I Believe Mike Vick Is Done.

Discussion in 'Sports' started by Wedlock, Jul 18, 2007.

  1. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    Lucifer, my thoughts exactly. I'm appalled at how people are reacting to the torture of these dogs, but when real human beings die or are tortured, it's almost like no big deal. Makes no sense. None. I honestly don't think he should serve any jail time (but if he absolutely has to, i would only send him there for a few weeks or a month). Not that dog fighting and animal cruelty isn't serious, because it is, but IMO there are much, much more important things to worry about than this.
  2. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    LOL..THANKS! :lol:
  3. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    Congrats Bryant on the 1000th post :wink:

    And did you all hear that one of the co-defendants pleaded guilty?
    It's ON!!!! Let's see how well the Vick defense team will spin this one to get him off the hook.
  4. Wedlock

    Wedlock New Member


    Congrats, Bry, you and I are in disagreement on Vick, but I respect your views. Everyone here knows my sentiments on it, let's just see what happens.
    Congrats again.
  5. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    So, Mr. Vick is pleading guilty... no spinning the story this time. I wonder if he will ever play again... not that I care, I hope he doesn't but that's just me.
  6. Wedlock

    Wedlock New Member

    :? Only time will tell, but if I am an NFL owner, I 'd have a hard time rolling the dice on a potential QB who's served time.And it's important at the QB position because the QB is usually the "face" of the team. It really depends on what Harry decides to give him sentence wise. I'm guessing he probably WON'T get that 18 months, so he had wise counsel in pleading.But he pled because on some level he was guilty, I believe.

    For right now, I'll stand by my origial post in that I think he's done.And for the apologists I think it's silly to relativize what he's done-or at least what he's pleading to.It has nothing to do whatsoever with other things that happen in this world.Why can't we just deal with the crime at hand?In some parts of the world people eat dogs;but in THIS country it isn't legal.What does that have to do with police brutality, or what PETA people choose to protest against?Granted they may go overboard, but I don't think they are being hypocritical if they are sincere in their beliefs.

    When something in one's view is morally wrong it's usually a specific view they hold.We can always find something worse to compare a given crime to-that just seems like a sidestep of the issue, though.

    It will all be moot by the time the dust clears in a couple of years, anyway, most likely.We'll know one way or another soon enough.It's just a shame to see a guy with all of that talent risk his whole career on something like this.
    My .02
  7. Soul_Brotha

    Soul_Brotha New Member

    The guy killed dogs not humans. The NFL is a million, if not billion dollar business. He WILL play again. This will not be the first or last time a athlete faces jail time and still plays in their sport.

    Mike Tyson,Heatly and others have done so. This ain't about no damn dog. It's just using a negro to set an example.

    Anyone remember NHL player Dany Heatly who use to play for ATL, but he know plays for Ottawa? He had some alcohol in him. Was doing like 150mph on a 40 street. Crashed his car and killed his fellow teammate and friend who was a passenger.

    The media did not hate on his white ass and he did not spend 1 DAY IN JAIL. Infact the media was saying how much of a "mistake" it was, and he shouldn't go to jail, and just start to get his life back together. He was in jail only the night it happened. People can keep using the dog excuse bullshit. Everyone knows what this is really about.

    chigirl just speaking out loud. Wasn't attacking you.
  8. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    No problem Soul I don't take it personal and here is my comment, not towards you but in general
    I am sick and tired of people defending one crime with another (he killed dogs not humans). What's wrong is wrong no matter how much people try to justify wrong with holding up another wrong.
    So to take this a step further "Oh so wait let's see, she only robbed the clerk, at least she didn't kill him" so what???

    I agree that the media is probably harder on Black Athletes, still, letting someone get off with something that is wrong because he is part of a minority would be wrong as well.
    You know I honestly think if he would have been honest from the get go people might actually forgive him, but he lied to all involved until his "friends" cornered him... hmmmmm I wonder how "genuine" that apology of his really is??? lol
  9. nobledruali

    nobledruali Well-Known Member

    Two wrongs don't make a right but people are going overboard with it as if he KILLED human beings! But oh that's right>>>THIS IS TRAINING FOR HIM TO NOW BECOME A SERIAL KILLER :axe: :!: :evil:
  10. WhiteSheDevil

    WhiteSheDevil New Member

    COMPLETELY AGREE!! My husband and I were discussing this theme the other day with someone who doesn't think this is racially tinted (WHICH IT IS). And yes he will play again if he doesn't spend an excessive amount of time in jail.
  11. Wedlock

    Wedlock New Member

    Sports.I Believe Mike Vick Is Done.

    I don't think Mike Vick pleading guilty is a racial issue. I think if I do something I'm responsible for my own actions.I don't know any quarterbacks who have come back after serving time and went on to play in the NFL.If anyone has another answer, please post.
    Again, I don't think relativizing an action makes it go away.Usually dogfighting isn't prosecuted like this at all, especially on a first offense.Does anyone else agree that the outcome could have been different if Mike Vick would have been more forthright from the beginning?
    There is no question that the justice system in the United States is racially biased.I'm still trying to figure out how that plays into a guy's decision to be a part of something that could potentially ruin his career, though. When the time comes I will either be right or wrong as to whether or not a team picks him up.It's the NFL's and the owner's call, ultimately.

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