This story, if it's true, both saddens and sickens me. I think he's done.Why would any team want someone like this on their team? If I'm Mr. Blank, I gotta break this guy off.I'm sorry, but what I see is a waste of talent for both he and his brother.It's a shame.
It is so sick and disgusting. You know if all of this is true... HOW can you not know what's going on in your own house?? So now the cousin is the scapegoat? I don't buy it. It's one thing to bet on sports, it's another to watch, breed and instigate dogs to fight and kill each other. I hope he will get x'd and I hope no other team picks him up. If however he continues to play here is what I'd like to see, if Vick puts another foot out on the field for the entire audience to boo him, whenever he carries the ball, whenever he has a touchdown (I don't even know what position he plays) he needs to hear the crowd boo him until they get it.
i'm with you an animal lover i'd like to put vick in a cage with a about we all bet that the lion wins...i feel sorry for the people who own this breed and raise them to be pet quality many cities have banned them because of bad animal is a product of it's environment...a pitbull can be a great brother has one and he is soooo sweet...vick knew he had 66 dogs on his property...if the NFL can't handle seeing janet jackson's boobs then you KNOW that he is OUT of the's a family sport and i doubt that this behavior will be tolerated...michael jordan blowing 100,000 on a golf game isn't by any stretch of the imagination the same as what vick is doing...i hope the animal rights people drag his name through the MUD...
Okay IF Vick is indeed guilty then let justice take it's course & prove it! Until such time then he should be considered innocent like anyone else! If he's convicted then he'll be done with the Falcons for sure & maybe even the league! We'll just have to wait & see! But on another note, alot of times it seems that people care more about the killing of animals than they do human beings almost to the point where you'll get more outrage if an animal is abused and/or killed than you will if a human being is killed, especially if that human being is maybe a poor and/or homeless person that nobody cares about :!: In my opinion that's not right at all :!: :x
:arrow: And just for the record, I think Pitbulls are ugly as hell :x & I would never own one either :!:
Sports.I Believe Michael Vick Is Done. :? Noble: I hope you don't think I fall into the camp of somebody who values a lower animal over the highest animal which is a human being, but brother c'mon.......deep down you know this kind of stuff is just sick. Yes, Vick should get a fair trial, but the court of public opinion isn't legally binding and we accept we could be wrong, but this case seems pretty well detailed. How are you gonna own the deed to a house,let your relatives stay there,where they "allegedly" are running a reigon wide dogfighting ring, and not know about it? Noble, you know if you have a house you're gonna know what's going on in it even if you don't live there.Cmon, brother, you know that's how you'd roll.......Plus the report said that there were at least 4 witnesses, and then the report goes waaaaaay into graphic details about how these dogs were treated. Anyway, we'll agree to disagree, but let me ask you something? Is that YOU and your LADY on your sig? Because if it is, the two of you look hot together........PIT Bulls are not very pretty, but they still deserve to be treated as humanely as they can be. Peace.
Re: Sports.I Believe Michael Vick Is Done. All those things you stated about Vick & public opinion I already know & am well aware of. I also know that the things he's being charged with are very, very serious and/or sick if true! But nowhere did I say that any animal even an ugly-ass Pitbull doesn't deserve or even have the right to be treated humanely now did I :?: :roll:
Re: Sports.I Believe Michael Vick Is Done. All those things you stated about Vick & public opinion I already know & am well aware of. I also know that the things he's being charged with are very, very serious and/or sick if true! But nowhere did I say that any animal even an ugly-ass Pitbull doesn't deserve or even have the right to be treated humanely now did I :?: :roll: PS>This should answer your last question:
Sports.I Believe Mike Vick Is Done. -Nobledruali. No, you didn't say that, Noble, my post to you was more to say that things don't look good for Vick.I never said you condoned hurting animals, brother. Anyway, that sig is tight, and now I know where it comes from.Thanks.
there was also an interview with emmitt smith where i think he really hit the nail on the head...the interview had smith commenting on becoming a professional athlete and what that sometimes means cutting loose longtime friends and associates that are involved in things that professional athletes just can't be involved in's about making a decision about leaving the past behind you...the scariest part about being involved in the killing and torturing of animals is that this is something that most serial killers do for kicks before they decide that human life is just as invaluable... this dog fighting would have still made the news but comes with a bigger impact when a BIG name is attached to it...there is just no way out for vick...this will be a very hard lesson for him...he will have some time to reflect when he goes to prison...
Here we go with the serial killer thing again when we devalue human life every day so much so that it's really no big deal! But if you abuse or harm an animal well then... :?
Interesting and sad article on Yahoo today
That is sad Chi. Very sad. If Vick had anything to do with the dog fighting, then that is wrong, but the author is right...he hasn't even been proven guilty of anything yet. :smt011
Also, i know this is probably going to ruffle a few feathers, but even if he is guilty, i don't think he should serve a whole lot of time in prison for it. Maybe about 2-6 months, a very large fine (in the millions) and community service such as having to give speeches around the country on the negatives to dog fighting and animal cruelty or something. He made a mistake, and he should be given the opportunity to redeem himself if this is true. His football career shouldn't end, but he should be given a fresh start somewhere else after all of this is over. A change of scenery might help. If he is truly sorry, then he'll make a change. I personally would rather see someone who changes their life/ways for the good, rather than someone in prison. And hey, that was my 1000th post! :mrgreen:
This post, from another website I frequent, sums up my feelings concerning this issue. Any human being should be disgusted over the thought of what alledgedly happened to the dogs. PETA knows how rabbits and foxes are electrocuted. How they are trapped and mutilated gnawing at their feet trying to get away. They haven't gone after any of the top furriers regarding this. They have their campaign but they haven't gone after any of them with this vengeance. If ANYONE knows why - pleeeeze inform a sistah. Really. A horse was just tortured for MONTHS. TORTURED, supposedly to BREED. That's behaviour of animal lovers???? Bullshyt. Cows are stun-gunned, aka, ELECTROCUTED. Alternative news showed decomposed bodies in New Orleans. Elderly people dead in wheelchairs. Libya is dealing with Euros who injected 400 children - HUMAN BEINGS - with h.i.v. I'm disturbed that people don't find these things more disturbing than what has not even been proven to happen to these dogs. Abu Ghraib is a FACT. Guantanamo Bay is a FACT. 41 shots is a FACT. How can we distance ourselves from these human atrocities but cling to a dog-loving ethos? Screw Vick as an individual. He's STUPID. But that doesn't make it okay to criminalize a behaviour depending on WHO does it. What the hell is up with populating a small area with quail and allowing their wholesale murder, for sport? Are bird lovers any less loving than dog lovers? It's there a PETA animal heirarchy? Can we take a moment to remember the "soldier" who raped an Iraqi child then killed her and her entire family! Is that more tolerable than accusations of dog torture?...Did I hear someone say "yeah, since it wasn't my daughter". :evil: