I just can't with internet dating.

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Moskvichka, Dec 12, 2007.

  1. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    Yep pictures are up.
  2. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Yes, blackpeoplemeet.com is definitely worth paying for. As a BM who once tried to IR dating scene, BPM works best, and here's why: As a BM, if I see a WW on a black site, then I KNOW she prefers BM. However, there are a lot of women on IR dating sites who are looking for hispanic men, PR men, asian men, etc.

    Like lipstick said, on BPM, when you view someone's profile, it lets that person know that you checked them out. Then, if that guy likes WW, then he will probably send you a flirt or message. Just be wary of men looking to hook-up with a WW because they think your some horndog looking to "try black."

    Also, you MAY encounter some BW on the site who are less than happy with you being there. Ingore them!

    Good luck, ladies. And be careful.
  3. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    There are site that are more better than craigslist.
  4. trojanman

    trojanman New Member

    I liked blackpeoplemeet because it's only like $9.95 a month, which is pretty reasonable when it comes to dating sites. Most tend to be around $19.95.
  5. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Dig this: another guy from Craigslist posted an add offering FREE MASSAGES to a woman. Just for fun. I asked him if he's a serial killer, he said no. Said he learned a lot about massages from his ex. And he asked me if I've had any luck on Craigs... sounds like a cool guy actually... He invited me over to watch DVDs... :D :D So girls... I'm considering it! A quality massage... from a man... for free... Yeah I know, you don't get any more sexually frustrated than that. I hope that my "no sex without love" policy will not be going down the toilet at some point soon... I need somebody to shoot me now. :smt070 :smt067 :smt068 :smt072 :smt071
  6. PearlGirl

    PearlGirl New Member

    Hi Moskvichka... just a little bit of advice (which you probably already know and I don't want to sound preachy... but I like you and want you to keep posting here for a loooong time to come!! :wink: ): Meet him in a public place first! You NEVER know exactly who you're dealing with online, but a face-to-face is the best way to get a sense for who they are and whether or not you feel safe with them. Then I would say, listen to your intuition - it is never wrong! If it feels right, then it most likely is. But if you have the shadow of a doubt, you must listen to your intincts and only do what you feel 100% comfortable with.

    good luck and keep us posted on the developments!
  7. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    NO! NO! NOOOOOO! (I am kinda hoping you were just being sarcastic with your post above...)
    Never ever go to someone's place when you first meet them. I don't know but I don't think serial killers tend to advertise their intentions. Meet during the day in a public place, let someone know what you are doing and give that someone all the basics about the guy (name, contact info).
    Be careful out there and good luck
  8. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    mosk...please be careful! i so want you to get out there and meet someone wonderful but be on your guard...

    there was actually a woman killed just about a month ago...she responded to a craigslist ad to babysit for someone...she went to the person's home and was later found dead...

    i don't want to scare you...but no free massages until you meet and get a feel if the guy is normal...also alot of the guys that want to give you free massages are hoping to excite you so much that you will agree to have sex with them or at least let them go down on you...
  9. ---woman---

    ---woman--- New Member

    lol. who would admit to such thing!?

    I agree with the girls here, and I hope you weren't really serious about considering going to his place, having not met him ever before! How do you know you're getting authenticity from this guy? Who knows, maybe he IS a serial killer and those free massages is his way to lure in victims. :shock:
  10. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    :lol: NOT off the market!! All of these posts about online dating is getting me itchy, I haven't had a date in ages. Granted, my fault - but, yeah I'm ready to jump back in.

    Mosk - I agree with all the other ladies, be careful!! Maybe his free massage line was just playful and trying to make himself stand out. But it could be a sign of a really creepy guy. I'm with the idea of meeting him in a -very- public places a few times before letting him be alone with you!

    Now you have to keep reporting back b/c if you don't we'll assume something happened and send out the search party! :wink:
  11. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    I didn't mean to scare you girls!! :D No, I wouldn't go to somebody's house like that. I think he and I could exchange pictures first, and see if we want to meet up for drinks. Then again he's all the way in Queens and I'm in Jersey, so... I'll probably pass. :lol:
  12. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    Well lipstick so sorry dear but you are going to have to be living vicariously through someone else.

    I'm just not up to it.
  13. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    :smt022 so sad to hear that knca...but honestly if you are not ready then don't do it...some day when you are feeling sassy and frisky again is when you should jump back in to dating online...until then find a diversion...
  14. dudaroosky

    dudaroosky New Member

    I haven't had much luck with the internet dating thing...first of all, like was stated earlier. men outnumber women like 10 to 1. Second...I think they are a waste of money. if I spend 19.99 or more, and don't get any responses, do I get my money back? hell no. so, IMO why bother.
  15. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Yes. My "no sex without love" policy IS going down the drain. In my mind, anyway. I met this guy online... he wrote to me... 27 years old... Lithuanian... professional... blond, blue eyes... and his mischevious smile... ah! he writes that he loves my smile... "I love your shiny lips... mmm" calls me "sweetie"... doesn't sound awfully serious... does he want a fling? a one night thing? it's okay... I would let him have his way... a cutie like that... romancing me... I can't resist... I'll see what happens................ :oops: now I know what my friends told me... how it gets to be when it's been a while.........
  16. infiniti

    infiniti New Member

    I say give it a shot, but don't expect too much going into this. Not all that glitters is gold, but every now and then that shiny stuff turns out to be gold.
  17. MistressB

    MistressB New Member

    If someone says babe or sweetie, it sometimes makes me think they've forgotten my name. :lol: I like lovers to call me B, it's more intimate.
  18. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Okay the Lithuanian seducer dropped out before we had a chance to meet. So I'm back to my moral principles by default. As soon as I asked him what books he likes to read, I didn't hear from him anymore. :lol:

    I posted my own ad on CL, and BOOM! All these replies. The best conversation so far:

    "picture? 36 yr old very successful handsome businessman, travel to europe 90% of time"

    I sent a picture.

    he wrote back: "i have a girlfriend but like to date more than one girl at a time, ok with you?" :shock: :lol:
  19. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    I really think you should try one of the dating sites instead.
  20. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    I think so too. I took my ad down. But I got some laughs, and also got a date for my birthday which is the day after tomorrow! I'll meet a local guy at the grill house down the highway!

    I'm also surprised to find out that the best experience can come from who you least expect it from. I have been zooming in on tall and pretty intellectual boys, only to find out that a lot of times they're full of it. I've talked to all these men, Russian and American, and the one I'm excited to meet tomorrow is someone that before I would say is totally not my type. But he steps correctly as a man, does all the traditional manly things matter of factly and makes you feel like a princess and number 1, not number 10. I'm so excited about meeting him tomorrow, and I'll look darn good too. I hope it goes well.

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