I felt awful...

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Curiouswoman, Nov 29, 2007.

  1. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Hmmm, too bad you got rejected. He was a jerk, no question. But as a woman, how many men have you rejected based on arbitrary standards? Too short, too dark, too light, car not nice enough, not enough money? Went out with once and never called him again? I'll bet whoever he was he didn't go crying on a message board about it. And don't front like you haven't done that.

    And of course we haven't heard his side of the story either. There could be whole chunks that you "forgot" about.

    And sorry, going by your pic there's no way you'd be mistaken for white unless the guy was Mr. Magoo. Something don't add up.
  2. Curiouswoman

    Curiouswoman New Member


    Hmmm, too bad you got rejected. He was a jerk, no question. But as a woman, how many men have you rejected based on arbitrary standards? Too short, too dark, too light, car not nice enough, not enough money? Went out with once and never called him again? I'll bet whoever he was he didn't go crying on a message board about it. And don't front like you haven't done that.

    And of course we haven't heard his side of the story either. There could be whole chunks that you "forgot" about.

    And sorry, going by your pic there's no way you'd be mistaken for white unless the guy was Mr. Magoo. Something don't add up.[/quote]

    "Something don't add up"? What the hell are you, Magnum P.I.? Why would I waste my time lying to a bunch of strangers? Please do me a favor and silence yourself concerning my issues, I can live without the negativity in my life, I already have enough of it from other people who actually habe signifigance in my life. :roll:
  3. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    I believe Curious when she says she's been mistaken for a white girl. I've done that mistake myself, with a girl than looked just as "black" as curious. It's a long time ago though (I was still in high school) and I don't think I'd do it again.

    The situation was something like this:
    Monday morning, and I met a classmate after the weekend.
    Me: Hi, I saw you this weekend, but I don't think you spotted me.
    She: Really, where?
    Me: down town, you were walking with a black lady...
    She: oh, yeah, me and my mum went out shopping
    Me (a little confused): Your step mum?
    She: No my mum
    Me (more confused): your adoptive mum?
    She (starting to get annoyed): no, my biological mum!
    She (noticing how confused I am): I'm half African, haven't you noticed?
    Me (for the first time realizing she's not a tanned girl with a perm): no
    Then she had a really good laugh about it, while I just felt like a moron...

    It was so strange though. When she said she was half African, I immediately noticed, and couldn't understand why I hadn't noticed before. It was just so obvious...
  4. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member


    Sorry to hear you had to deal with such a non tactful idiot, but to his miniscule defense, may I say, I too have recently dated an outstandingly attractive, yet "passable" BW, in whom I just knew I wanted, but after several intimate encounters, I found she didn't quite do it for me, even though she was TOTALLY HOT. After that experience, I realized it may be a waste of time for me to date any BW, regardless of how fair they may be, since I had her, but didn't have that chemistry to be completely turned on by her where it really mattered. Maybe that guy had a similar previous experience, and chose, (in a rather unacceptable, and unclassy way), to not waste either yours, or his time, because he may already know that the chemistry between you, and him will not match the chemistry between him, and a WW.

    He did you a favor though, at least he didn't realize it wasn't going to work, after he slept with you.
  5. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Hey you put it out there on a public forum. You can't micro-manage people's responses. Sorry it's not what you want to hear.
  6. heartdesire

    heartdesire New Member

    I must say to Curiouswoman that I am sorry that you had to go through that. I can honestly say that I do have those issues myself and I need to deal with them. There are men here in NYC who would date you in a heartbeat and not have a problem with you at all.

    That guy did you a favor and you will find someone better.
  7. awia

    awia New Member

    I agree that the guy has self-hate issues about dating ww and I can see why you'd be angry and hurt. Ok more angry than hurt. :wink: I've never wanted to date a bm who only wants me cuz I'm white. But I still can't work out why you... as a bw would bother coming online here to tell a whole bunch of ww this... and/or bm who date ww? Why do you care? Are you trying to check the reactions of the bm on here?

    I'm not as suspicious as karmacoma, but I am a tad curious... ? And why be so quick to react aggressively when someone calls you up on it anyway?

