i hate packing...

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by suprchic73, Apr 26, 2008.

  1. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    me and my husband are moving in less than a week. our living room is full of boxes, and our apartment full of crap that should be in those boxes. packing is a pain in the butt!

    anybody have any expert advice on making the packing process less painful....and quick?! :smt119
  2. natedogg2772

    natedogg2772 New Member

    None....sorry! :(
  3. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    thanks, haha!
  4. sarahgirl

    sarahgirl New Member

    Just know that soon everything will be calm and back to normal, and it will be worth the trouble. I hope this helps a little. :D
  5. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    :smt110 ...gaahhhdam, everytime I see sarahgirls avatar....fugg this, I'm moving to TX.
  6. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    thanks, sarah! i'm about to go insane. :shock:
  7. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    is this packing advice?...lol :wink:
  8. Sifu

    Sifu New Member

    I can relate! :oops: We need to see more of you Sarah! Lots, Lots More
  9. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    Two girls in this thread have a pic of themselves in their avatars. Only one girl is getting complemented on her looks(not to mention these complements have nothing to do with the subject in hand). Now tell me this, how do you think this makes the girl not gettin the complements feel??...so shallow men can be

    :shock: lol

    As for the question in hand. What you can do to lessen the stress of the whole packing ordeal is by thinking of something sexy. Maybe you can picture me in a thong helping you unpack when you reach ur destination. You can also picture me naked with a cowboy hat, single handedly lifting your stuff, as veins reveal themselves across my chest. You can also picture me sweating while asking you for some return..

    So many things you can do. Just dont stress this shit. Try organizin your shit accordingly. Nothing worse than taking an old house to a new house. Cuz then there wouldnt be any reason in moving...,....so this is a good opportunity to rid yourself from shit you dont need. All that garbage in your apartment that should be in those boxes should be taken into true analysis. I mean, these are probably things you barely need, but youre too guilty to let them go. So just suck it up and let them go..........your 100 pairs of shoes should mos def go. All those magazines you kept since the sixties should go.....and that underwear that you know you'll never wear but you keep cuz its the one u wore on ur first period should go.....lol....eww...ok..like i said,,,,youre moving to a new place...you should try your best not to take your old "shit" with you.....

  10. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    lol, wow! i think that was some of the best packing advice i've gotten - ever! i have been throwing away alot of stuff, and making a giant box for the goodwill, but there seems to be endless crap. blah!! :eek:

    oh, and i'm not worried about the boys giving me compliments...i'm an old married woman, so 'tis expected. :roll: :wink:
  11. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    :smt028 Whoooaaa there pardna, I've already rained praises down on Superchic in 2..I believe 3 different threads. Unfortunately, she's decided to be responsible and not leave her husband to run away with me, I can't believe the nerve....Hence, then next beautiful snow-bunnie...

    ....there's my packing advice...free of charge.
  12. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    :smt048 :smt045 :smt048
  13. Sifu

    Sifu New Member

    You should never assume, it makes an ass out of "U" Yes I think Sarah Girl is cute and all but I have chated for hours with "Superchic" and she knows what I think about her, so if you tryin to get brownie points you going about it the wrong way. Cause I can tell you right now I know for a FACT Superchic is beautiful both inside and out, thats not something a whole lot of fine ass fly honies out there can say. And the fact that super chic is as hot as she is, and cool as fuck! Why do think she's married? But don't try to point out another persons faults to gain the favor of another, such a self proclaimed hustler, and you sound like a playa for real, you should know and any brotha from the states will tell you thatis what is called and commonly referred to as "bitch ass nigga" type shit! Or like Puffy's new shirts stop the bithassness. C'mon dude you really trying to earn points by finding negativity in me and Intrigued ones comments about Sarahgirl being beautiful (and she is!!!) Should we really compliment every woman present everytime we compliment another? :roll: C'mon dude, you can be a little more mannish than that.
  14. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    okay, boys...be nice! :smt101
  15. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    alright....disconnecting internet...won't have it until settled in new place...probably next week! so, tootles until then!! just thought i'd put it out there, if anyone interested....probably not though, lol. anyway...peace for now!! :smt109
  16. Sifu

    Sifu New Member

    Hope everything works out and you like the new spot, talk to you soon :wink:
  17. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Were always interested in nice people. Hope to see you soon. (What am I doing...)
  18. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    i'm baaaack.... :wink:

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