I love good looking black men!

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by KatyaBendik, Oct 19, 2011.

  1. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    I think a very important thing that people need to learn to avoid is to avoid saying WW are > than BW in some aspect of beauty. It would be better if people were indifferent to it, instead.
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You'd know wouldn't you girlfriend
  3. satyr

    satyr New Member

    Since I like the way you take a hit, you're my new punching bag. You should be grateful grandpa, as nothing else in Ohio is worth my attention.

    Last edited: Oct 21, 2011
  4. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    You were hollering your way thru this thread about no examples. I told you of one. I have nothing to say about BW , good or bad. This forum is about WW and BM.
  5. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    I've been too free with my rep lately. I owe you one. Having a child is the one decision you can never take back. You can change a career, a job, a spouse, move to a new continent...but once they hand you that squirmy little thing and you realize in both awe and horror that whether the baby lives and thrives or doesn't is entirely on you, your life does change. And it's never, ever the same again. I can only speak for me, but I don't think there's another bond quite like it. Dads *are* important, and not just for bill paying (you know how I feel about that) but in our society, it's still mama who binds up your boo-boos, cleans you up when you're sick in the night, she's still the one who you turn too when the rest of the world is on your ass.

    When my son was mid-teens, we lost our kitty. I had had the cat longer than my son had been alive, and he'd never lost anyone before. He wanted to go with me to the vets when it was time, and he kept it together until the kitty was put to sleep. And then this 6'3" beanpole climbed into my lap and unashamedly sobbed his heart out. I'm still Mama, you know?
  6. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You are a fucking liar woman. There has never nor will there ever be a post where I put down a brotha for having light skin. How dumb do you sound right now.
  8. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    And the example you gave was weak as tea.
  9. velkrum

    velkrum Restricted

    That wasn't directed at you. but. yes, in my experience gay guys do love drama.
  10. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    There isn't a market for it because there is too much loyalty...if you think otherwise you're crazy as hell.

    NOBODY else wants to shit on their fathers...brothers...uncles...and sons like we get shitted on all the time.
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    That's why I always tell women I'm serious with the most they can ever hope for is to be number 2 in my life. The only time where they'll hold a higher position than my mom is when we have kids and then the kid is number and they're still number 2. Real talk
  12. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    That's why....I....ME...tore his ass up.
  13. qnet

    qnet New Member

    This stuff goes all the way back to slavery and, it's bad. The one point flaminghetero made that I agree with is, some BW would be upset if someone posted a similar thread with lite-skinned biracial-actresses.

    I consider those dudes black, especially if they identify themselves as so. I know there is a preference with some people based on skin tone, that's just the way it is.

    Those are good-looking brotha's and, I can't hate on them. I'm the most blackest looking brotha as it get's but, some people will view them the same, right along with me. They will deal with some of the same prejudices I do.

    Some women just have their preferences, I've even pulled women over lite-skinned dudes so it just depends on the women and, what she likes.
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Truthfully nobody else has to carry the pain they do either while their fathers brothers uncles and sons are being locked up and murdered and they're left alone. I recognize it for what it is and its pain. It's not some deep seeded hatred its straight up pain. I use to think the way a lot of you do but I recognized I'd probably be the same way if the shoe was on the other foot.
  15. satyr

    satyr New Member

    A market for what? The female criticism of men in family, dating, and work life? That doesn't exist outside of the black community?

    You're a dumber motherfucker than anyone here could've ever thought, grandpa.

  16. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I sincerely understand why you choose to reject it...and that is probably the best for you, especially because you don't live in the US and any effects upon you are extremely remote, either way.

    For some, the saying "I'd rather know what they think than have them fake smile in my face (and possibly damage me literally and economically) " is the chosen route.

    The main problem I see is that those sites...garner tons - literally millions upon millions of views every day, and the poison spewed can become cancerous. Sometimes, the drum is beaten so loudly, it becomes "accepted" or ACCEPTABLE thinking.

    And this applies to all who are attacked on those sites...the way WM think of WW, BM or BW, WW think of WM, BW or BM, how BM think of WW or WM or BM, and how BW think of BM, WM or WW. So in some cases, ignorance isn't bliss...and ignoring it doesn't make it go away, either.

    Especially pertaining to Black Voices, who's image is being revamped by Ms. Huffington and touted nationally by her as the premiere VOICE of the Black community. As a result, BV has become the (lazy?) go-to source by reporters and readers for the pulse of certain opinions.
  17. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    THANK YOU..!!!

    Mutherfuckus up in here acting like they're from mars or some shit.

    There would be no problem if the thread was:

    "I just love good looking light-skinned men"


    "I just love good looking BM" them post guys one molecule away from being white is TROLL shit.
  18. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    There's no question in my mind that the child is number one. In my house growing up, because they knew my dad had a bad heart, it was made clear to all of us that we did not come first, they came first for one another. I suspect it's one of the reasons I was so fierce about putting my son first. I know what it's like for a child not to come first, and it's just not a good thing.

    The best thing, DK is to find a woman your mother can accept like a daughter. My son has been with the same girl for 6 years, and I absolutely adore her. There will be no rivalry between us, in fact we make a good team, she and I. Keep your fingers crossed, I know they are quite young, but I'm hoping!
  19. satyr

    satyr New Member

    Shut the fuck up grandpa, no one raised that issue before you.

  20. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    But it WAS an example, thank you very much.

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