Climate Change is the reason for the hurricanes. We should get together and develop a plan to tackle it.
I think it's a little late for that. They knew in the late 70s something needed to be done then. Climate Changed...
There is always a lot of destruction in natural weather disasters. In America when we get money we want to locate our homes near nature. Sometimes we tempt fate and put ourselves in danger. Every disaster they put a reporter out there to ask questions and say oh you were in a dangerous spot will you move somewhere else and the have the requisite person say "we will rebuild" learning. A lot of homes end up having to have insurance through the fed government because insurance companies won't take the risk.
Y'al East Coaster hope you and your loved one survived this craziness. BTW, I keep hearing this is the most expensive and very costly natural disaster to hit the US. Is it a lot more costly than katrina??? Iggy, your comment about Karma is way out of line. True, North east folks can be abrupt and rude especially NYers, but not all of them. Even if all of them are rude and pricks that does not mean they deserve super storm, c'mon fella have some heart and some common sense.
I hope everyone made it through the storm okay. For those of you who suffered damages, you're in my thoughts & prayers, and I hope everything is taken care of quickly.
And my girl's grandmother whose trapped on the 20th floor of her apt or my dad who had to sent home from the hospital because they need the beds for more severe patients. But we're all rude so we deserve it right.
I don't think it was as bad as people are making out to be but then again I am Floridian. You got to be hurricane tough to survive here.:smt037
Arch blow me. So sick of out of towners commenting on shit they dont know about. I wish I could drop two feet of snow on you and see how well you guys do. You fucking people I swear
Arch, it depends on where you're from, I suppose. A place that's used to hurricanes will stand up to them better than the places that usually don't get hit as bad. So yes, it was as bad as people are making it out to be, because of the impact it had. Maybe not what shows on the news... but from what you find out through posts from TDK, Esoterik Dreadz and others. The storm itself may not have been that bad, but not everyone is equipped to handle them.
He was talking about those who live in the NE coast, but his chatter served to be an attestment to his own character.
are you serious? snow against a hurricane? How many hurricanes have you gone through? That is something I would gladly trade for. You can go through worst recorded hurricane that graced the Atlantic.
edit: I thought it through! When you have a guy comparing 2 feet of snow to a hurricane, it clearly shows they don't know what a hurricane is like at its worse. so you may be right about this. I would have loved to be on the Internet talking about a hurricane when Wilma hit. Instead, we were out of power for months with only a radio. Honestly, I don't know what dark king went through. I wish I did!
I can't believe what I am reading in this you people not have any compassion? It doesn't matter where the hurricane hit, it hit and there were casualties along with millions of lives disrupted, as there have been where ever there is a disaster. No one deserves this, but it happened and as human beings, we should be reaching out not lashing out!
Repped baby girl. You're a class act. Apparently hurricanes are cool as long as Im the one suffering. Smdh
Jeezus, it looks like a bomb was dropped on Staten Island!! I never knew so many coastal communities in the NJ/NYC area were below sea level. In some ways this is going to equal the devastation of Hurricane Katrina. The population density of NYC makes it so much worse IMO. Now I'm just waiting for Sean Hannity to go on air and blame New Yorkers who lost their homes for either not evacuating sooner, or for purchasing homes so close to the ocean that everyone 'knew' were vulnerable to sea born storms. I really feel for those people who will be without electricity for at least a week or more, or who lost their homes to the storm and fires. If you don't have family who can take you in, you're basically homeless.:smt009