBoner

    TheBentBoner New Member

    Hi. I'm new to this forum and I recently became interested in interracial dating becuase I met someone online a few years ago. I met a girl from Lithuania and we are still talking to each other now. We have been talking for 3 years now. We both are still young, I just turned 20 and she turned 19, her birthday is two days after mine( kinda cool). We've developed feelings for each other even though it's long distance; I live in Atlanta, GA.
    She at first said she wil meet me and be with me in America then she later changed her mind. She says she's not secure in America, meaning no job, house, friends, family, etc. which is understandable. Then I asked her if it was ok to meet her in her country, she says yes but then later she says I wont like it because people will stare at me, its a poor country, language barrier, and I wont know many people. My question is:

    Would you still want to pursue a relationship with that person even though it seems like all odds are agianst you? We talked about racism. At first she didn't know I was black then later on when she found out, I was suprised that she didn't care what color I was because she said I was good to her. And it also benefits me because I'm sure American stereotypes of black men aren't often in the minds of women in other countries. She also said if I come, she wouldn't care what anyone says about me; like friends. She said her family doesn't mind and if I come I'm welcomed into her home.

    I think the best option for me is to visit and see how I like it there before I consider any major changes, like moving etc. She seems like the perfect girl and she's also very beautiful. She's blonde hair and blue eye. I know I would have a problem here in America just because of the way she looks; meaning many jealous white guys.
  2. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    She wants American citizenship, you're purely incidental to the equation.

    Instead of being 20, pretend that you're twenty years older and wiser.
  3. veema

    veema Member

  4. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    I know.
  5. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    "Story time"....
  6. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    How can you automatically say that about his situation, when i'm in a very similar one with Dinara? Just because the woman lives in a diff. country doesn't automatically mean she wants an american citizenship.
  7. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    By the way, "theBentBoner" is a pretty funny name haha.
  8. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    ...introduces a whole new meaning to the phrase "bend it like Beckham"

    what exactly is he bending anyway, lol
  9. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    he's bending the way the ball flies after he kicks it.
  10. live_life

    live_life New Member

    A 19 year old and a 20 year old in a cross Atlantic relationship. I saw that movie. Think it was called the Titanic. Give you credit when you say you've developed feelings over the years.

    If its really been three years and you are thinking more long turn (people don't travel that far for a short date and peck on the left cheek) you should be voicing some of these concerns to her.

    I've voiced it over and over and will do so again:
    Not everyone wants American citizenship. She might just end up being one of us. :wink:
  11. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    Thats what I think as well. The girl Bentboner described changed her mind about coming to the US to see him. If it was all about the US citizenship she would just fly over.
    Plus the US aren't Garden Eden or the paradise. Not everybody wants to live there.
    I know enough former US soldiers who stayed in Germany cos they like it better here than back in the states.6 of them I know by name and they live near my town.
  12. Canelle

    Canelle New Member

    I would seriously advice you to meet her. Not only once but twice or more often, before you think about those major changes. ;-) Listen to your heart then.
  13. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    Im not really in the same situation but I also made a few considerations.
    My bf is in the US Airforce and well he came here with a contract for Germany for 3 years-which means until late 2009.
    Which is not long.Then he told me he had to go to Iraq for a while.
    I was seriously considering to just call it the end because I wasn't sure yet whether he could extend for 3 more years or re-enlist.
    A relationship that is limited from the get go isn't my thing and I see a lot fo women her rushing marriage just so they can go wherever their men have to go.
    Many of those break.Plus a guy may take it wrong and think a woman wanting marriage just after the citizenship.
    So I started asking questions like whether there is a chance he can stay here for longer than just 2009 and that's the case.
    Otherwise I may not even be with him now
  14. Canelle

    Canelle New Member

    So how long are you together now? :wink:
  15. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    Alex and me? About 6 months.We live a few hours by train apart so I moving up there soon.
    But its been working well all the time and even now that he is in Iraq.
    And knowing he ll be around until 1012 so we have all the time we want is great.
  16. Canelle

    Canelle New Member

    6 months...this is so new and sweet that it must be hard not to see him more often.
  17. TheBentBoner

    TheBentBoner New Member

    lol. she doesn't want to come to america. she said its too dangerous. at first she would've done it just for me, then she considered everything else because there's a possiblity that it might not work out.
  18. Canelle

    Canelle New Member

    Maybe you could make holidays at a 3rd place? Like in turkey or greece or whereever, it would be more neutral.
  19. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    Thats right but he'll be back very soon and we both lok forward to that day.Chat on cam,he got a mic so I can hear him.
    And that daily.That makes things easier
  20. Canelle

    Canelle New Member


    You chat daily? This is cute.

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