I just can't with internet dating.

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Moskvichka, Dec 12, 2007.

  1. beauty

    beauty New Member


    i refer to craigslist as PSYCHOlist! LOL. they have some of the nuttiest creatures on the planet on that site. i met a wonderful man on the internet, but not on a dating site; it all started off on an intellectual level and have now blossomed into love....getting married this spring. so it can happn for you Moskvichka believe me! hell it happend for me...lol.

  2. beauty

    beauty New Member

    yes, there are alot of whitepeople on blackpeople meet. i had an account there and LOADS of whitemen posted to me there. i had it there before i decided to broaden my horizons and included whitemen in my dating pool. it has been wonderful. while craigslist is not good, blackplanet is another one to watch out for.

  3. beauty

    beauty New Member

    the same goes for the whitemen that are on that site. that shows me that they are into blackwomen. it is a very good site and i have met alot of wonderful men there. now as far as blackwomen getting upset. doubt that. didnt know that whitewomen were on the site. maybe because i don't care and was only looking to meet men. that does not bother me at all. whitewomen have never placed a dent in my social life or who i was ever with. cheers to the new year and enjoy!

  4. beauty

    beauty New Member

    stick to your policy, i did and am getting married, like lipstick said; gotta be upfront and kid around. i made it crystal clear that unless im married, im not giving any sex to anyone. also, be careful of going over to his house to watch DVDs, meet him in a public place first. good luck. there are alot of psychos out here.

  5. GrecoJones84

    GrecoJones84 Active Member

    Damn it, a girly friend of mine invited me over to stay in and watch DVDs with her Sunday night :p. lol
  6. beauty

    beauty New Member

    sweetie please please be careful. even if it's just for sex, you want to know who you are dealing with. he could be anything. serial anything. be careful with the fun you have.

  7. beauty

    beauty New Member

    **LAUGHING VERY LOUDLY** hope you didnt meet her on craigslist. LOL. :lol: :smt114

  8. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    I'm very happy for you Beauty. I also met a wonderful man online (not on craiglist lol) and I'll be celebrating New Year's Eve with him and his friends tomorrow.
  9. beauty

    beauty New Member

    oh wow Moskvichka! we have the same plans. i too am celeberating the New Year's Eve and Day with him. hey Mosk, he may be the one. with all that you have gone through, i sure hope he is. Ill let you know how things go on New Years. have a great time as i plan to and all the best to you and i hope it all works out for you. let me know how your New Year celeberation goes....you know Mosk, all of us good decent loving women here deserve love and the right one to give it to.

  10. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    Mosk - I have been wondering how things went...?

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