Could it be they actually love America and have different ideologies on how to run it but truly believe in the work they're doing. Because face it presidents don't ultimate power corporations like Monsonto and Apple do.
Dude was abrassive as hell but from time to time dude dropped knowledge. I had no idea how people south of the border felt about blacks until he schooled me.
Monsanto (Bill Gate's 'baby') scares me more than Apple does. Really really scares me. When you manipulate to control the life-force created for humans to survive, you're really fucking with the human race. No health = no life, really. And thus at your mercy.
Again with your false rhetoric. The current incarnation of the GOP ONLY cares about the rich. Their wasteful programs like the war on drugs that lead to shit like the Rockefeller Drug laws are meant to oppress people. Same with the overspending on military projects. Dems may overspend on social programs but as a citizen I can see how that could potentially help me, it warrants my tax dollars where as billions spent on murdering Iraqi citizens doesn't. I agree that both sides are rich and don't have as much skin in the game as average citizens but only one side seems give a fuck about the people at all. They both cater to the rich, that goes without saying, but my God is it that tough to cater to them and at least TRY to get something for the American people in the process. Republicans would gladly hand over the keys to people who have shown us time and time again that profits matter more than people. Also back to your point about there being people on both sides who want what I want and again I have to strongly disagree. What I want is a moderate approach to government. Moderate Republicans have seem to go the way of the dodo. The fringe controls most of the major topics like controlling a woman's right to choose and who should be married. And like I've said before there's a reason why so many black people (educated or not) vote Democrat, we are well aware we are not welcomed by conservatives and never will be. I can never get the Republican conventions out of my head when Ron Paul was talking about healthcare and asking if we should be responsible for letting a 30 year old man die of cancer (I'm paraphrasing) and the crowd actually cheered at someone suggesting that we should just let him die. Bliss I'm sorry I don't see the same disregard for human life on the left. The problem is they may want to save everyone and we can't afford it but I'm part of the everyone and I do want there to be a social safety net for me in case my life takes a turn for the worst.
I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm a little person who struggles to pay my rent because EVERY thing comes down to I support my own ass. I have no when I get sick, like I am now...ALL of that comes out of my pocket. Medication..(you try to buy cipro out of pocket on 1000$ a month when your rent is 600$...go on..try)..lab tests that I forgo because I simply can't afford.. If I'm going to struggle this much to keep my house of cards life at least functional..I'd rather have someone in office who gives a shit about whether I make it or not because I DON'T qualify for additional help..but make less than what I need to live (this is not entirely my fault either..part of it comes from someone else who doesn't have business priorities straight) and if for some reason I fall flat on my face for a time..I'd like to think the person running the government of the country I live in might give enough of a fuck about people being self sustaining while balancing 10 different plates all going in different directions to know that sometimes if you give a hand up during a rough patch it's enough to get that person on their feet so the next AMERICAN who is struggling might benefit from that help. Romney is not that person and won't be if elected. I don't think Obama is exactly that person either. But if I have to take it up the ass because our politicians are wanks..I'll go with the one that provides lube, thanks.
At this day and age soical issues like the one below should not even be part of the political process Abortion Gays in Military Same sex Marriage Affirmative action Access to Birth control Don't vote for mormon Don't vote for Muslim Don't vote for blk guy Don't vote for woman etc...., These issues are waste of time, it is 2012 and not 1492. PPL should be progressive enough and let go of these shackles! Folks should be focusing on Economy Education Cutting spending Real Healthcare reform Real Immigration reform Military involvment Taxation Fruitless govt programs Energy But hey our politician like to outdebate and out campaign each other, by using terms Romnesia, "you didn't build that" and Craptacular phrase like that, like Bliss said the American Public is fucked while these fuckers will probably party together, have a good time and go to golf outing Wednesday Morning.
Dude you're right it SHOULD be what we are talking about but unfortunately there are ALOT of voters who make the other bs their priority. The undereducated have the rest of us at gun point because they are way bigger in number. The fact gay marriage is a topic is fucking dumb but there are a shit ton of Americans who act like their whole world would fall apart if they saw gay men getting married, and don't let me get started on voting for women and black guys. For a lot of people that's the first sign of the Apocolypse
You know what and the republican horse you just rode in on can both go get fucked. Not that it's any of your fucking business..but I work as an independent contractor. I'm not offered health benefits. And I don't get paid enough of what I'm owed to afford outside health bennies. Why? Because health care is a for profit. I work 44 hours + a week. Spare me your pull yourself up by your own bootstrap bullshit.
There are Federal and State Programs (that have been available yes even when Bush was in office -see they do care) that offer affordable FULL COVERAGE private healthcare with Major Insurance companies, IF you work but don't make enough. It's like $50-100 a month. Look into it.
Dude here we go. Its like conservatives really have absolutely no clue of what affects people outside of their tiny bubbles. Paniro if finding jobs were truly that easy you think there would be as many people out of work? Do you really believe it strictly boils down to laziness and not being motivated? Come on fam be a little more conscious of other people. You think Ali really said well I'll take the lowest paying job out there even though there are better ones or is it more feesible that one she has was the best she could get right now? You remind me of rich kids I went to school with "If you hate your 95 neon so much just ask your parents to buy you a new one" Holy shit why didn't I think of that. Just ask them
Do you have any clue what it takes to qualify for it and how long it takes to get it. I mean if it were truly THAT easy why is healthcare even a debatable topic in this country.
What part of I don't qualify for that is so hard for you to understand? I may qualify but I'd never make my payments. I'm suppose to make closer to 2 grand a month..which is more than enough for just me and then some. The programs you talk about count what you should make..not what you actually get paid. That's why I'm not on anything anymore..I had state insurance up until August and housing. But I was suppose to pay 625 in rent a month but was only getting paid about half of what that figure was based on. So if I have to pay full amount, I might as well get out of the thumb of the system and do it myself since I was doing it myself only with a lot more intrusiveness.
Doing what I do? Bra this ain't Texas. It's Hilo. There are two stores in all of the east side that specialize in my occupation. I have a job at one of them. I'd rather have some income rather than none income.
Oh God I gotta go back to simple math with you people. If there is only one job for every four applicants what happens to the other three people who can't find jobs? You think Americans are sending out hundreds of resumes to no avail because they're being or because there aren't any jobs? Come on fam you've shown you're capable of being reasonable lately don't go back to the fringe.
i know people around here..a good number..that are working multiple gigs for that money one full time and one part time..shit's off the chain jobs are out there indeed...but without the necessary training/schooling, ur chances are reduced healthcare as an industry is pretty good around here..all you gotta do is get some schooling i do rag on them sometimes tho....people working 2 jobs when other people don't even have one....of course they dont give a shit that they're making life unfair for someone else