Hey gang, I have had some recent experiences that inspired some thought that I'd like to get some additional insight on.. I am a type that prefers written communication. The fact that I can convey an accurate thought in a controlled pace feels very comfortable to me. I've noticed women I converse with in writing comment on my use of words. (I am sensual when I write and come alive when using descriptions, metaphors, and imagery to tantilize) and how it physically affects them in their bodies. I imagine that words may been seen as invitations to for a woman to explore her personal subjective experience which is often filled with wonder, intrigue, and mystery. The very essence of the feminine.. I'd like to get some first hand insight from the ladies on the forum..how does the written word affect you personally. Can you read something and physically FEEL it in your body? All is appreciated
Must agree with the other ladies. If I get a written note, text or email from someone I care deeply for all he has to do is use the right words to make me feel things in numerous areas of my body. I love it. You are lucky if you have a way with written words. Use it.
GQ Brother, Swirlman, Blacktiger got the written word locked down pat....all arousing the ladies brains n shit, keyboard be all slippery after reading their posts lol.
I agree. My son came home from high school one day and said that his teacher told them romance novels are a woman's pornography. After I got over the thought "WHAT are they teaching my kid?" I thought about his comment and realized he was right. The written word often arouses a woman like a man is aroused by viewing porn.
I can't say I find romance novels at all arousing - they're the literary equivalent of cartoons, and so far from real sex and real love they're silly to me personally. But then I read little fiction anyway.
True, that. I don't read romance novels either although I did when I was alot younger. And the more risque ones had the intended effect on me.
agree with the other ladies who've posted; the written & spoken word can be powerful aphrodisiacs :smt002
I think all of us are affected of written words...you can even see it on here. People just write and aggressions,laughs or romantic feelings come up. Feelings are feelings, no matter, why they come and if they are negative or positive. Women I assume are just affected more, because we are better "detectives". We take more care of a persons bodylanguage, what is said, how it is said, is it loud or silent, did he/she look at me, when he has said this and that,...the whole personality is scanned... in real life. Most of the men are more focused than women, I've experienced. Personally I am like you and try to write and read accuratly, what the poster wanted to say. Many times I see that the posts are just overflown, what creats misunderstandings. To answer your question, yes, when I read written words, I see an imagination (emotionally), it feels like a connection to the "author* and this connection transports me feelings that affects me automatically
Yes, the written word can be amazing. But I'm not now and never have been interested in romance novels. LOL I tried reading one once and I couldn't bear it so I didn't just put it down, I threw it in the garbage (which is something I would never normally do to a book). I don't think I could say that words in a book effect me more than film though. Perhaps it's fairly even, but I get just as many flutters of the heart and shivers down the spine with film as I do with books.