I felt awful...

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Curiouswoman, Nov 29, 2007.

  1. raocha

    raocha Active Member

    And I suppose that reading a forum that is dedicated to such trivial matters with the intention of trolling for opportunities to hurl condescending quips at the people who post on it is a much better way to occupy one's time during the holiday season? :roll:
  2. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    It wasn't Christmas when it was posted, nor when you posted.

    Based on many of your comments on various threads, you seem to have a very warped view about how things are in the US. You can't go by what some people post on forums.

    Many of us live lives where it's not an issue....where it's rarely ever brought up.
  3. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    Thank you KnCA!
  4. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    You're very welcome :)
  5. Wedlock

    Wedlock New Member

    The Attraction.........

    :D :D :D HEROINE...........
  6. dossou

    dossou Member

    I didn't read all the replies to have a general view point but Curious To be objectiv and have a balanced viewpoint what I can say you is you should not be surprise .Thre're thousand and thousand of women which look like the type of women this guy 's looking forFor the other Ladies who make read the reply I don't mean here "devious behaviour toward women should be encourage or this guy should be condemned . for his deeds" .It's just that he's also learning how to love or give love.I think we have to become more and more tolerant.His "need "did not match yours ,that all.Don't try to make a movie within your head .Keep your inner balance don't be impressed .Try to show kindness with the guy if you see him...Frankly the first person who's gonna benefit from this is you cause you're learning how to let go...Do something else get involve in another activies. Like sports volunteering or community projects to empty yourself .Life's about all sweetness and sweetness within, be kind with yourself
    Concerning the attitude of the guy I can not judge him cause his motivations are personal .Just like a new driver errors are frequent onthe road for all of us .You like me did error also ...
    Be kind with yourself and let go
  7. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    You guys still talking about this chick? She hasn't even been back :lol:
  8. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    Right, his 'need' for a white woman. :roll:

    The OP is long gone and maybe she mis-stated the situation or embellished. We'll never know. Nevertheless, I am so surprised at the men's response to this thread. Assuming that the OP was telling the whole truth and that she was correct in her intrepretation...I would never have guessed that there would be support for a person who ditched another simply b/c of the color of their skin.

    How many times have I read grumbling from men on this site about a woman who wouldn't give him a chance b/c he is black and not white/asian/whatever the race of the woman is? Many - and with good reason. So how is that any different that what curious went thru?
  9. Wedlock

    Wedlock New Member

    The Attraction.........


    If complete honesty is taking place, and the full story is being told, then on the surface there isn't any difference.I have no way to verify claims made on the board one way or another short of either meeting the posters themselves, or the posters offering enough information in order for a solid conclusion to be arrived at.Viewing that photo, however, I still wondered how this woman's racial identity was ever mistaken.....But again, I don't know what's behind the scenes..........Your point is valid when taken at face value, however.
  10. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member


    For me it's not that I have support for a guy who would be a jerk, but rather my not understanding how she could be mistaken for white. It would be like me telling my story, and saying I am often mistaken for being a wm, you'de hardly pay attention to my story, when you know, by seeing my photo, that I'm not white. Thanks.
  11. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    How big a jerk the guy was, is not what your posts have been focusing on though. I saw her picture too. It was in black and white, and had a weired lightening. Her skincolour didn't really show. Yes, she did have full lips, etc, and when you knew she was mixed it was quite obvious. But if she's very light, I still think people can make the mistake of thinking she's white when they see her in real life. There are white people with full lips too.

    As I've said before. I've made the same mistake myself, so I know for a fact people can make this mistake. When I learned my classmate was mixed, it was just sooo obvious based on her facial structure etc, but untill then, I always took her for a white girl who where blessed with full lips, a "funny" but cute nose,and had a heavy tan and perm. (Very pretty girl btw). If I can make a mistake like that, a million more can as well. I'm not stupider, or have poorer vision, than everyone else.

    All in all, I'm also a bit shocked at how many of the men here treated curious. You're all daing WW, and can have mixed daughters yourself one day. How would you like it if people ditched your daughter for her colour, and then called her a liar afterwards?
    As fsp I would also have expected more support, since you've all been rejected because of your colour as well.

    To be 100% frank, I really really really hope my daughters (if I get any, I pray I will), will never, ever encounter men like you, or the dick curious met. You seem to be almost as jugemental as him IMO.

    Anyway, she's left the forum now. And so would I have done, if I got the "welcome" curious did when I first joined the board.
  12. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member


    I'm glad you have not chosen to leave this forum at any time. IMO that would be a great loss for all. You are someone that I personally hold in very high regard on these boards. Your posts are always logical, nice to read, and informative. Please understand everyone makes mistakes, and no one is perfect. I am always open to constructive criticism, so your words have not fallen upon deaf ears. But your "men like you" statement seems to lean towards being "almost as judgemental" a statement as any. I do have a daughter, and am the last father in the world to want her to experience hurt, and or disbelief from anyone. I have never said anything negative directly to Curious. If her story is true, then I may have fallen short, in my ability to treat her story with the same compassion, and understanding that I myself would like to be afforded, to which all I can say is, I am always open to listening to other's opinions, and learn from what they may have to say, and please accept my sincerest apologies, spoken from a man like me.

    Happy New Years!!!
  13. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    Well, my post was not directed at those who questioned the veracity of her story - my post was directed at those who took it at face value and still made excuses for the guy. There's a big difference b/t the two and I think the different concepts have caused some confusion throughtout the thread.

    Actually, when you 'quoted' me you deleted the qualifying sentence from my comment which was "Assuming the OP was telling the truth and she was correct in her interpretation"...so your editing job disorted things quite a bit.

