Hello, I am new here I have already made a couple of post I just wanted to officially introduce myself and state why I am here. I am a Black American Male, I was born in Louisville, KY and raised in the suburbs right outside of the metro area. It sounds simple but, I just date women that like me, for some reason that primarily means white women. They all say that they like my warm eyes, big smile, chocolate skin, intelligence and they way I treat them. Thats why I find it odd that people say I should be loyal to women that are of my ethnicity but, honestly how could I not be loyal to a woman that feels that way about me? It would make more sense to be loyal to white women. I want to state that I do not have anything against black women, I have dated black women but, I don't want someone who dates me just to stop me from dating white women (it has happened to me!). As much as I hear black women complain about not being able to find a good black man, I have never felt valued or respected by any of them and I am a very good Black Man. That is as much as I will say on the subject of black women. This is a website for and about relations between black men and white women! Having said that I am here solely to have positive interactions with white women. Although, I have yet to find that special ONE that will be my eternal love, wife, best friend and of course mother to my unborn children, I do have faith. My relationships with white women have been very good, because of my love for them, I appreciate their thoughts, feelings and views. Of course I am a man I would be deceitful to not admit to being very attracted to white women physically, I find many of you to be almost beyond sexy and beautiful. :smt058