I have heard anything as true as this statement in a while..

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by malikom, Jan 19, 2008.

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  1. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    Popeye's is good too. However, I like food period....but I gotta start hitting the gym again.
  2. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Isn't being European and being from Europe the exact same thing? :lol:

    Anyway, we all know that US has a serious weight problem (we're right behind you though), but that's not just affecting the WW. To my knowledge black Americans have even more of a weight-problem. So those BM you see with overweight WW, might just as well have ended up with an overweight BW instead. I bet you just don't notice all the "fat" black-black couples.

    Also, no offence, you're extremely negative and biased in just about everything you write. Are you 100% sure you're not subconsciously looking for mixed couples with "trashy" WW? Perhaps you don't even notice how the men who are with "trashy" WW look them self? People who enjoy soaps and junk food, tend to hang around others who enjoy soaps and junk food. Those men are probably almost as unfit as their GFs.
  3. malikom

    malikom Banned

  4. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Re: I have heard anything as true as this statement in a whi

    What does that got to do with this thread,or better yet the topic?
    I will eventually.
  5. malikom

    malikom Banned

    You cant tell me that its not true :lol:
  6. kirsty

    kirsty New Member

    What, does the truth hurt :roll: :lol:
  7. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Do you like fattys or something? :?:

    For me to qualify as a "dunce" i would have to be saying a bunch of stuff that wasnt true or didnt make any sense.I think that every dudes who not afraid to admit it,will agree with me on my assertions.Im very observant. :wink:
  8. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Yes :|

    It could be a contributing factor.Just like how 60% of african american females are overweight.


    Thats what i was thinking at first.But i see TOO many black dudes with overweight ones and i think it is just too much of a coincidence.zI see brothers turn down slim white women all the time for balooga whales.Then you got these brothers out here who dont know the difference between being "thick" and being fat. :roll:

    Sorry,but i like to keep it real.I dont know how to word certaint hings that i want to bring to topic,so that it dosent offend some people.Also,good point about the trashy looking dudes with these types of chicks.Ive said this over and over'but unfortunately,when people look at these types of couples they always observe the female and never the males.All of a sudden they put us int he same category and BAM we have another bad sterotype to add to all the others.

    Alot look athletic,enough.They are just unattractive dudes.Alot are desperate,and get with any white chick they can find and it dosent matter if she is 300 pounds.I do think,however,that some are really "in love" with these types of females,but not all.You can tell when you hear brothers talking down on black chicks. [/quote]
  9. malikom

    malikom Banned

  10. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Brothers need to start going for more cream of the crop white chicks and stop going for the fat bottom of the barrel ones :smt078
  11. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    oh no..

    now you went an done it....
  12. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    mali...i think it's time for you to buck up and produce the picture...something tells me you are not cream of the crop and even if you were visibly on the outside there is something quite ugly happening on the inside...you barf up enough crap to make the rest of us sick on a regular basis...
    i once worked with this really stunning bm...so much so that i found myself getting tongue tied around him...i am never at a loss for words so that just sets the stage concerning how beautiful he looked...the only problem is that every time he opened his mouth he became less and less attractive...to the point where i didn't even notice that he existed...

    picture please! :smt079
  13. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

  14. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    malikom and petty, since when did you two become the standard by which black men should be judged? So I guess you two are the next Denzel and Tyson Beckford?

    If its one thing I cant stand is judgemental NIGGAS! (Hell yeah, I said it!) If two people are lucky enough to find each other and be happy together, FUCK YOU, YOU, AND YOU! Are you jealous because no one wants your black ass? And if you do have someone and your happy with them, why do you give a fuck who the next guy's girl is?

    Live your own lives and stop worrying about the next man! Fake-ass top models!

    (Petty, I had to "throw" you in there cause you kinda co-signed on malikom's BS!)
  15. malikom

    malikom Banned

    *looks at your pic*


    I honestly dont care what the likes of you (overweight white woman) thinks of me,due to the fact that i dont normally conversate with the likes of you lol.I understand why you could be offended ( :lol: ),but sorry its true.Brothers need to start stepping their standards up,and going after better quality looking white women,as opposed to ones who resemble you..sorry..its the truth.I use to not care if i saw a brother with a white chick that looked like you,but now its just too often and getting out of hand.Now because of these idiots,its a stereotype and it has reached the mainstream media.Id rather jump infront of a moving train going 200 miles per hour, than lower my standards to a chick that looks like you (regardless of race).Its always the overweight,nasty looking white chicks who like to scream from the top of buildings,how black men are sexy and how they only date blacks guys,how embarrassing.Do you know how embarrassing that is?Ofcourse you dont. :roll:
    Furthermore,I just come here to conversate about topics that pertain to the website,nothing more.Not really here to make friends or anything.Just conversation;and to vent out alot of which i feel need to be vented.:p

    slim european chicks are the beeessstttttt.
  16. malikom

    malikom Banned

    ahhh yes it must be because im jealous,yeah that must be it.I would like nothing more than to have a bunch of chocolate drooling "bbw's lol" at my doorstep screaming for me to come outside and take them. :lol:

    I dont.Actually i could care less.Its just that they fuel unwanted stereotypes that affect other black men who have standards,in the long run.More and more stereotypes.It also is a sign of submission (believe it or not) to lots of white guys who laugh at black dudes getting with these types of women.
    It shows that they will never strive to go for the best,will always take scraps,like a dog begging for bones at the dinner table.
  17. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member


    either I did, or I didn't..

    grow up


    late edit - On the real, it's safe to say that at one point or another, we all judged something. Whether it was a person, a thing, a job, a movie, whatever...

    don't label someone, like it's a bad thing, when you fall under that umbrella yourself, homie
  18. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Stereotypes are a bitch, huh? Kinda like the one about the super hot, judgemental, internet lady's man who in real life is nothing more than a buck-o-five computer geek hiding behind his computer screen.

    The beautiful Ms. Lipstick calls you out to post a pic and you "bitch up" like a little girl!




    Lipstick is overweight?


    Pray, how can you tell?
  20. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    OK, you did!
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