    I don't have a problem with you calling BS when you feel you see it. Not at all.

    I think Ronja also picked up on the distinction...I hope neither your daughter nor Ronja's (fingers crossed :wink: ) have to deal with men who act like or support the kind of man curious was with.
  14. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member


    I appreciate you for understanding that there may just be at least three kinds of individuals replying to this very controversial, hopefully soon to go away nightmare of a thread. We have those who may sympathize with her, those who may sympathize with the jerk, and finally, those who question the story being told, but would be sympathetic to her if it were true. I think Ronja has inaccurately pegged me for being a sympathiser with the jerk, because she used my quote, and a possible read misinterpretation of one of my previous posts, and seemed to direct her latest reply towards me, so I'd need clarification from her on that distinction.

  15. dossou

    dossou Member

    I 'm still new on the forum so I'm also exercising with the BBCode
    Dear Funny fnnysmrtprtty
    I did not mean here that I support or he should be supported .I just mean he's learning how to recieve and give love .Some are more mature in this domain.It's just a matter of experience.In life we may meet or have all type of persons or people on way to happiness and fulfillment .The thing is never to forget and "give up" our dreams ,the reason why we're taking the trouble for living in this world .The aim is to win the golden gift.I don't mean here contests or the like .I call this golden gift Love.Love's all there is.Because the golden gift is the Golden Heart.
    When you love the other you don't see the color of skin...It all start within.What a Lover see about his or her beloved is of such a beauty he or she seldom is with us .Just think about somebody who is deeply in love with his or her beloved , just observe
    One may have disappointment in a relationship like Curious and she has to become stonger, not weaker.Remember we may meet all types of phenomena on our road to happiness .So we should not be discouraged by these sort of troubles My aim is for us to be stronger in relationship in this forum.We do meet this kind of situations every day with our loved one at home at job at hospital everywhere...IF WE DO NOT CULTIVATE LOVE WITHIN AND ALWAYS FIND IN THE OTHER THE MISTAKE ,THEN HOW WILL WE LOVE OUR BF OR GF?
    Loving is an art. Falling in love is an art .Making love is art .Then the entire Life becomes aesthetic because art is beauty....
    Sensitivity is developped then...So many things to say
    Funny I also love writtings and poetry.It helps me see beauty within and around me[/quote][/list]
  16. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    It's amusing to me how you liberal WW take any opportunity to defend BW even when the original poster's story was ridiculous, and BW do nothing but bash WW who date BM, either behind your backs or on this message board (Beauty).

    It just seems to me that a lot of you women on here either a) want to be BW yourselves, b) want to be accepted by BW or c) have a child whom the world will consider a BW.

    I mean look at this thread, the original poster is long gone yet you still defend her story.

    BW aren't losing any sleep worrying about you, believe me, except to blame you for "stealing their" men and call you whores, and gold-diggers. Which makes your buck-dancing and ass-kissing for their approval even more ridiculous.
  17. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    sigh...so many places to poke holes in your post I hardly know where to start.

    I do not take 'any' opportunity to defend bw. I would defend anyone who I felt was being wronged. As for bw, they don't stand out to me as being in particular need of defending, but then again I will not hesitate to state my opinion even though it might - in the end - further a bw's arguement.

    I don't want to be a bw, I don't even know what else to say b/c that is ridiculous. I don't care if I'm accepted by bw, in fact I am aware that simply posting on this site many bw probably disdain me. I don't lose sleep over. As for children, I would not consider the racial make-up of my child to be any personal validation to be reflected upon myself.

    As for this OP, it's not her personally, it's the premise of the story, the issue itself that gets to me. I understand if you haven't been able to comprehend the phenomenon, but many threads on this forum are about something larger than one person's story, many are about values, ideals, personal philosophies - the larger issue behind the details.

    It's sad that you attempt to pit bw and ww against each other by painting bw as hating ww for 'taking' their men. I understand that some bw feel about ww are exactly as you describe, but they are not all like that. And until proven otherwise, I will give a person the benefit of the doubt.

    As for your pathetic 'buck-dancing ass kissing' comment...well, I give it no weight seeing as it comes from someone who doesn't have the ability to post his opinion or thought but rather only sits back and critiques everyone else's. You only post to express agreement or disatisfaction, but never an original thought which makes believe you are incapable of doing so.
  18. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    GAWD, I wish this would END!!!

    One thing's for sure, if it were ever the intent to cause trouble, and stir up discord by being a troll, on the part of Curious, then her mission has the looks of being accomplished.

    Where's the LOVE people???

    Isn't that why we are all still here, because of a common bond that WW, and BM share(enjoy) between us? True that! Curious is gone, her story may, or may not be ridiculous, but at this point, it really doesn't matter too much, because at the end of the day we still have to peacefully co-exist, be happy, and move forward. Anything less, and we'll all have to ask ourselves, who wins?
  19. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    Yeah, we're here for the same basic reason but after that we still have our own opinions and thoughts. It would be a pretty boring discussion board if we weren't free to express our own thoughts b/c they don't jive with everyone else's, and normally the discussions are civil and respectful.

    I was thinking about the thread, posted what I was feeling and don't regret it. Personally, when I get sick of reading a thread, I stop reading it. That's just me. :wink:
  20. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member


    I'm all for freedom of expression, but what this thread seems to have been reduced to, amounts to a little less than civil, and respectful. It doesn't have to go to mud slinging, (which is counter productive) in order to be an exciting forum.

    But that's just me. :wink:

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