    It's an online forum... a variety of people, attitudes and reactions... and what I like about this forum is it is usually open to different views instead of bitchin... bitchin and hollerin gets tired real quick :?

    and if you bitch'n'holler at me for saying this... then I'll know I'm... correct.
  8. raocha

    raocha Active Member


    Because no one would ever make something up on a completely anonymous internet message board, right? You're either a goof who's way too naive to mete out all of the pedantic nonsense that you've been spewing since joined the forum or a troll. If it's the case of the former you should apologize and then piss off. If it's the latter scenario, just piss off because your posts are condescending and nauseating, and you haven't contributed anything to the discourse on this forum from what I've seen besides bashing the opinions and preferences of many of the members.
  9. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  10. INJERA70

    INJERA70 New Member

    I am sorry I saw her pic and don't see how somebody could mistake her for white. Thst is by no means a knock against you.
  11. aozora

    aozora New Member

    I agree Injera. Especially in DC come one. You can generally can tell someone is mixed or light. Also no offense to curious but she has high cheek bones so it is not hard to tell the difference.
  12. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    I think you've managed to scare her away now guys, so can probably stop bickering with her...
  13. ColeStar

    ColeStar New Member

    The guy's an idiot, simple as that. That kind of behaviour shames the whole race and the whole gender in my opinion.
  14. INJERA70

    INJERA70 New Member

    Never bickered with her, I thought she was cool,but her being mistaken for white is out of the question sorry. The guy was an ass.
  15. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    I'm with you on this one INJERA70.

    I saw her pictures, and even though she's a cute girl, never would she pass for a White Girl. Not in a million years.

    When I read her story, at first I thought she was talking about one of her friends, it took me a minute to realize, she was talking about herself.

    Not to seem insensitive, because if anyone is treated bad, it's not a good thing, but when she proclaimed herself to be White, it kind of made me question the validity of her entire story, and I wondered if it wasn't a ploy to get attention from us. I say this now, because she has been away from here for a while, and I wouldn't want to risk hurting her feelings, by implying she's bending the truth with that story.
  16. INJERA70

    INJERA70 New Member

    She had a pic up Jamie, I could see if she had no pics up but in her picture she clearly looks black,like stated by another poster she is a very cute girl and hell I would date her, as I have stated before I date women of all races.
  17. raocha

    raocha Active Member

    You can piss off too, sock puppet.
  18. Kanzaki

    Kanzaki New Member

    Sorry for what happened, Curious...Anyway, that's why someone should love you for SEVERAL reasons
  19. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Who knows

    Everyone is ripping curiouswoman trying to shift attention away from her story and instead placing the focus on her....i never saw her pic....but since everyone assumes she looks black...I'll go with that....of course the man who saw her might have thought she was Latina or something????

    Regardless of how true the narrative is....its a story worth reading....some of us should use it as a means to self-reflect....no man on here is going to admit that he would drop a woman if he found out she wasn't "completely white"......but the aggressive responses make me wonder
  20. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    Re: Who knows

    Well, I can't speak for anyone else, but I did see her pic, and I may be, (as you put it) an aggressive responder, but reading her story, and seeing her image, it just doesn't add up. To me, Curious raised a bit of suspiction in the validity of her story based on the photo image of her appearance. And we can't be held responsible for the doubt she has raised in at least me. And if I have difficulty believing a story, I can hardly use it to reflect. (self-reflect what... my preferences?) Maybe that was her motive. No thanks!

    Had she NEVER furnished a pic, I'd have no grounds of which to seem a bit apprehensive, but a picture is worth a thousand words.

    All are welcomed, but it doesn't help that she's a BW on a WWBM site, which means she represents one of two race specific genders (BW/WM) that are almost, but not always certain to be at least initially viewed quite naturally as questionable, i.e. (troll) in regards to what might be their agenda in this forum. I, along with at least one other poster are leaning towards Curious' story as being her attempt to illicit a response, and deliver an attack in the direction of some of the BM here. It seems evident in some of her later replies.

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