I have heard anything as true as this statement in a while..

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by malikom, Jan 19, 2008.

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  1. malikom

    malikom Banned

    lol @ jelly...look at this guy...what an idiot lol.Insulting me while complementing ugly white chicks hmmm feening for brownie points?You're boring me dude,not to mention you're lame as hell.Please hop off already. :roll:
  2. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    no, if you look at my brows you will see that i am a brunette...or should i say used to be a brunette...i actually started graying at age 18...so if i went natural it is probably salt & pepper...i went blonde a couple of years ago because the gray is almost like a platinum and it just grows in better being a blonde...
    my favorite hair color was wearing it red...

    btw, i am not offended at all...
  3. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    "When I come through,
    Clear it out.
    Play the Sidelines,
    And watch how a Real N**** air it out."

    - Some famous rapper

    Following the advice from above, i'm going to run along the sidelines and watch as the Can O' Worms keeps getting bigger and funkier.
  4. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    that was hilarious

  5. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

  6. kirsty

    kirsty New Member

    Guess he doesn't have the balls
  7. ladeda

    ladeda New Member

    we should let the guy get some air time.
    but i must say, the only time this board gets posts is when people are angry about something. shame.

    i would be willing to listen to the guy if he could/would prove a solid case.
    also, i do think there are regional differences.
    say for example, i am in san francisco, here i see mixed color couples all of the time and its ussually attractive/attractive.

    who knows. i know what he is talking about but he is generalizing way to much. whatever the case, this is the internet, and as they say.....
  8. kirsty

    kirsty New Member

  9. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    i can't believe that i am going to say this but here goes...i would rather be retarded in the "clinical" definition than an able bodied person that is just down right stupid (not calling ladeda stupid)...if you have ever worked with kids that have down's syndrome like the boy in this picture what you would realize is that these kids have such a beautiful way of looking at the world...
  10. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

  11. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    What bugs me is the attitude to want to judge other people's reasons and choices when the one judging will naturally not have enough info to even consider going there. Hell some people here are so confused about their proclaimed preference for IR dating they can't even judge their own shit!

    I have no problem with guys stating "I don't date big girls, or short girls, or skinny girls or red heads" etc. etc. personal preference is a great thing, I am glad we all have it and we all should follow it. But who are WE to judge another person's choice in a mate?
    So Malikom is concerned about the rep black men get from their community for dating not so beautiful WW.... hmmm NEWSFLASH I am sure the black community at large knows they have bigger issues to deal with and honestly don't give a rats ass about the looks of your mate. Now they may still disagree with your IR dating but looks isn't the reason for that either. To be honest IF I was that worried what the white community (or any community) thinks about the looks of my black boyfriend well to be honest then I don't deserve to be with that man in the first place. The only people that should be concerned with any aspect of us dating should be us. If I decide to date an ugly guy so what? Do you for one second think that THAT is the reason other people will judge my IR relationship?


    Wha...? :smt108
  13. kirsty

    kirsty New Member

  14. ladeda

    ladeda New Member

    man what is wrong with you?

    the way to post it correctly is


  15. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    I couldn't use pwned, because I wasn't aware of the "nerd-factor" here..

    ...figured I'd keep it simple

  16. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Well thats easy for you to say.Your people dont get judged for every little thing they do.Your people arent demonized by society.Your people rent int he same position we are in.I'll tell you one thing,if you were in our position,you would have alot more concern for your peoples rep.

    You're right,only problem is you think that im one out of the few of Black males who actually complain about this.Wrong.Every black male that i have talked to about interracial dating has complained or atleast mentioned this.The ones didnt agree with me,happened to have fat white chicks are their girlfriends(surprise surprise).

    No,if it effects our rep,then we should be concerned.You see,whites dont get stereotyped against as much as blacks do.If a large mportion of black dudes start getting with bottom of the barrel white chicks,than why shouldnt we care?Because of these idiots,we got thousands of bbws that no man int heir ethnic group wants running and drool after black dudes.Because of these idiots,they thinkt hat we are more accepting of sick,obese girlsI cant count how many times ive come across blak loving bbw's ont he internet that said they turned to black guys because white guys dont give them the time of day.Some black dudes would gas up anything.The nerve of these idiots gassing up these broads telling them that they are beautiful.THEY ARE NOT BEAUTIFUL...there is NOTHING beautiful about being overweight and obese.Thats DISGUSTING.
  17. malikom

    malikom Banned

    I agree 100 percent.The brothers that you see with these types of chicks,is "bottom of the barrel" as well that not many sistas would even look twice at.But you gotta realize that people dont analyze the black man in the relationship.They just look at the chick.
  18. joliemarie

    joliemarie Guest

  19. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Lame lame lame lame...fishing for a few laughs?Im sure ull get some.

    How about this simple solution?More and more well put together,handsome(no homosexual),successful elite black men who date slim,good looking white women that will show us in a good light.Thats all.Right now,id say the majority of the black guys who date white girls arent what id call (and others) "attractive".Most of them date black women.
    We just need more brothers that will show us in a good light.



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