I felt awful...

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Curiouswoman, Nov 29, 2007.

  1. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    :lol: smart ass...and I agree about the mud slinging. But, and you know this from experience, when you get slung at you sling back!
  2. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    I'm not mad at you for one minute, you did what you had to do. :smt021
  3. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Blah blah blah...

    What's pathetic here is a) your politically-correct ass kissing as I pointed out, b) your attempt to justify it, and c) your equally-pathetic attempt to make the BM (in this case me) the bad guy. Talk about unoriginal thought!!!!!! :lol: You act like it was me who came on this board with a cockamamie story...

    And I'm not trying to pit anybody against anybody just telling you the real. I wish I lived in your reality where people didn't talk shit about other people...

    I know you probably aren't used to a BM who has a mind of his own, doesn't treat you like the be-all and end-all, and who doesn't defer to your opinions so I'll just end things here. :lol:

    Happy New Year!
  4. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    So much has happened on this thread. How will I find the time to comment it all? :D

    Nope, you didn't sympathise with Curious' date. But you did call her a liar, as many did. I quite early told my story (even before you answered her), about how I myself have mistaken a biracial girl for white, and no one noticed. I really believe Curious' story. If she has a rather pale complexion people can mistake her for white, even if she has some "black" facial structures. How her skin tone is, did not really show on her picture. And, if no one had ever mistaken her for white, she would probably also not have posted her picture. She doesn't appear to be that stupid.

    Also, if this is the only time she has been mistaken for white, she'd probably just think the guy was a jerk, a colour blind jerk, but still just a jerk. And then leave it with that. Perhaps she would even laugh at it, finding it absurd. (I've been mistaken for a Gambian once- no kidding- and it still makes me giggle. The woman was a mental patient though, and quite hallucinated.)

    BTW, my earlier "men like you" comment, that seem to bug you (sorry- don't let it), it wasn't even meant as a comment for you alone, but for all the guys here who have been defending Curious' date, or calling her a liar. (And many of them IMO have been MUCH worse in their comments than you.)

    Anyway, only she knows for sure whether she was lying or not. But that's also a reason to assume she's innocent until proven guilty IMO. Her story wasn't really crazy enough for anyone to immedeatly start saying she's manufactured it.
    As stated, I do not find Curious story "ridiculous". I think you're doing her wrong, and that's why I'm defending her.

    You're very much allowed to have your own opinions. But do you really have to adopt them from racist site? Your opinion of WW who are with BM, seem to be almost a direct quote from their web pages.

    To show you some respect anyway, I'll still comment your a,b,c statements:

    a. I'm quite happy about who I am. Even my skin colour. (I'd probably pick white again if I had a choice. Being white makes life easier. I'm a practical person.)
    b. unless the BW is my mother in law, I don't have any desire to kiss her ass to be accepted by her
    c. I'm definitely not trying to make "cute little niglets" to be politically correct or something. I met a guy I fell in love with, who happened to be black. We want to share our life together, and having children is a part of that. I don't really care how they come out, as long as they're healthy. (This time we're getting a boy though, so naturally it would be nice if the next one is a girl.)
  5. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Now I'm equated to racist site just because I don't kowtow to white female PC opinion. I'm not trying to sleep with you, Ronja, so I don't have to sugarcoat. If came on here under another name pretending to be a BW who got her feelings hurt by some horrible guy, I'd get all the sympathy in the world. And if you felt the need to respond to my above post then the truth must hurt. Good luck with that identity crisis thing. :roll:
  6. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Most people who get their feelings hurt, deserves some sympathy, so yes, you probably would get some too. Even if you told the story under your own nick.

    Claiming that WW are with BM out of political correctness, is exactly like the crap I've read on racist site. If this is truly your opinion of WW who date BM, I don't even get why you're on this page, cause you can't really like us all that much...
  7. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    My God, you have missed the entire point of what I said. Since English isn't your first language, I'll chalk it up as that and let it go. If you were American I'd say you were stupid.
  8. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    If I've understood you, enlighten me. Not just go "oh, that's not what I meant", and call me stupid. How mature and intelligent is that way of argumentation?

