How would the media react if Michelle Obama was white? Hmmm.

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Tony Soprano, Aug 26, 2008.

  1. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    I’m sure that this topic has probably been talked about on this board in the past, but I don’t feel like searching for it. Now first off, this is in no way a sign of disrespect for Mrs. Obama, it’s just an observation. Anyways after hearing all of these political analysts and pundits nitpick about Michelle Obama over the past year, a lot of what has been said really has me thinking.

    They’ve tried to paint her as the typical “angry black woman”, “ghetto” and “unpatriotic”. So I really wonder how the mainstream media would act towards Barack Obama if Michelle were a white woman. My guess is that they would be a helluva lot more pissed of than they already are.

    Would they be more pissed-off at the white woman or the black man? Or would they be pissed at how hypocritical it would be for them to make up a story when there isn’t even anything there? They seem to criticize Michelle any chance they can get, so how would they treat her if she were white?
  2. playboy90210

    playboy90210 New Member

    I've thought about this too. I think the "is he black enough" questions would be multiplied tenfold. I think some people would be cool with it and cool with her (because she is white) and therefore it would make some of white america more "comfortable" with him.

    There of course would be some haters but they couldn't and wouldn't be very vocal since it would make them sound racist and against racial unity and interracial marriage. If anything, it would only HELP HIM politically, but it would hurt him (sadly) in the black community. Since he is half white, well spoken, and went to an Ivy League school, many poor blacks dont really see him as one of them (even though he spent much of his early political career before becoming a Senator in the south side of Chicago helping the underprivileged black community there).

    So having a white wife would have made it much worse for him in the black community. But in the political world it would probably help make white america and his haters more at ease with him.
  3. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Has anyone watched TV One's coverage of the Convention? No question it is better than BET.
  4. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    Hold up!!! Wait a minute?!! BET is still on the air?

    I'll be damned. :smt102
  5. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    Re: How would the media react if Michelle Obama was white? H


    If Michelle had white skin ,the media would either love her or hate her, just like anybody else...dont you think???

    but for whatever its worth,,,i actually read the first few pages of her thesis at princeton, and i honestly dont think the media is portraying her as an "angry" black woman, any more than a "dumb black woman"

    Her thesis had a racial inclination, and it read more like an emotionally infested personal diary entry scrambled together as a "thesis", than anything else

    She is obviosuly a totally race-obsessed person.Her and Obama are pretty much one in the same in racial terms, and im not surprised that they ended up at that African identity church.

    So its not that they are depicting her as an "angry black woman" because believe it or not....shes actually doing a very fine job at it all on her own.

    As for them calling her unpatriotic?....i think her saying that "for once i feel proud to be an american" (something along those lines) had a lot to do with it...
  6. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    Re: How would the media react if Michelle Obama was white? H

    Wow!!! Mr. O'Reilly, is that you? :roll:
  7. Sneakeedyck

    Sneakeedyck New Member

    Yea them come off to me as those blacks that use racism against blacks like the Farrakhans and Wrights. Obama is supposed to be black peoples candidate and he has connections with Tony Resko that was a slum lord and exploited poor blacks. thats how I know obama is full of .
    Promises they cant deliver if he wins its the biggest conjob in history.
  8. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    Karl Rove? Is that you? :roll:
  9. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Re: How would the media react if Michelle Obama was white? H

    When it comes to blacks in the U.S. you should learn to bite your tongue because you always sound jealous, uninformed, and conservatively biased. (Thats my nice way of saying (once again) you dont know what youre talking about.)

    First of all, Trinity Church (J. Wright's church) isnt an African church, but a black church...and happens to be a division of predominately white denomination. Second, how can a thesis in which she interviewed professors and analyzed the results of surveys which she sent out to princeton grads be compared to a "personal diary entry"?

    And of course her thesis would have a racial inclination, IT WAS ABOUT RACE!

    So because she was concerned about her alma mater's commitment to diversity and her fellow african american alums remaining connected or even developing a connection to the black community, that makes her race obsessed? (Yeah, she was a real militant...she worked as an administrator for a hospital.) Hell, in that case you can pin that label on almost every black american male on this board.

    Im pretty sure that almost every american BM on this board would agree with me when I say that we would much rather have a black woman part of the executive branch who has a genuine concern for blacks and the black community (Michelle Obama) than a black woman who purposefully maintains a cold and distant relationship with blacks (condi rice).
  10. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Re: How would the media react if Michelle Obama was white? H

    Obama buying a piece of land from Resko and paying market price isnt any type of "connection."

    A "connection" is a "constituent" giving a senator free, unreported rides on a private plane, free lodging at carribean vacation spots, sweet, insider, real estate deals, and over $350K in campaign funds in exchange for said senator getting federal banking regulators off his back...which the senator did.

    (BTW, the feds would still get the goods on the "constituent" leading to him being convicted of 73 different charges!)
  11. tonytony

    tonytony New Member

    it wouldnt help obama, because all the white racists who hate seeing black men with a white woman would really come out. And alot of black women certainly wouldnt be voting for him and I dont have to say why. So I think Michelle obama being black is alot more beneficial to obama as he can say he has a white mother and a black wife. This way in terms of race he wont be discriminated against than say a wesley snipes.

    Because as much as we hate to admit it, if you had a black man who looked like wesley snipes and had the exact same personality and message, I can assure you he would not be in the running at all.

    Having said that, if Obama had the exact same personality and message as George Bush or McCain its a safe bet he wouldnt be in the running either.
  12. csbean

    csbean New Member


    If Michelle Obama were white, Barack Obama would not have made it as far in his political career as he has, much less, be in the running to become president.

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