I felt awful...

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Curiouswoman, Nov 29, 2007.

  1. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Karma, IF this "test" is real, I understand it as it's the men who has been tested... How come you read it as it's the women?
    That's supposed to be her initial theory, right? That the BM who date WW have issues with their own race. So that's what's she's been trying to prove... That would mean you're the test-subjects, not the women.

    But there's no way this is real. Sorry! No university would accept it.

    1.There are WAY to few test-subjects.

    She first posted nov29- she stopped posting dec2 (and when she months later reveals her "true intentions" behind the thread, she starts by saying she wasn't aware the discussion continued without her- so she's obviously not payed attention to the thread for more than those 3 days. 3days is NOT long enough to do any real field research.

    And then claiming this is her "lengthiest and most time-consuming works to date" (Any university would have kicked her out after one semester! 3 days work is nothing!) In those 3 days she paid attention to her thread she had "only" gotten 42 responses, including her own. That's not nearly enough material to write a thesis on.

    4. As mentioned, Curious have admitted she did not pay attention to the thread after she mysteriously left. IF this was a part of her thesis, even if she stopped replying, she would have paid attention to it, to get more material to prove her theory.

    5. Curious originally partitioned in other threads than this one as well. Why would she do so, if this was all a test?

    My 2 cents: this has really bugged her... She one day decided to come back to see what has happened here since last time she logged on. She read the whole thread and got pissed of, so she decided to write a response that's supposed to make us all feel stupid or something.

    Curious, if you read this, please prove me wrong. For instance you could post just a few pages of your paper here...
  2. INJERA70

    INJERA70 New Member

    She never will she was and is full of shit. I worked at Howard and they would not fall for this shit as a paper. Do not expect her to post.
  3. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    This sounds like an excuse, to excuse that troll's behavior. Some WW need to stop giving disgruntled BW the benefit of the doubt, for their hatred towards you.
    Don't hold your breath.
  4. phillysoffercal

    phillysoffercal New Member

    Hmmm Lipstick, Lipstick, Lipstick.. most bw wouldn't want to be white either... I think most are happy with their skin colour., just as you love a black man's skin colour.. oh, silly me - you're American... Only the other day my lodger and I were saying how Americans - black and white- have issues big time... You really need to lighten up..You have a problem with black women... Yes, there are difficult black women but there are ten times more difficult as well as racist, aggressive ww. Try to be less negative. You are consumed with these thoughts and it show in your comments..

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