I Met The Woman of my Dreams!

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by rinnaye, Dec 21, 2007.

  1. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    Not so long ago I met a beautiful woman, on a sort of blind date. We spent half a day together, which seemed more like 5 minutes, getting aquainted while strolling in a nearby mall. I've never felt so comfortable with anyone in public, the way I felt with her, it felt like we were meant to be together. We discussed all different kinds of topics, and we both had a pretty obvious mutual physical, and mental attraction towards eachother. We ended this lovely afternoon with an affectionate hug, and a promise to stay in touch.

    Since our first date, there has been much talk of meeting up again, I know she is interested in me quite a bit, this based on some of the emails we've written back, and forth to eachother, and I think this is one of the most naturally beautiful women I could ever be with. Our personalities match with eachother in such a dynamic way, that it makes me wonder what could happen between us long term.

    Well, we are planning another engagement as we speak, and I know that the next time we meet, things may begin to move in a direction that there will be no coming back from. Our chemistry is just too strong to keep things strictly platonic, and she has indicated to me that she wants me. Oh, I forgot to mention, she's married.

    What should I do? Her husband of more than 10 years is a computer geek, who spends every waking hour ignoring her, she's a housewife who hasn't been touched by him in quite some time. She has never been with a BM, and has never strayed from her marriage. All this only adds to the fervor, and highly anticipated passion, and excitement that is just waiting to be released between her, and me. Loving her is probably the sweetest forbidden fruit either of us could ever begin to taste. And that's the temptation I'm faced with. Do I, or don't I continue to pursue this relationship with this woman of my dreams.
  2. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    Are you seriously wanting some input here? I would think you have your own moral code about this.

    The "woman of your dreams"....is it just about an affair for you? Are you ok with being an experimental thing for her?

    If you are really wanting more than a fling and hoping for something long term, I think you are setting yourself up for a fall.

    If things are so bad in her marriage...why doesn't she end it?

    Bad Karma.
  3. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Sorry, but unless the husband ditches her (when he finds out about you), she'll probably choose to stay with him. And if they get divorced, statistically you two are doomed (relationships that starts because of cheating hardly ever works out) so you'll probably end up getting hurt either way.
  4. joliemarie

    joliemarie Guest



    Life's short.

    Commence fucking her, then bounce.
  6. GrecoJones84

    GrecoJones84 Active Member

    I agree Jolie :)
  7. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    Ok, it seems the general consensus is pretty much in line with many of my second thoughts about giving in to my temptations to be with her. And I really hear where you're coming from Jolie. :) But why would she risk so much, and decide to be with me, if she wasn't prepared to deal with the consequences? I mean, if she is truly hell bent on getting out of her relationship, and is ready to tell him "it's over", then should I just walk, and let her find someone else to comfort her in her time of need?

    When, if ever is it a good time to be her friend?
  8. infiniti

    infiniti New Member

    I think one should afford unto others the same respect expected from others. How would you feel if someone did the same thing to your wife. Call the woman whatever you may, the bottom line is, it is up to you to make the right decisions. The reason your name isn't DICK is because there is something higher up that processes information and comes up with reasonable answers. You've got it bro, do the right thing.

    Now I am all about snatching the woman of your dream if she has a boyfriend, but married woman? You are bound to regret it.
  9. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    You’re joking, right? How much did you pay for that story because the entire thing sounds like total BS!

    She's never cheated even though she's totally unhappy because she's married to the wimpy, unmanly husband who she was "forced" to marry through circumstances beyond her control. And then you come along, her tall, dark, mysterious stranger and now she just can't control herself. She's ready to be ravaged by the forbidden fruit that she has feared, yet dreamed about from afar her entire life. She knows this inescapable love will cost her the comfortable lifestyle that she's grown accustom to, but consequences be damned, she's ready to run off into the sunset with you and find the happiness she has never had?

    Did I leave anything out?...oh yeah, you riding in on a horse with your shirt partially open exposing your barrel chest and the part where she says that she never consummated the marriage and she's still a virgin.
    (Your story sounds like some crap from literotica.)

    But on a serious note, this chick is running game. Lucifer is right in this case. F*#k her - use her as much as she plans on using you - have your fun - and be done with her! Just use a condom, don't let her pick the hotel, and don't fall asleep on her.
  10. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    LOL...her friend...as I learned a long time ago, you don't f*#k your friends.
  11. GrecoJones84

    GrecoJones84 Active Member

  12. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    Thanks Jelly,

    I knew I could count on your words of wisdom... :?

