I Do Not Find Too Many Black Women Attractive.....

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Malik True, May 22, 2008.

  1. Malik True

    Malik True New Member

    The subject title actually came from a different thread in which I did not want to steer in the direction other than what the original topic was. so I started a thread...

    As I have stated the person who made that statement if he's black needs to take a hard look at himself for those words to come out of his mouth. If you were to ask 20 or 30 people the following question, who made this statement "I Do Not Find Too Many Black Women Attractive" very few would say a black man. You may hear a White guy, Spanish guy, or even an Asian guy as the response, very few if any would say a black guy. Why because it is natural to like yourself and those like you. There's a difference between I am more attracted to WW than BW and I do not find too many BW attractive.

    The first indicates your preference, the later says the majority or most BW I won't even look at. To me that means there's a bigger issue involved, a much bigger issue.

    Your thoughts....
  2. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    one doesnt have to be attracted to a woman of the same race, that is an individual things in which a person is physically, emotionally, etc, attracted to someone.

    just because one is attracted to a white womand doesnt mean he finds a black woman unattractive, BUT at the same time it doesnt mean that he Has to find a black woman attractive.

    it is in the eye of the beholder
  3. malikom

    malikom Banned

    I think alot of me may feel that way,but are too scared to say it or bring it up.For example,those brothers who say that they just dont date white women exclusively,they "like all women regardless of color",but you ONLY see them with white women or women of diff backgrounds other than Black.
  4. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    but thats your view, your opinion and you have a right to that view. you are attracted to whomever you are, period
  5. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    an entire thread for this..

    you got to be kidding me

    havent we beaten this horse before, lol
  6. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

  7. DI

    DI New Member

    right/ everybody has right to have his own opinion. so what's wrong with that? as far as me, i have to admit myself, that i dont find white guys to be attractive. it's not good, it's not bad, it's just a fact. I know, many people blame me, but I thonk they have no reason. it's my bussiness and by the way, i cant help it! :roll:
  8. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    A BM that has no attraction to BW at all should think about what he is saying and why he says it....HOWEVER...

    What about WW, Latinas or Asian women that profess their love of BM and claim not to be interested in any other type of man? I don't think too many bruhs on here are going to try to get inside a WW's head (no pun intended) when she says that she's not attracted to WM. Most of us laugh and use emoticons like this.. :lol: and then try to flirt with said woman. Anytime someone has absolutely no attraction to their own...they should examine their reasoning...but ultimately it doesn't matter...they have to live with themselves and the person they love.

    I'd rather a BM that loves WW...chase after WW instead of preferring WW but marrying a BW and breaking her heart later when he can no longer resist the gorgeous blonde hair and blue eyes of his long-time "friend"
  9. u2orjustme

    u2orjustme New Member

    And that's what it really boils down to. People shouldn't lie to themselves about what they like. Is there a deep complex surrounding it? Maybe. Is it always a negative complex? By no means. But lying to yourself hurts you and hurts those around you. The sick part is 99 per cent of the time, it doesn't hurt right away. It hurts over a period of time.

    Don't let society's norms rule the day. And people wonder why all these people they see on the news go nuts. 8)
  10. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    Same here. I know that objectively watched a lot of white men may be attractive.Just not in my eyes. Everybody is entitled to have their own taste and definition of what's beautiful or not
  11. kenny_g

    kenny_g New Member

    This si what I have always said on here before. For some reason people think just because you have a racial preference when attracted to somebody you must be racist, and so that leads people to lie about being open to men/women of all races, and therefore makes it difficult to read people that are open minded and who who have preferences.

    I don't know if somebody on here has ever been called racist if ya'll have told someone your preferences towards bm/ww, but I have seen it with my female friend.

    But here is the sad part, if you say you have a preference of any other thing like height, size, certain body parts like the butt or breast, hair color
    then you are alright nobody bothers you about that.

    And the really sad part is if a white woman says she wants blodne hair blue eyes no one says nothing, if she says she wants a latin lover, no one says nothing, let it be a black man, oh she is racist, people become uncomfortable, all of sudden they turn politically correct. Black Lover is taboo to say, but latin lover is not.

    It's like black men and white women are allowed to go out with each other, but we are not allowed to say we prefer each other, hell we are not even allowed mention it, unless we want to catch heat for it.

    A preference doesn't mean your racist unless you hate other races, a preference is just simply being true to your attractions.
  12. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    i dont find most black women, i have encountered or see , attractive either. It doesnt mean that all black women are not attractive to me, but i would say most that i have seen. of course i think my mother and sisters, and cousins, aunts, grands as attractive- but i guess i would say 75% i am not attracted to.
  13. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Well said, Kenny.
  14. kenny_g

    kenny_g New Member

    thanks :wink:
  15. INJERA70

    INJERA70 New Member

    Man some of you folks are a trip, I say this there are a lot of fine black women out there screw all the I don't find a lot of sisters attractive. I said it in the last thread if you like white women you just like them stop all the I don't find race a,b or c attractive. Folks wonder why people come on here trolling and starting shit. I say just do you.
  16. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    each person has an individual right to like or dislike whatever they wish. so if someone doesnt like or is not attracted to someone or ones of their own race that is fine.

    i know lots of black women, who only like white men. i know lots of WW who only date and like black, asian or latin men. if that is their preference and their attraction, then i accept that
  17. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Honestly, I don't run into nearly as many attractive BW as I do WW on a daily basis. Why is that? I don't know. And yes, I do keep an eye out for cute black girls but most of the ones I see, I have little to no attraction.

    Just seem like on average I see like 10 hot white girls for every 1 hot black girl. Don't flame me. I'm just telling the truth.

    I feel like I would be simply pleasing society if I refused to date WW. On the other hand, I don't refuse to date BW. I seem to attract WW far more than BW.

    Sometimes when I think about the unneccessary drama IR relationships can bring, I become discouraged.

    Maybe its sexual energy or something but my heart skips a few beats around pretty WW compared to other kinds of women. They have this sort of 'effect' on me that is undeniable.
  18. INJERA70

    INJERA70 New Member

    You need to move out of Cali captain point blank. I see way too many fine sisters running around not saying this is what you are doing man but I am not going to kiss no ass on this or any other site just to get attention.
  19. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    As people kep reiterating, it is all about PRFERENCE. I am the first white woman my BF has bee involved with, so obviously, he has dated black women in the past and yes me finds some of them attractive even though we are together, jsut as I fine other men attractive, Jesus neither of us is dead :)
  20. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    For the record, I'm not kissing ass. I like living in Cali. I love it. I wouldn't move out of the state just to find an attractive BW in my life. I'm going to keep my options open and date whomever I best pair w/.

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