I have heard anything as true as this statement in a while..

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by malikom, Jan 19, 2008.

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  1. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    I agree with her in a way....some brothas like big girls...regardless of race. A fat black girl isn't any better than a fat white girl....I see skinny BM with fat sistas all the time...and everyone thinks that's cute....but somehow a BM with a fat white girl is "selling himself short"....BM are diverse...that is our strong suit....a girl that likes BM can find one that is right for her...regardless of how big, small, tall or short she is.

    Now we are officially done with this thread... 8)
  2. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    definitely...i'm 6'2" and thick, not fat. my husband is about 5'9" and pretty thin....and we make it work. there's a pic under the "pics" thread, if you wanna see (pg. 46). outsiders usually make a bigger deal about a couples' appearance than the actual couple does. beauty is in the eye of the beholder...haha

    now we are officially done...lol :wink:
  3. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    "cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war"

  4. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Now I have to keep it going....you give short guys like me hope....oddly enough...I honestly think I get more looks from taller girls than girls that are my height or shorter...never been able to explain that one..... 8)
  5. maiseycat

    maiseycat New Member

    I've only once seen a fat blonde girl with a black man, and she wasn't hugely overweight - just on the thick side. The vast majority of ww I know who date men are brunette ww, slim to average frame, definitely not ugly. This description includes me, too, and I'm also not uneducated. I have a college education - it's not done much for me, but I have it.
  6. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    yah...keep the hope, haha! :D some girls are jerks about a dude's height, but me and my sis (she's 6'1") have always dated dudes that were shorter than us. the way i see it...short guys need love too. :wink:
  7. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Please ignore this thread. I think at the time this was started by a member who wasnt getting any.
  8. Houston_Honey

    Houston_Honey New Member

    Re: I have heard anything as true as this statement in a whi

    Why does a white woman have to be bottom of the barrel just because she is unnattractive and overweight?

    I'd rather be a fat white woman then a murdering drug dealer. I don't see how you can say that, it's like you think a white woman deserves a "bottom of the barrel" man like that. Do you think she deserves that type of man because she is fat or because she is white?

    Don't you realize that the family of most fat white chicks that have a black boyfriend are going to alienate this white woman for her choice in men? Kind of like she's been alienated for being fat or ugly I imagine...

    Well I guess if you are a good looking black man and you've gotten an education you should just automatically have a nice trophy wife white woman ready to greet you to validate you as a man. Pssh.. come on dude.

    I just kind of take offense to this... Maybe I misunderstood.
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