How is your luck

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Complex, Sep 28, 2008.


Do you have more luck within your own complexion or outside?

Poll closed Oct 5, 2008.
  1. I have more luck within my complexion

    0 vote(s)
  2. I have more luck outside my complexion

    10 vote(s)
  3. It is pretty much 50/50

    6 vote(s)
  1. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member


    I really hope that isn't the case! :D
  2. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    I'm dead serious bookworm. One time in the DC area I was standing at the counter of a KFC and getting ready to order. These two black girls were working there and they were whispering to each other and glancing at me. They had smiles on their faces as if I was good-lookiing or something.

    I placed my order, which threw them, but they totally lost it when I asked for honey mustard dip for my chicken.

    They said to each other (head going side to side), "he said m-u-s-t-a-rrr-d!" (as opposed to m-u-s-t-u-d).
  3. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    :shock: Wow.
  4. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Wow, those girls fail so hard.
  5. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Honestly, you're an educated brotha and they're working at KFC, so I'm not surprised. If the black girls were on your socioeconomic level maybe the outcome would have been different.
  6. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    I don't think the whole "they aren't educated because they work at a KFC/wal mart/wherever else" really works like that.
  7. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    If they had a problem with the way the guy pronounced "mustard" they were obviously not on his level, so I guess it does work like that.
  8. shyandsweet

    shyandsweet New Member

    Damn it Karma-you love sushi and coffee-well I love my man-but if it ever doesn't work out----you would definately be my type!!!:p:smt007:smt039
  9. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    But does their job have anything to do with that?
  10. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Somebody's really sensitive.
  11. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

  12. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

  13. Poetic1

    Poetic1 New Member

    I thought I already replied....

    But I didn't so I will now and, at the same time I'd like to respond to a few of the responses here...

    --First, in answer to the question: a large part of the time, it is outside my race/complexion - and it has been that way through most of my adult life.

    --Some of the men here have alluded to the idea of BW not being attracted to them, after the initial "looks", because of manner or speech. That has been my experience through most of my life. Black women, in general, unless they are older and don't have to deal with me in the realm of some kind of extension beyond the platonic or working place types of relationships seem to have a problem with who I am. Why? Because who I am is incongruent with what they know of Black men, in general, and totally beyond the provinciality of their little niche in this world. Consequently, the number of Black women who have come through my life on an intimate level as opposed to strictly social is minimal at best. In a nutshell, if I had a dime (make that a dollar to cover inflation) for every time I heard "you talk white" or "you don't act black" I'd be one rich mutha. Mostly, I date WW and I do not find myself having to go through all that B.S.: or politics; or qualifying/justifying myself on my life/personality. Instead we seek common ground without having to go through politics and social studies to get there.

    --Bookworm: the gentleman was right when he said that those ladies working at KFC had everything to do with it. If they had a better demeanor (politeness and positive attitude - not to mention a sense of customer service); sense of the diversity of the world around them; possibly a higher self-awareness in theirselves and the world; and the ability to look beyond the cosmetics of sound and to open their minds to understand something different and embrace it rather than chastise or diss it then, maybe, just maybe they'd have the skills and wherewithal to be working somewhere more rewarding.

    --Bookworm and GeorgiaGirl: we (intelligent men) don't necessarily hang out in Barnes and Noble but you will find us at the planetarium, local museum, jazz fest, coffe shop (sometimes) or other places that are not necessarily along the erstwhile beaten track. We have our testosterone-driven venues but we also like those things that are esoteric, cultural and different. You just gotta look for will find us.

    Take Care

    Small disclaimer: This post is in no-way meant to demean, discount, belittle or direspect what anyone else has said here...this is just my slant on things and sometimes that slant is not the normand, sometimes, gets a bit steep. However, if you can wait long may not agree but you will get it...I hope!
  14. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    I really find it hard to say that I am one of those white women that attracts black men.

    I wouldn't say it because how the freak can a white women speak for an entire race of diverse people, it just seems way off the arrogant scale to me.

    I would say though, that it's maybe more than half of the people who approach me may be 'outside' my complexion, not necessarily bm though.

    ie it can be bm, latino men, arabic, carib, brazilian or cuban guys of mixed flavours. Sometimes the latino men approach me 'cos they think I am latina though, saying hi to me in spanish or portugese. I usually just say hi back, and say, "I'm not from ____, this is why my spanish is so bad" Seems if I leave my hair curly and have caught a summer tan people don't really know what to think.

    It is hard to make an accurate assesment though, because I prefer men of darker features so may make the subtlest difference in how I act around them.

    I do remember in high school though when in your mind everything is so hard and you are soooo concious- most girls just looked different to me- straight hair, light eyes. It was always the blue eyed, skinny blonde girls who got the love. With my curly dark hair and dark eyes etc I always felt self concious. Not now though.

    Guys with blonde hair and blue eyes often don't seem that keen, which is fine since although I like all races and types of men, I really have a preferene for dark hair.
  15. life5577

    life5577 New Member

    My Luck Lately

    So I have been out and about in the recent month involving myself in
    social functions, during these times I never seek out black men or any men for that fact and have been sitting back to see what is attracted to me.

    It is rather comical in a good way and have come to some conclusion about men and their attraction to me.

    White men seem to holla at men or at least approach me more.....
    although I have had a few mixed brothas try to get my number but me being skeptical about any man I dont get down like that.

    The number one comment from the brothas to me is...."The way you look you are not going to last long, someone is going to snag you"....

    From white boys....."you are a wild one arnt you, I like that"

    The number one type of men that approach me are older white men....for some reason they think I want a fuckin sugar daddie......barf!

    I am a grown ass women and dont need that crap....

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