    And since we're quoting Lucifer on his suggestions, I believe he once told you to "go suck on a lemon."
  13. I wouldnt touch this one - not even for a bit of bedroom gymnastics (Lucifer - difficult to bounce when you get sucked up like lint into someone elses marital vacuum). People in screwed up marriages tend to only think about themselves - it consumes them and everyone around them. Getting involved can bring you more trouble then you anticipate (mon beau RIP). There is a high chance that your relationship with this woman will become all about her and her marriage - you sound like a lovely man and so deserve better. And what is this woman actually risking? She is in a loveless marriage and is looking for an escape route (pardon the pun).
  14. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    Too bad my true life story can impress you enough to make you believe it can't be true. I know sometimes another's reality can seem too far fetched for someone as devoid a life as you are. But that's not my problem son. I'll bet you're so lacking the ability to attract women that when they see you in an elevator, they clutch their purse, and step 10 feet back, in the hopes that you won't harm them.(Scary Huh). Yeah, it's unfortunate that the many opportunities I have to be with women has to be unfathomable to you big fella, because you are no friend of attraction. It never seems to come your way, in it's place, just fear, and misery. With regards to being able to attract many different kinds of women, it must seem incredible to you, right big guy! Especially compared to what you must have to deal with each, and every day you awake, and look at yourself in the mirror. Too bad young man. Sucks to be you. But if you're really that miserable, then you're welcome to make it easy on yourself, and drink the Kool Aid. :drinkers:
  15. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    rinnaye...first i have to know? who of your chump friends decided it was a good idea to set you up on a blind date with a married woman? an unhappily married woman at that? very dangerous...i have to be honest here...don't do it! i know you are thinking, i'm a tough guy i can handle it if it doesn't work out...but if only after one afternoon of cruising the mall you are having visions of sugarplums dancing in your head then you are over the speed limit headed down a one way street in the wrong direction...
    no one loves that "feeling" of finding someone new more than me...it's like a high that you can't come down from...unfortunately very little rational thought happens in this euphoric phase...
    if you let someone that it already promised to someone else keep your tongue waggin for any little scrap of attention you will be cheating not only yourself but some lovely "single" woman out there of getting to know you
  16. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    True that!
  17. MistressB

    MistressB New Member

    No no nonononononononono.


    Feigning :shock:

    Here's my post from de "Living in a twilight thread":


    Jellybird, don't you know that: Critical Black Man = Angry Black Man?

    It's best if you STFU, go suck on a lemon and don't rock da boat"

    I believe I was being sarcastic.


    I still say Fuck her...literally.
    Den bounce.

    You and her were meant to meet so dat a new dynamic paradigm could emerge from de current quagmire of de lives of all involved.

    What dis new paradigm (messy love triangle, or just sex, or she breaks up with hubby and hooks up with you, or hubby guns you and her down, or hubby wants to be a cuck, or he wants in on da fun or...well you get my drift) is anyone's guess.

    Think of it as de Universe's way of saying, "Stop wasting time! Take a risk! Get off your asses and do something (or in dis case someone)!"

    In any event, you'll have some mind-shattering, balls-draining, cock-numbing sex.

    I just know it.

    And anyway, you're already in too deep as it were.

    Exciting, isn't it?

    Dat's what life is all about.

  19. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    Lucifer, you are the Devil. :smt077

    You've managed to go right to the lustful heart of man, and appeal to his most primal carnal instincts.

    Tell me, did you almost have Christ, when you offered him the world, and all of it's riches, when he was in the desert while fasting?


    ***Bl :oops: shes like a m :oops: fo***

    You know after watching Star Wars I think dat Christ dude was highly trained in de ways of de Jedi AND de Sith. I mean fasting for 40 days and nights AND denying the pleasures I was offering Him and shit? Dat takes a lotta balls!

    He seemed lonely walking around de desert talking to Himself, hungry and shit so I thought He needed some company, you know some food and shit...but I guess He had a HIGHER calling, something to do with saving Mankind and shit.

    Plus, when I thought about it, I realized dat He already HAD de world and all of it's riches and shit. I mean with Him being DE Son of God and shit.

    Anyway, who's to say all dat heat and fasting wasn't fucking with His head making mofos appear and offering Him de world and shit?

    Well, dat's MY story and I'm sticking to it... :roll: and shit.

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