I Met The Woman of my Dreams!

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by rinnaye, Dec 21, 2007.


    JREMINATOR New Member

    Man, SaTAN, you are BAAAAAAD!!! but right!!! :D

    Now if only you could apply all that too by yourself...and not just lead poor souls to their DOOM!!!

    Well, here is my take on this issue:

    TWO things, Rinnaye...one or the other...

    1) You TAKE her like Lucifer said, mercilessly, sweatily, nastily and you keep an eye in your back (for the gunslinging Husband looking to pin a N... f***cking his wife), and you keep your damn too-romantic-to-be-healthy heart in check

    2) You RUN now and forget her by f***cking the first SINGLE beauty that comes ur way...even if u have to pay for it!!!
  2. DarlinNiki

    DarlinNiki New Member

    Your own words on another thread, you answered your own question. Find a beautiful single girl and rock her world!


    M:smt019 DA-F :shock: CKIN' JREM :smt019 , you're still alive???!? :smt091 My Demon Ninjas musta killed de wrong Cameroonian in gay Paris. :smt091 Damnit! Can't get good assassins dese days! :smt019 :smt011

    Rinnaye06, join me as a L :smt096 rd of de Sith and give in to de pow-wa of da dark-siiiide! :smt026


    Was dat directed at me?
  5. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    my dearest lucifer...all this time i thought you were an angel worthy of my cyber crush...what is this advice you are giving my friend rinnaye? i see it is only a matter of time before everyone shows their true colors...i am hoping this is just a momentary lapse in judgement and not you living vicariously through rinnaye...

    now bend over because lipstick is going to give you a spanking :butthead:


    Awwww, I let you down lipstick.

    IMHO, dis situation requires decisive action on de part of your pal rinnaye06.

    I would have fucked her and den bounced.

    But dat's me.

    Rinnaye06 may or may not.

    I merely pointed out another way, de one less travelled it would seem, so he can consider all de angles.

    Yes, I'm evil and dese are my true colors shining through. :twisted:

    But I'll understand if I'm now unworthy of your cyber crush.
  7. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Luciger's Sig:

    Naija up in dis ! Watch rap as I dey go! Watch crank dat Naija den Superman dat ! You! Crank dat Naija ! You! Crank dat Naija ! You! Crank dat Naija ! You! Crank dat Naija !

    Yeah! Lucifer's a rap fan!

    I always knew rap music was evil!!!
    :evil: :twisted: :smt021 :smt033 :smt062 :smt063 :smt066 :smt067 :smt068 :smt070 :smt071 :smt072 :smt074 :smt077 :smt096
  8. DI

    DI New Member

    Lucifer is soooooooooooooooo funny!!!!!!!! He thinks he s kinda playa or maybe gangsta, but he s funny as hell! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  9. joliemarie

    joliemarie Guest

  10. natedogg2772

    natedogg2772 New Member

    That's not surprising. I suspect this friend is with a black man and wants this lady to experience what it is like thus she wants you two to hook up. I'm not going to dismiss your attraction for her rinnaye because I'm sure most of the guys here have run across smokin' hot married ww with whom they've experienced a mutual attraction. The problem is, as has already been stated, is that she's married and even though she apparently is no longer in love with him, it will be hell to make this work if you really think she is the woman for you.
  11. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    I should have been clearer in what I was saying. I didnt mean that you were making up the story. But that this chick has made up this story and portrayed herself as this mistreated victim of circumstance and that she's waiting for you to rescue her. Im pretty sure her husband would tell an entirely different story.

    Im not going to attack you (as you did to me) because I always find it humorous when someone personally insults another person online as if they know them. (You dont even know what I look like.) What is sad is that you would take a stereotypical fear that WW have of BM and use that to TRY and insult me. If your going to insult me, at least be original. But dont perpetuate such an ugly image between WW and BM!
  12. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Thanks, Im thinking about giving Zane a run for her money and write romantic(?) novels from a male perspective.

    And as far and Chigirl for Rinnaye...now you're talking! Chigirl is a cutie and a keeper!
  13. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member


    You are too funny! :D

    Chi is my girl, and I must be sure to get all of the play in me, out of my system, (not necessarily with married women) before her, and I get together, so that I can give her my complete, and undivided attention. That is, if she'll still have me.

    As far as what's his face is concerned, he, and I have had words in the past, and it should be understood where we stand with eachother. So his rather unwelcomed, and condescending remarks was actually his futile attempt to attack my character, and integrity, and to try to raise doubt in the validity of my story, and simply hate on me, because of his own insecurities. So I checked him with the truth about himself. I will not have him chasing me through every thread, taunting me on what I may have to say, all while trying to discourage me to post. He's never added anything positive to my experience in this forum, So F@#K EM!!!


    I dunno if Rinnaye06 can handle dat Marvel of German Engineering called Chigirl.

    He'll need de most gruelling PHYSICAL and mental training just to get past lipstick's and Fnny's selection process for dating Chigirl.


    We can rebuild him, jellybird.

    We have de technology.

    Comin soon: The Rinnaye5000X.
  15. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  16. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

  17. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    You mean I get the honor of helping to rebuild rinnaye...Hell yeah!

    Ok, then...I need to get some things from Home Depot, Wal-Mart,and......Victoria Secrets. Oh, and the Dollar Store.

    (Relax, rinnaye, Im just playing.) :smt048
  18. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member


    If you want to now take the high road, then that's fine, but last I checked you were very insulting, and name calling to me way back when we both were under 20 posts new.
    You, and I have never come to any kind of peaceful resolution to our differences, so I chose to keep my distance with you, and hoped you'de do the same. So why would I ever think that you intended anything but contempt for me, when you directed your seemingly condescending remarks my way in regards to MY life's experiences, and call bullshit on what I've written, things of which you know absolutely nothing about.

    My, as you call, "ugly image between WW and BM" is from an exerpt taken from your own post, regarding how you hate to be treated by some WW that you encounter, so who's perpetuating what? You put that out there, not me. You go ahead, and spin it so that it seems I'm overreacting against you, but I know better.
  19. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Wow, rinnaye, I must say Im impressed and honored that you would go back into my posts and dig up such "incriminating" evidence.

    While its true I have had that experience in the past (and it may not be the last time) but I would never insinuate that would happen everytime I get in the elavator with a WW. That would be insulting to WW everywhere.
    Or maybe I am that ugly and menacing.
    :smt093 :smt096 :smt106 (LOL)

    Lucifer, after we're done with rinnaye, can you stop by Paris Island and Gold's Gym and make a few improvements on me?
  20. natedogg2772

    natedogg2772 New Member

    Good idea. Go get with Chi and you'll be straight!

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