    I have to remind you I was not the only only one who think your post was a whole lots of BS. But please tell, what did you really mean?
  9. Curiouswoman

    Curiouswoman New Member

    I have to say that I wasn't aware this had become such a hot topic in my absence. Let me explain myself:

    I'm a psychology major, sociology minor at Howard University, and in the spirit of a two-part class I had where a research paper is the only thing I have to turn in , I decided to do my paper on race relations. Now, I could have done my paper on Jena 6 or race relations at work, but I'm a romantic at heart and interracial relationships have always fascinated me; partly because I've grown up around mostly African American people (even now, I attend an HBCU where I can count the number of white students we have), and partly because the media portrays white women as the source of the problem. Every one of your responses have been recorded, studied, discussed, scrutinized, and applied to my theory, which is this:

    In interracial relationships that consist of Caucasian women and African American men, in contrast to popular media and popular opinion, it is more often the male who will be more self-conscious and less open to returning to dating within his own race.

    Now, some of you may be asking, "what did her original post have to do with this?" well, take a look at some of the responses; it was the Caucasian women who immediately came to my aide, stating that they would feel bad if a male dated them solely for the reason that they were white. It was the African American males who jumped to suspicions, became aggressive in their responses, and questioned my actual problem with the matter.

    To all the ladies who came to my defense, understand, that I'm not trying to falsely portray myself, and that your defense was dually noted and recorded for the formation of my theory. And to the men who veered the other way and supported my standpoint as well, thank you. To those who proved my point, thank you as well, if it wasn't for test subjects such as yourselves, us field psychologists would have nothing to do and get paid for. So, without further ado, I want to thank all of you who (unknowingly) participated in what has perhaps become one of my lengthiest and time-consuming works to date; my 'A' will be partially based off of your contributions.

    In regards,


    p.s. the study is being submitted to the 2008 undergraduate research symposium, and if chosen will be published and I will recieve a grant to continue my education, if that is the case, I will post a link to the published article, in which the forum and all it's attendants will be thanked and documented as contributors.



  11. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    This thread is still alive?... :roll:
  12. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    So the WW who were busy bitching at me were basically test subjects who got bamboozled. Hilarious. :smt042
  13. INJERA70

    INJERA70 New Member

    She shot herself in the foot putting up that pic of a BW. There is nothing wrong with that but when you are clearly black and saying some dude suspected you of being white is bogus. I am glad got an A cool sarcasm off. See that is the reason why BW are greeted with hostility here LOVE YOU SISTERS BUT DAMN. I think you should go to racist site and do a study.
  14. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    karma...i don't think it is a black white "pc" but more of a woman/woman "pc" that ww follow...it may be a one way street...quite franky that is fine with me...rarely if not at all does it even occur to me how bw bash ww...that would take too much positive energy away from me...btw, i love being white...it's easier...can't imagine being a bw...i think it must be difficult...if i was a bw...i would hope that i am as sassy black as i am white!
    always fun to read your pounding the keyboard posts :lol:
  15. raocha

    raocha Active Member

    WHAT? What the fuck is this? Some kind of joke? You were able to make enough valid conclusions about the mindset of black men who date white women based upon the responses of a small group of black men on a small message board who didn't believe a far-fetched story to write a research paper? If this post has the slightest bit of veracity (and I seriously doubt that notion), I'd say that the academic research standards of Howard University leave something to be desired.
  16. awia

    awia New Member

    Have to agree with raocha....

    As to curious woman.... LOL

    Is this really the way you think...? >>>

    "To those who proved my point, thank you as well, if it wasn't for test subjects such as yourselves, us field psychologists would have nothing to do and get paid for. So, without further ado, I want to thank all of you who (unknowingly) participated in what has perhaps become one of my lengthiest and time-consuming works to date; my 'A' will be partially based off of your contributions. "

    On an academic (?) level - FAIL
    On a humanities level - FAIL
    On a critical thinking level - FAIL
    On a cynical, superficial level = PASS WITH AN A++ (no, heck, make that a HIGH Distinction)

    Please stay at your keyboard and stay away from real people. :eek:
  17. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    bottomline the picture that curious put up clearly looked like she was black or biracial...for that reason the story was unbelievable...i would have to agree that the academic standards @howard must be quite low if curious considers this venue/forum/post to be enough material to write a paper...
  18. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    To be honest, even if I somewhat believed her before (because, as mentioned I myself have done the mistake of assuming a mixed girl was white), now I it's my turn not to believe her :lol:

    If this is one of curious' "lengthiest and most time-consuming works to date" she's an incredibly lazy student! I doubt any university would even give a passing grade for this...
  19. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Funny how you reached all the way back to that post yet glossed over this recent one:

  20. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    karma...depends on how you look at it...perhaps the guys were the real lab rats...i am actually flattered that bw spend so much time studing ww...trust me when i tell you i don't have 5 minutes during the day to even ponder bw...

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